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Everything posted by Nupremal

  1. I think in the new Pacific game did Hubert not say that Naval/Carrier attack would in fact now be upgradeable by tech?
  2. strange I don't have that problem, and my PC is probably not very different. Must be some other type of issue or incompatability - or is it Vista?
  3. I am thinking about 1 per 2 capital ships (Carriers, BBs) with supporting light cruisers (or even escort carriers) and destroyers for a unit. Seems to work out about right. Cruisers maybe 3 to 1 heavies plus associated lights and escorts. Not sure if the new idea will work - forgot that carriers also intercept each other. Seems reasonable though that means they are not entirely vulnerable especially when there is a whole task force of ships involved.
  4. I decided to try some experiments. I am setting Carriers to evade 50% damage on attack only - this means you spot and strike enemy first = big advantage. I am also allowing for some slight chance ships get hurt bombarding land targets to keep that under some control. (90% evasion for BB instead of 100 - then 80 for CA, 70 for DD and also 50 for carrier) Then I am slightly adjusting UK, Japanese and US Carrier stats. Will see how it plays.
  5. Yes I have been experimenting with scripts - so far have somehow managed to get stuff to work even though I find some of the scripts confusing. I think if that is the case I may add some new unit builds for France after they are liberated. Otherwise I have to use unit scripts. I have those in place for when Algeria, Morocco, Tunis, and Syria are liberated - be that following French surrender (75% likely if you do not form Vichy) or if you just make them surrender. I even added an option to try invading Dakar (as a decision event). That triggers 2 things though I am not verified on the first: 1 - increases Vichy activation towards Axis - It may be fixed, but before it was not triggering if #2 did not happen, even though it was not dependent on #2 but only on the decision event. I think it has to do with my "condition" for Vichy - I think I had that set wrong. I still have to re-test it though. 2 - an annexation event for Dakar and French West Africa (the entire continent is on my map) - gives you some extra FFR unit too that appears after success - though I set success at only 40% I am also planning on using strength events for russia and us - if axis declare war on russia (but NOT of russia joins on its own) they get a bonus strength reduction on all russian border units to reflect unpreparedness. This will be coupled with border requirements for russia (no units on border means that you de-activate wrt allies) same for USA - keep fleet at pearl or japanese activation goes up. Pearl Harbor event happens if/when the Japanese make a DOW. That is the plan anyway will have to see if it works. Can strength events eliminate units?
  6. What happens when a Major like France is liberated? Can they begin to build units again? Or does it have no effect, really.
  7. Interesting idea with double strikes for all land air units. I do find it odd that my interceptors can only intercept one of the strikes from bombers, and not the second! Does giving fighters 2 strikes allow for that?
  8. Oh on another note - has anyone fixed the desert tile graphics? There appear to be a whole bunch that fill the entire tile, but I think are meant not to. If you look at the frozen versions, they don't match - and I am not sure how they "synch" to each other.
  9. If I want to create some new terrain for the game, I presume I can play with the extra bitmaps of the sea and land tiles. My question is 2-fold: 1) If I wish to have a "Land + Sea" tile, how do I mod a tile so it becomes this type? I am thinking for the Pacific, Island chains may be useful as land + sea types, and the existing tiles are inadequate. 2) If I want to mod a land tile to have sea on various sides, how does it know not to allow movement across the sea sides of the tile (which is the case for land tiles - I tested it).
  10. Wow - Had no idea you could do that. Cool.
  11. Can someone explain what tranfer% and maximum% mean? This is how it is explained: The total amount of MPP available will be dependant upon the amount of MPP belonging to #COUNTRY_ID. Ok so this seems to be if I get 100 MPP that turn, and it is 20%, I send 20 MPP by convoy. After this, the #MAX_PERCENTAGE value caps the max amount transferable, while the #PERCENTAGE value is the current transfer amount. Huh? Caps it compared to what? Is this a cap on the total of all convoys? I don't get what this does.
  12. What happens to a minor when the parent nation surrenders? If it is active, does its parent switch to another ally - for example, the UK surrenders but Egypt is still allied, does Egypt become a US ally? What about if a country is not yet active and joins, does it go to the US? What determines if it goes say to US vs. USSR if both are active?
  13. Thanks - really should have figured that one out myself. In any case, it works.
  14. I have not been able to get the pictures to pop up on events - I created the bitmap using the template, added it to the bitmaps sub-folder, the event works, checked the names - referenced one for baltics as baltics.bmp - what am I missing? Does it go into a folder I am not aware of?
  15. They are worse than BBs vs shore targets, and BBs are a tad over strength there. My main concern is Naval. I will experiment - starting with +1 Naval Attack should help - again, if they attack they are using Naval Attack and the opponent uses Carrier Defense? Carrier vs Carrier also seems too defense oriented, should be the other way around, lower defense vs. Carrier not higher.
  16. Also - what do you think about making Carriers a bit stronger - say in Naval Attack and maybe Carrier Attack - and/or perhaps giving them 2x strike capacity since they can be hindered by weather and otherwise have a greater capability to strike with air wings. I could restrict it to US/Japanese Carriers.
  17. I thought of all of that. The reason for France being a major is that without Paris, the Allies won't have a capital on the continent to connect to. Now, when they liberate Paris, it will help them. Otherwise I would have dropped France. I don't really feel anyone should attack Switzerland so I kept it off-limits like in 3R. I also picked Philippines and Egypt because otherwise you cannot make a convoy.
  18. No it will be one continuous Map from 72 latitude to -56 (128) x 256 longitude - with some of them being compressed to 2 per. -10 to 80 is at 1 to 1, as is 100 to 150 (roughly). That means most of Atlantic, American, and Pacific are "squeezed" but everything else is 1 degree by 1 degree. Of course North gets stretched too much but it helps with say Europe, and very far North doesn't matter much.
  19. List of Minor Nations in Alphabetical Order: Australia & New Zealand Baltic States Belgium & Luxembourg Bulgaria Canada Communist China Denmark Dutch East Indies Egypt Finland Greece Hungary India Iran Iraq Ireland Italy Manchukuo Nationalist China Netherlands Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Rumania Saudi Arabia Siberia South Africa Spain Sweden Thailand Turkey Vichy Algeria Vichy France Vichy Indochina Vichy Syria Vichy Tunisia Yugoslavia
  20. Not a bad idea but too late for what I did - I think my solution is pretty nice. I may post it soon. The map is huge. Europe is about as big as the normal scenario - maybe slightly smaller - and the USA is connected but squeezed. Africa is gigantic as is Asia. Should be very nice I can't wait to finish it. I have not done Asia yet, and some of the stuff is still outlines. Europe is pretty much finished. I decided to mod the weather some as I think the weather in Europe is unduly harsh, and this way there won't be too much mud as there are plenty of good roads. That way I skipped most roads for Europe and will just add them in to the harsher areas of the map. Rails will be available throughout. I will be describing my Nations list soon.
  21. How have those units been set up by the way? Is that something I can mod? What was done in the scripting to restrict them or is that hard coded?
  22. Sami your graphics on that one seem a bit off - the Japanese HQ unit has like something around it - does it look better on the map somehow am I missing that?
  23. I kept US together because otherwise they won't get full production of units. Actually it is coming along well. Africa is ridiculously big but then again it is. TD units sound interesting used them instead of AT Guns? Would like to see some of the graphics I am not too good at making new stuff though I can cut and paste - using paint is annoying though it is so limited. Better programs are hard to learn though (and pricy). Using the PDE engine.
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