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Everything posted by Nupremal

  1. Thanks that is what I needed. Perfect. I just didn't want to "start from scratch" on the weather.
  2. I just could not find it in the manual - also the air value matters because a level 4 advanced air carrier would be 4 air attack - but that makes sense what you say. Reason I am asking is, since I need to use PDE for my world campaign, I want to boost the abilities of carriers, or at least Japanese and US carriers, as their naval attack cannot increase with tech. The BB has an advantage, but the BB can only attack if it is next to the carrier, which can attack at range. I am also considering giving carriers 2 strikes. Any ideas anyone has are welcome.
  3. Actually I just used Oasis as Jungle - then added them to mountains to create "Mountain Jungle"
  4. I saw the science doc - let me be more specific. A Carrier attacks a BB - what does it use, Naval Attack? Then what does the BB use? Naval Defense or Carrier Defense? Then what about the reverse. How about when a Fighter intercepts? Is it Carrier Attack vs Air Defense (Fighter attacking) and then Air Attack vs Carrier Defense (Carrier Attack)? Are there 2 calcs - attacker vs defender + defender vs attacker - simultaneous? I don't care about the other various factors - I just want to know what the "sequence" is - without any modifiers. I can account for those later.
  5. I am confused about when an Attack Value interacts with a defense value and have not seen any explanation. Examples - An Infantry attacks a tank - does this mean it uses Tank Attack vs. Soft Defense? Does the Tank fire back at Soft attack vs Tank Defense? What about the really confusing Carriers? How do Air, Carrier, and Naval Attack and Defense interact? I have no idea. Is it a single attack followed by a simultaneous defense? - or 2 actions - or is it 1 action, attack vs defense - I dont see how it can be 1 action or some stats would not apply. Is there some explanation I missed?
  6. How can I import weather data that already exists in other campaigns rather than create my own from scratch?
  7. Thanks - can I steal your jungle graphics? I used someone's interface already.
  8. IF I wanted to add a Free French unit to appear at some time and rather than make it a UK unit I made it French - even though France has surrendered (using the unit script) - does that work?
  9. Ohhh! That is what they do. Totally forgot - I have been re-reading various parts of manual to answer as many questions as I can but it is not alwats clear. Perfect solution. Heck - they need that even if say Moscow is surrounded or you could not build.
  10. I am having somewhat of a problem with the whole issue of connected cities, since it has to be the capital of a major, this puts for example the UK at an unreasonable disadvantage, since say India, AUS or SAF or even Canada (until the US joins) will be disconnected. However, can minor units be built in their HOME country if they are connected to their own capital? I have a feeling the answer is No, which means scripting is the only way - which is unfortunate. I also don't think this is something that can be modded, right?
  11. sounds good for the future. I actually think I can deal with fewer minors. Many are not important anyway and can just be added as part of other counrties anyway, like the various Commonwealth Nations can all be included w/UK and their values can be activated at certain times. I am considering not having Japan join until they actually got involved with more than China. Before that, not a lot changed in China (between 9/39 and 12/41) either way.
  12. Use the "operate" or "transfer" option by right-clicking the unit - same as moving a ground unit a long distance. It will cost MPPs though.
  13. Hubert - will it still be possible to edit more minors in using the editor, even if only 23 are used for the game itself?
  14. Oh good - I think I will use the new ones but I certainly don't need the field one. I used Bocage for northern france.
  15. No that is not true - the Pacific map looks big enough for that theatre - but you will have the same number of slots - they just don't use them all for the Pacific theatre. I can still use them for my mod: 6 Majors 38 Minors
  16. Just trying to figure out how to keep it down to 38 minors. There are plenty that are marginal though - like Iceland - that can just be annexed right away. I may test it anyway though because it could free up minors that are automatically annexed.
  17. With this script, do free units appear in the home nation or do they have to get moved there? So if you get the free unit for france - I presume the unit is in france still and has to figure out how to run away? I see how the other unit script works - very cool - I can use that for a hypothetical "Siberia" also
  18. Looking at the help files, I am still not sure of the answer. Easiest would be to have Siberia a nation - probably what I will do. However, since "Neutral" appears to be 7 - can I use that?
  19. Are you asking me? I will post it there at some point I am not sure I want to only very partially done. I also determined that Italy will have to be a minor instead of France. I need the Allies to have Paris so they can connect their cities since you can't make a connection by sea. Italy stays connected to Berlin so other than the fact that they won't have their own research and diplomacy, which is not a huge deal, and their units won't have their own symbols, it should not matter all that much. I will kind of miss their own symbols for units. Unless someone has some other solution they can think of. I will then make Italian upgrades like most of the minors cost +100% to keep them limited.
  20. Never mind on minors - hopefully it will stay at 38 - good enough
  21. Never mind the countries I messed something up I get it now - appears that it is set to 6 Major and 38 Minor slots
  22. I am obsessed with global campaigns - spent years making my own for PG II - played it but building took as much if not more time. Basically w/that all the strategic parts were handled outside of the game, and the battles were then zoomed into for PG II play custom made for components of each battle - that was more work. The map is gonna take a long time anyway... but good news is I was in error on Pacific it will still have 6 majors so this will be ported to that before it is finished.
  23. Yes! Thanks - how hard will it be to port from PDE to Pacific? I recall seeing that you export the data then import it into new editor, but are there things I should just leave alone because they will be changed? Also - what will the total number of minors be?
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