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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. Looking at the maps here: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/wordpress/wp-content/image/2008/games/combatmissioncampaign/stug-supply-screenshot.jpg and here: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/combat-mission-campaigns-aar-prokhorovka.pdf the campaign map seems pretty specific where the towns and the forests are on the tile, as well as roads, rivers and other features. I would think it would also be important to get the elevations right, you don't want to think you're defending a hill and wind up in a valley.
  2. The CMBB maps have to match the strategic map, or else what's the point? I don't see how that can be done with auto-generator.
  3. Issuing a patch for CMBB shouldn't be an issue, since I believe CMC comes with its own CMBB which is slightly different to accomodate CMC already. In fact it would be a good incentive for people to buy CMC if that was the only way to get CMBB working on Vista. Changing CMBB to work with the Nvidia DX10 drivers is probably non-trivial, plus the drivers might change again.
  4. CMSF is wonderful and all, and I'm really looking forward to the Normandy module (the infantry is so much better for one) but it still doesn't have a real campaign. That's why we badly need CMC.
  5. Some people can apparently play it with ATI DX10 cards and Vista but others are still having problems.
  6. It's a full operational level game, and you can autoresolve battles, or you can fight them yourself in CMBB. In other words, it adds an operational level to CMBB. I believe it'll come with its own copy of CMBB.
  7. But in this case all AI caution did was take the pressure off the player, if it kept charging it would make things a lot more difficult. If the AI is going to be dumb, it's better if it's at least aggressive, instead of just sitting around and letting the timer run out. Anyway, perhaps it's too much to read into a single incident, the AI did seem to be pretty intelligent in sneaking around the flank.
  8. Great AAR. Really shows what the operational level adds to the game. I wonder if the AI moving back across the river indicates the AI is kind of dumb though.
  9. I don't claim to be an expert on this, and may be someone already posted the link, I didn't notice, but here's an interesting rebuttal: http://www.battlefield.ru/content/view/208/108/lang,en/
  10. Area target on buildings is what I usually want to do, and the unit should normally know the building is there even if it doesn't see it yet. I never got that to work, but it seems it should at least for wego.
  11. On a related note, I don't seem to be able to target from a waypoint unless the target is visible from my current location. Is that how it's supposed to work?
  12. Why who cares? The new ATI cards are supposed to be at least as good as Nvidia, and if that would fix the problem, that's the way I'd go, but apparently it doesn't.
  13. According to the discussion in the CMAK tech support forum, CMBB doesn't work with any combination of DX10 cards and Vista. I specifically asked if ATI DX10 cards would work, and was told no.
  14. The operational area is several hundred square kilometers. The frontline should be able to move anywhere within that area, or else what's the point?
  15. Battle area can be up to 4 sq kilometers, and up to several battalions could be involved.
  16. Woot! How long are you going to torture us like this? Btw, please don't make me play the tutorial as the Germans!
  17. This is from the microsoft site: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/platform/server/PAE/PAEmem.mspx So 3 GB max per application if you use XP Pro and set the 3GB switch.
  18. Unless you have 64 bit XP, I don't think there's any way it can use all 4GB. It'll probably still run with it, but either 1 or 2 GB will never be used.
  19. Anyone know if you can use 3GB of memory with XP or just 2? I like my PC's to last at least 3 years without upgrades.
  20. Well, that sucks. Sounds like my new computer will have to be XP, I just hope it's still easy to get by then.
  21. Great, thanks for answering, that's the solution then. There's a new ATI card coming out too that's supposed to be quite competitive with Nvidia, hopefully it won't break anything.
  22. So if I buy an ATI card, will I be able to run CM with Vista?
  23. $20 is way too cheap for what the game should do for strategy gaming. What's the best tactical game ever (not counting CMSF)? CMBB. What's the only way at this point to take it to the next level, where it really should've been to start with? CMC.
  24. I love what you guys did with CMSF, but that doesn't mean CMBB is necessarily any less fun, especially for tank battles. Finally having a campaign for CMBB is beyond awesome.
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