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Everything posted by missinginreality

  1. A brief addendum to the topic - I just noticed that as soon as one gives any kind of movement order to a troop-carrying vehicle the vehicles Dismount button becomes unavailable, on any of the way points including the last waypoint.it seems like would be a good idea for WEGO IMHO to be able to allow troops to dismount mid-way thorugh a vehicles movement order?
  2. DT'ers Sorry I missed you all today, didn't get on till 11 my time and guess everyone had bugged out already. My ping was like, 1080 or something, so I wouldn't have been much help anyway. Hope it was a good melee. MiR
  3. Yes some industrial things would be good - someone mentioned a while back now of just having a few blank geometric objects like cuboids for containers etc that we could texture ourselves. And definitely wrecked/abandoned vehicles would be a good addition. And goats.
  4. I'm sure there's a grassy knoll around here somewhere....
  5. I concur, have had this in 1.08 myself too; yes, seems to have happened only once squads have been split. I do split teams often especially in MOUT I find it almost imperative, but sometimes their behaviour makes that difficult [swearing, spitting, slouching, that kind of thing] hahah, no, but really, split squads have gone wandering off retracing their steps which makes managing them difficult at best coz they seem to ignore any attempts to get them back on track until they're reached whatever far away destination they were inexorably heading for.
  6. Actually I just noticed something in the objectives screen; I'm making a small-action scenario and the aim is for Blue to take out all the RPG teams in the village. When assigning unit objectives I've written RPG1, RPG2 etc in the objective name. Thus, when the AAR screen comes up, mouse over the big Objective icon and the list of successfully or not completed objectives and their names i.e RPG1, RPG2 etc, is shown at the bottom of the screen with their status. I guess it's down to the designers to put this time in to actually label the objectives with something pertinent.
  7. Hey Mikkey [and I'll resist singing the whole song ], As far as I am aware units will only dismount once a vehicle has completed all is pre-plotted movement orders so the only way to get them to dismount on a specific waypoint is to make that the final waypoint of the vehicles movement order. This also answers the second part of your question if I understand correctly.
  8. Hi Rich, As far as I've noticed any move order given to units in a vehicle will only be carried out once the vehicle has completed its move, however, the PAUSE order for troops begins at the start of the WEGO round. Thus you can either follow what Darius said and estimate a pause, or just plan a movement order for the troops which will be executed once the vehicle has finished its movement. Note that when giving movement orders to units in vehicles the PATH will extrude from their current position, not from the final resting place of the vehicle.However the troops movement will begin from the vehicles final resting place. Not very clear really was it? Sorry
  9. Sgt, you'll need to make your own new folder in the CMSF/Data folder and call it "Z" then putthe mod files in there
  10. Choice, thanks for your very clear and swift reply Moon, much appreciated
  11. PT, You could give this a try: http://avicodec.duby.info/ the link is at the bottom of the page for 1.2b110 analyse the fraps file then grab the codec separately. Might work? Helped me out a couple of times EDIT - sorry, my bad, I just tried it and it comes up with an "unknown" codec for fraps files. Howevr, check out: http://www.virtualdub.org/ or http://www.tmpgenc.net/en/download.html for converters PS And if you're using Vista make sure you install Fraps as administrator. I've just tried it and opened fraps native avi's in WMM no problem. Also ensureyou have the frapsvid.dll in C:\Windows\System32
  12. I was wondering, where the rules state: "Recorded visual video content needs to be solely depicting gameplay action from the game" Does this preclude our adding post-fx, graphical overlays etc? Cheers in advance
  13. Well now some fun time was had in this mornings [morning here anyway] skirmishes. I dropped in a bit way through and it was oren + me vs Jung and bots either side clamouring for the city objective. I gave a few attempts at getting a cutter in their under Oren's request but just way too much offensive incoming to even get close and in the end Jung and his team had a bit of a windfall there. Forget what the next one was but me and Oren defending objective both scored 4500+m kills - man that was so good I gotta put that in bold: ME AND OREN BOTH GOT 4500+ RANGE KILLS Also showed up that Jung is a single-minded killer espcially with his Hurricane - dropped a couple of HE's slap bang ontop of me a few times. Least talked about Sea Cliffs CTF the better; as Jung pointed out it's way too big a map for edge-of-the-seat action plus we got stuck underwater for a while Nice day for a swim mind! Well the last objective map was a humdinger; having been practicing since my last escapade with 152 and the engineer squad I got em in the tower and captured first time nice and sweet. A bit of a bummer that we changed to attacker before we started though coz I'd already dropped a ring of 90mm turrets and sensor jammers which gave us an uphill slog to get into the objective. Much kudos to Jung for persisting with a damaged cutter creeping across to the objective in the final minutes to get control of facilities - nice one
  14. Oh sweet; if I don't work too late and can get up in time I'll endeavour to get there as well.Nice one
  15. Darn,sorry I missed it, sounded like an epic!
  16. Nice work mate; have been away in real-life busyness too but hope to see you Wednesday/Thursday
  17. Oh if only Mercury's were available! On that map one only gets 4 Appollo's, 2 Shrikes and 2 cutters, and have to capture and defend 3 facilities against hordes of cutters and Thors I can get 2 then keep getting swamped. Plus struggling with dense AI that either sits around doing nothing when told to do something or trundles off to the edge of the board running away! Well, will keep at it...
  18. Mate I'm bogged on the 3rd one! How do you deal with the swarms of bad guys dropping in on you?
  19. I do concur, just checked it here and "no server":( Oh well, might have had to miss tomorrows meet unfortunately too
  20. Yes good call 152.A few notes I came to while doing the quick PR throw up the other week: -definitely need a replay feature to get multiple views of same piece of action -or multiple people running fraps -be nice if it was commercial version to get rid of the watermark or we crop the movie down with letterboxing -possible to clone out the watermark but really that lacks a bit of integrity and prefer not to do that -takes a looong time to get it all together -good soundtrack important -good synching sound/video cuts important -pace changes keep interest -the strategy screen stuff is hard to make viewable/interesting but maybe we can present it a bit differently to acknowledge it's there and a real part of the action but viewable too -be nice if it's OK with BF to make some visual changes to the footage too, sexy it up a bit beyond what's on screen, some postfx, visuals etc. I got a bit bored watching the machinima stuff to be honest - 9 minutes of cg characters botting around doesn't make for hooking viewing for me; a good 60-120 secs of fast paced storyline/action beginning middle end stuff that makes me want to see th eoutcome is what's iportant for me. Kind of like the see-saw batt we had the other day - what a short that would've made - toasting the engineers, you taking out the sams, getting a cutter in, taking the two towers, getting pushed back, retaking, all good stuff and would've been worthy of a short in my mind. Anyway, just a few thoughts but definitely worth pursuing.
  21. Yea hope so too Jung, catch you Wednesday if poss
  22. Darn that must've been satisfying
  23. Cheers, think I got the buildings thing sorted now after much practice so next time that Ion tower is ours Oh and here's a neat ting, just found out troops can get into AI vehicles too.Neat. One thing bugs me with troops that even at pointblank sitting behind a Thor, 6 ATG failed to take it out
  24. Maaate, looking forward to it; will see you there again on Wednesday. Sunday night fight sounded awesome; might have to move just to fix the timezones
  25. Yep spot on there 152, I was getting impatient walking up the hill! Thought a little hop would be OK but, as I noted in last, squad jumped all over the place and went over the ridge. Next time I know to keep creeping Yes cheers for the offer, would be good to work a bit more with infantry coz they seem to be pretty useful at times, especially being able to hitch rides. Am practicing getting into and out of buildings at the mo coz that seems to be a bit hit and miss for me right now.
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