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Raptor 2101

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Everything posted by Raptor 2101

  1. yesterday i worked to muched so i had less time to spend on CM:SF (about a half hour) but well, first time getting direct "Air support" (not the crappi Helis ) was to interessting to let go... so i try this Campaign Mission. But there was no real enjoying to when the bombs rocks the 3 villages cause some several mistakes or missanderstod to the developers. i don't understod the sence of Recon Vehicles if the enemy is able to shot my troops at the entry point. if always force to push my whole troops in smale hideouts while dont using die spotting ability of the recon vehicles. in addition to that, a JTAC is embark in a ReconVehicle. The ReconVehicle is spotting some units but the JTAC dont get this Target information. they is still sitting in the Vehicle. Dont make sense to me, couse the Vehicle need 12 minutes to call an airstrikes, JTAC 6-8 minutes... so can anyone tell my how to use this reconvehicle in the right way without spoiling me the mission, pleas keep in generaly is there any chance to get a visual feedback to put a recon vehicle in a mole ore something else who only the optic is locking above ... some other problem, in the first round of the mission a airstrike takes 3 minutes to get in, after roud two it takes 6-8 minutes, did i miss something :confused: last but not least: Snipers. in this mission there are great points to place snipers an some sniper team get the incredible M82A1 (or A2 what is impliment?). So my tough was, place them on a overwatch position, let them thake a look and then, shot em all well it works fine until the point with the "shot em all". the targets was spread about 860meters up to 1500meters (something about 2400 until 4500 feet) and the snipers reject to open fire without give me a reason why... then i moved them down the hill closer to the targets, they open up the fire around 560 meters but then the whole team was firing... even thy guys with the M4 and they hit the target, that scares me a bit, couse the sniper never hit a shot... some 1:1 problem to the user ore something else
  2. i pase some Missions who was fought in night (or while sun rising or downing...) what makes me wonder was, that i see the NV-Google bag an the Hardpoint on the helmet, when i watch my soldiers but they didn't use them and there is no button to order them to do so ...
  3. make you an french friend, call some an time a meeting at 9:00 (AM) an have a nice morning works with italian as well but i cant remember that there was holidays here, i must work the whole weeke (less time to play CM:SF)
  4. common it's not fair to let us suvering on information starvation... five some detail information
  5. remove them completly, if you want to make screenshots from your well-running battle to "pose them around the world" its still frustrating to watch the "Pause" Text...
  6. in a way it has to do with C2, the unit rejects to receive orders, in a way a broken C2 line
  7. yesterday i run trough the whole mission. Nice save/load orgie. its not realy fair to place the entrypoint whitin the shot an spotrange of the enemy after a few trys i managed to ambush in the "right way". (i smoke em all ) whats botterd me was my pioneer squad, how the hell i'am able to order a "search for mines"-order. "Mark Mines" was disabled all the time ps: an well yes i won couse they gave up
  8. ehm we speaking about two different things. You says "not hard at all", i place the mission in connection to 1 and 3. Ok you say its all quite simple but even then mission two need some more "thinkabout" than the pure running trough in mission 3, specaly if you want to take minimum loses
  9. i'll think you mised the point. I don't mentioned that this mission is unsolvable ore extremly difficult. it dosn't matter to me how many wia's / kia'S someone get or not. what's this topic about is, that mission two doesn't fit in die difficult level wich is defined trough mission 1 and mission 3 wich ar quite simple.
  10. Yes, so far so unclear, so i must advanced on my on on LOA Steeler wich is at the north end on the map... well try again...
  11. i don't know if it comes from the theribly translation of paradox but i didn't get the orders in Mission 6 you start in the South of the map, should plce the FISt Team after you find and kill every spottigng team and than wait while the attack on object XYZ starts, or somthing like that. if i lock on the smal tac map, its lok like i should attack the object by myself. Then if i watch the Battlefield i haf ne new Phaseline in the middle of the map (any objective?) i dont know how far i should hunting enemy units and how many loses should i risk (the start ov the mission is heavy enough) i just end the mission an wath my "objectives" an, well seeing over 6 objectives who i difn't even know about leads me to end up the game for today... next try in 16 hours... so can someone who pase the mission, give me a clear order (not spoiling how i solve the mission) what i supposed to do. i hate it to guess what the developer should mentioned @BFC: if you have triggers like "unit x should disembark" give us a UI where to find this information...
  12. I passed the first 5 mission in Elite/Wego and i must put here my 2 cents First the missions variate from "goddamn hell, where i'am in" and still simple. in one mission, number not named to avoid spoiler, i sitting around an waiting for unit to enter the battlefield ... uheee how excitingly. ok what buttered me down is, which value brings me AirSupport which needs up to 8 minutes to arrive if the battlefield could pass from one side to another in 5 minutes? if its my "target" to hunt for enemy's i'am expect immidiate firesupport, less than 5minutes elsewhere it's uselessen and i must use Javs und Tows... thats what i do you mentioned it in the editormanual, give the player a clear few what he has to expect an whats coming. let the player run into a know fault, like "no Tanks in the target area" and then placing some..., only leads into a reload ... ok but if is come to an battle it get's funny. so nothing realy to worry about. whats irrate me is mission two. if you compare mission 4 and mission 2 there is a extremus gap between this both. in the whole m4 are less enemys placed as in the smale area arround one objective in m2. Furthermore ist quite simple to get into the town under cover. i managed it, to get in and clear the objective without one lose even with these "suprising elements". there is no matching with mission two. if you take a look from the first trainings-mission until mission 5, without mission two, there is a nice linear increasing difficulty. with every mission it gets harder and finaly in mission 4 you have to profe, what you train in the last trainingsmission, but under managable conditions. Mission two should be placed more behind this ones, couse there you need defently more skill to get through ore the MOUT-szenario should be extends around 3 more mission witch trains CloseCombat/HouseCombat a little bit more
  13. this becouse some email providers (hotmail for example) don't interprate the files as "octet-stream" and handle them as Char-Stream, and we all know there are a about 100 different Char-Standarts (ASCII, UTF8, UTF16...) so your file wil be convertet from 8-byte per "Char" to 2 byte, doesn't semed to be a problem but there ist a problem that some Characters have different codes in different Standarts. if you confert your file back (download them an save them)... so use filetypes who the mime type decleared to use OCtetStream and all works fine
  14. yes i used ProcessExplorer and FileExplorer to check if there is enything open... but nothing... thats whats surprise me...
  15. no i'am sorry that you get me wrong... i only want to tell, that i tried your top and it dosn't work "same ****" is therfore pointet on the securerom "bull****"
  16. cause they dont holding another building ... at the end is shown who eny unit is sitting and there ar only oposing forces in the bunkers at the entrance (and around this smal buildings) an one sitting hin the central building NorthEath of the Barracks an this doesn't show me why i get no points for destroying the HQ
  17. yes same **** again ... @Moon: i feared it... there support is in a way like a phata morgana, you think there is something but then... nothing
  18. ok Mission two is in all way strange but this time i think its to much look at this pic in the result screen, the syrians get points in order they holding the Barracks sems to me that the HQ is destroyed but i dont get points... my last question, its a semi dynamic CP i got a "light success" did i get another mission than the one who got a full success? [ August 11, 2007, 03:04 AM: Message edited by: Raptor 2101 ]
  19. i've you search an PREM opponent, here i'am if you search an realtime (TCP/IP) oppenonent i must deny...
  20. i disagree with that fact. i'am currently playing CP-Mission two an i have exactly that f****ing problem. it doesn't matter wich order i give to the squads (Hunt,move,fast,quick) they evertime climb to the roof... realy frustrating ...
  21. lett them come, i'am sitting here and waiting, my stryker battilion's right behind me should give enough "arguments" and if not, Leo2, Arbrams and (if realy needet) some F15 until F22 will add more "cut-trough" points in this discussion so come and get some ok now something realistic: i know after this post i'am out for some posters in this forum. We have enough WW2. this is the first realistic strategy game in the "present" an you will imidiate switch back to WW2? What the hell is so interesting in this szenario? it seems i miss this point^^ therefor my wishlist (important first): european forces (including meditearein, european szenarios), Airborne forces (para-forces, rangers, transport helicopters...), IDF, Russian Force and one's again, now common an shot me down, iam still waiting
  22. i run the "german" version of CM:SF an it is copy protectet. bull**** but ok. my problem is the CP doesnt work correctly. I start the game ones, all work fine, i start the game twice, an the game reject to start, restart my pc, all warks fine again... i allready post in the paradox-forum but they ok, i could have more effect if i talk to my hand... so my simple questen, wich is responsible for the CopyProtecten, wich one could i blame no, just kidding, wich on of the both companys can give me support
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