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Posts posted by purpheart23

  1. 5 minutes ago, Freyberg said:

    Hey please don't get offended - I'm not having a go at you :)


    I'm not offended. I'm just used to people white knighting anytime critique is leveled at the company, there's a pretty broad history on these forums of it some of it necessary for unruly posters some of it not.  I understand your concerns about the micro management and I'm definitely not advising for more features that need to be player handled necessarily. I'm looking for broader options, like the ones I stated in my earlier post and maybe a multiplayer browser added also. Y'know some QOL stuff. Does anybody really like opening ports for a game anymore, sure it's not difficult but come on, it's 2021. No offense, sorry I got a little defensive, I just assumed you were making it out like I speak for the community which I most certainly do not. I just know what I want.

  2. 1 hour ago, Freyberg said:

    In fairness, I don't believe some of you here speak for the whole community.

    I for one don't want the game to become fiddlier with unnecessary extra added detail; I don't want house-to-house combat to become more complicated (it is a slow enough process as it is); and I don't want extreme contact and command rules imposed.

    In short, I like that CM is a fun, realistic game - I don't want it to become a complex and tedious technical simulation.

    I'm sorry your standards are that low. The game has stagnated features wise and is far from a complete battlefield simulation. I never said I spoke for the community but since you quoted me I'm assuming that's what you're saying. Notice the emphatic and repetitious use of "I" in my posts. Then take note of all of the other wish list threads in all of the game forums here on the Battlefront forums and you'll see a trend of features that have been repeatedly asked for by the community.

  3. 2 hours ago, IanL said:

    Could be that items on our lists are not in keeping with the game's design (as decided by Steve not us), not appropriate for the CM time or battle scale or are not easy or possible with the current engine (which means we have to accept that and or wait for some long from now future new game). By all means keep contributing your ideas to these periodic and fun wish list scenarios but please spare us the sanctimony.

    Some examples:

    The request for command delays is something that Steve has put the kibosh on -  Interestingly he actually likes the idea but has yet to find a way to implement them that fits with the CM design decision that you play the roll, at various times, of every battle field commander.

    The request for fixing the area targeting of buildings - There are several threads linked in the FAQ but this explanation from Steve is, well all the words you need https://community.battlefront.com/topic/111851-its-got-to-go/page/2/#comment-1490888




    Wish list revision 1:  I wish they would improve their 15+ year old game engine to allow for the stuff the community wishes for.

    I understand the limitations as set forth by the devs, but this is a wish list thread, and if we don't ask for things they'll never know we want therm. I'd like Co play, which was actually mentioned in the original shock force manual a decade and a half ago. The engine was built to support it per the devs. It was nixed however somewhere along the way when they decided the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. So it's their product they can do what they wish with it, but that doesn't mean I don't get to critique it in a civil way and ask for features to be added no matter how dead the horse I'm beating is.

  4. 1 hour ago, Thewood1 said:

    2008 called and wants its wishlist back.

    Exactly, we keep getting reskinned and reorganized content but can't get features that have been wanted for what, closing in on 15 years?

    Edit: Before everybody goes crazy, I know new units have been added. I know the dev team is small. I also know that if this game wasn't so niche it would've died a long time ago. 

  5. Strategic Layer(dynamic campaigns), Co play, fire, repeat commands for IDF shortening response times, aircraft modeled when appropriate, improved pathfinding, command delays for the initial waypoint of a move with added waypoints just adding to the initial delay, fix the spotting issues specifically instances where you can see just under half of the face of a building but can't area target it due to it's action spot being unseen. That's it for now.

  6. 8 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

    The convoluted step by step installation process has been gone since the 4.0 Upgrade was released (and 3.0 with CMBN). If you ever need to install the game always use the 4.0 full game installers. They will install everything in a single download and installation right up to the latest patch.

    That's fair, the 11-12 years prior to that I kept all of the installers for every CM game that was available on hand in an external hard drive. If I ever had to reinstall the game for whatever reason I could, it wasn't fun but it was a workaround. With CM going to steam, where the vast majority of my games are played from, it's a simple two mouse clicks and the game is installed. Still much faster than going through the official website imo and a welcome addition.

  7. 6 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    What are the advantages of buying your games on Steam? I fear that the game will concentrate more on eye candy and less about realism. Seeing a drunk army on the march on GM got me disinterested. 

    Bypassing the convoluted patching and upgrading process is probably the most important advantage. As it stands we aren't moving past the archaic multiplayer system any time soon or getting alot of the features that were advertised even back in 2007 when CMSF dropped to a massively buggy launch mostly thanks to their publisher at the time. I digress and am hopeful for the future, things like fire, co play, a strategic layer are features I'd love to see and hopefully the MOD contract can make adding some of these a lot less painful both through a financial injection and perhaps the addition of some additional programmers and artists. Pipe dreams I suppose.

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