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Posts posted by purpheart23

  1. 29 minutes ago, dkchapuis said:

    I’m talking about multi player for more than 1 v 1.   Like 2v2 or 3v3. I think BFC called it multi multi player or co play. 

    I've been "grinding" this axe since about 2007. No plans according to Steve for any form of official co play in the cm 2 engine. Kinda aggravating since it was a feature during pre sale and actually made it into the officially released CMSF 1 manual. Hopefully in CM3


    6 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

    It was probably over 12 years ago now, but I recall after CMSF came out, I asked if the one to one representation of the pixeltruppen made one more psychologically adverse to taking casualties in the game. Steve was one of those who answered yes.

    Yeah CMBB, CMBO, CMAK were super easy to just run your three pixeltruppen at the enemy and just not care. The "medic" function goes a long way towards that as well particularly in CMSF where casualties produced for the enemy are a major point scorer and a hindrance not only in points but also momentum.

  3. 26 minutes ago, BeondTheGrave said:


    1) The 'acquire' command should become something like 'give/take.'  That would let you put away kit you accidentally grabbed or decided you dont need and dont want to risk. 


    +1 I can't tell you how many times I've fat fingered the wrong ammunition or wanted to put AT weapons back in a vehicle.

  4. 9 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

    You don't have do anything with your previous installation. The new download will Overwrite it.

    Yeah, I downloaded my previous installation to a separate directory, so between the beer and the enthusiasm I may have misspoke. My apologies to all current and former victims of said post.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Mastiff said:

    lol, my fingers are faster than a keyboard and brain.


    I have  question is this reinstalling CMRT? because this looks like the whole game again?



    It's the full game, just delete your other installation :), Happy gaming.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Vet 0369 said:

    A residence in Texas is having a blow-out party tonight😎

    O hel ya bruthur!


    3 minutes ago, Mastiff said:

    what are they blowing out? candles; life; a canon? 

    You misspelled cannon. :)

  7. 6 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:


    The original reason to keep downloading quiet was back in the old days we had a single FTP server.  IIRC it could take 100 concurrent downloads at a time, so there was a reason to keep things mum until the preorder folks had their first swipe out it.  Now, with a massive international cloud network behind us, there's not much technical reason for it.  Now it's mostly to make sure the preoder customers get bragging rights.  Which, truth be told, is important!


    As long as you say so, I'm still disappointed though, I mean c'mon. lol.

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