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Everything posted by Cantona66

  1. I need some help, i am creating a mod (1938 Calm before the storm, that i also have i PDE),and i want to get decision events to automatically decalre war (example: do you want to start Fall Weiss, answer yes and Poland is attacked by Germany), this worked fine in PDE but now i get Poland up to 100% mobilization but i need to manuallt declare war, why?
  2. Thanks now it works and Yes the date 1935 but i have compressed the pre war actions into 1938-1939.
  3. One good thing to have in the editor would be to when it is checking scripts to show all faulty ones right away, it takes a lot of time to correct one faulty script and then have to go through checking them all over again and again.
  4. I have some De scripts that does not work in my MOD, they simply does not pop up when they should, why? ; Germany remilitarizes Saar ; Historical date of event was 1935/01/13 { #NAME= Germany remilitarizes Saar (Historical) #POPUP= Fuhrerhauptquartier %N%NMein Fuhrer, shall we occupy Saarland, we do not expect and serious complaints from UK or France? #IMAGE= saarland.bmp #SOUND= teletype_1.wav, teletype_2.wav #FLAG= 0 #TYPE= 0 #AI= 0 #LEVEL= 0 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #COUNTRY_ID= 5 #TRIGGER= 100 #DISPLAY_ORDER= 1 ; Set decision value (first internally stored decision) #DECISION= 8 ; Set how many MPPs should be collected over X turns if player selects 'yes' (dummy values) #MPP_UPDOWN= -20 #MPP_TURNS= 1 #MPP_TEXT= Germany occupies Saar ; Set AI acceptance % (Axis AI will accept 90% of the time) #AI_RESPONSE= 90 #AI_RESPONSE_POPUP= Germany remilitarizes Saar #DATE= 1938/09/15 ;Set Friendly Position (Berlin) #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 100,27 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - Belgium neutral #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 12 [0] [0] [0] ; Dummy condition position (always satisfied) #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0] }
  5. You place the "Advanced Third Reich 1939.cgn" file and the "_Advanced Third Reich 1939"folder in the "campaigns" folder, then you are good to go!
  6. I also used to have this strange problem, but then i moved PDE (that was the game inquestion) from "Program" files to newly created "Games" and then it´s ok
  7. Thanks, and yes it is the weather Zones i am after
  8. Is it possible to import/copy weather from another game?
  9. Exactly how do you import a campaign from PDE to Global?
  10. Well, i do not have my birthday tomorrow but it sure feels like the night before birthday whne you where younger.
  11. It´s coming first week of march, see the link below http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90657&page=7
  12. I have had some thoughts about the combats in SC2, Would it not be good to increase the max strength on units to 20 (elite 15-20), and set the maximum on some units to 10 or 15 and the armies and bigger units to 20. This would allow smaller units to be added into the game. Then the combat data could have bigger width, today it´s difficult to create divisions and militias in the same game that has armies. If you do it like this then you can have divisions and militias in smaller theathres like East Africa, middle east and have the corps and armies in the bigger ones. Would it be difficult to open up Global conflict to max strength 20?
  13. We are getting close now! My guesstimate is release date tomorrow or friday!
  14. And no the PDE mods will only work with PDE, and in the adress i put up, you see it is page 2 in the PDE repository since it is only a certain number of mods at each side (10 a guess)
  15. Here is the exact adress to where the Media files are: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=16&orderby=2&page=2 And The Advanced Third reich is as for now only PDE, but as i understand, it will also come out as Global soon.
  16. Hello, yesterday when i updated my mod of Honch PDE Fall Weiss expanded mod, i happened to replace Honch original mod in the repository with my version, i´m not sure how that happened (sloppiness?), now i have switched back to Honch original, i did not understand that i could replace mod´s that i hade not uploaded. I am so sorry Honch, you are the MOD MASTER, and i will not put up any more mod´s from you, i will try to make my own mod´s instead. I am looking forward to your work on global. Again, sorry sorry sorry.
  17. V1.1 just uploaded, corrected some fauls reported. (Thanks LUDI1867) -Liverpool harbour should be ok to get convoys, i believe the problem where that to many axis surface raider supply script was directed towards Liverpool. -Fixed Denmark German land, should be able to move units there now -Fixed faulty activation script that caused US to be activated earlier without UK captured. -Changed some research -Removed some German units from the map -Changed strength on some German units And some more small changes.
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