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Everything posted by Cantona66

  1. I was changing the map in my mod and after i had increased the map size and was editing it the editor crashed and now i get this message when trying to open it: FAILED (handle_active_convoy_event_list) What to do? I tried to put in dummy event files that was empty but no luck. I have put in alot of work in my mod and are desperate.
  2. After Germany defeated France, Italian troops can not move in to France in my mod, Why? I have replaced Japan with Italy as Axis major. And France where at war with Germany but not Italy UK where at war with both Germany and Italy. Does this mean that Italian troops will never be able access French territory?
  3. Whe i get this message at end of my turn:: Defensive air cover protects Swedish - German convoys, is that a build in function? (as i believe), i get it in my mod.
  4. Is it possible to do a airlift over a neutral country? or a friendly not activated one?
  5. Can i use this if i want to for instance get a DE that if Cyprus belongs to Turkey, Germany will annex it (but not any units there). ; #CONDITION_POSITION= Map positions that will serve to trigger the event as well as distance and ; number of Axis/Allied unit ranges as specified by 'alignment' flag ; Format: x,y [min_range, max_range] [min_units, max_units] [alignment]
  6. Is it possible to get a decision event or pop up message activated when a land tile has a certain owner, like if the azores islands becomaes german, then an event is activated?
  7. As i understand the repository is unavailable now and will be up sometime week. Then my mod (with focus on Europe) will be there
  8. The link in the text down below just gets you to the community page, please change! IMPORTANT: Forum account passwords reset! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a security precaution, all current user passwords on our website have been reset. In order to log in to your forum account, please use the following link to generate a new randomly generated password and have it automatically sent to your maint site account email address. Click here. After logging in with your new password you can change your password to something more personalized using the User Control Panel. Unfortunately, it is a sad fact that a determined hacker may be able to decipher very simplistic/standardized passwords (examples: PASSWORD, 12345, USERNAME123, etc.) even though they are encrypted on our server. Therefore, WE STRONGLY ADVISE following these guidelines: 1. Do NOT reuse your old password in any form, even partially. 2. Do NOT make a simple variation of your username, for example sticking a number before or after it. 3. DO NOT use simplistic/common things like "PASSWORD" or "USER" or "1234" 4. Include a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. 5. Make the password distinctly unique from passwords you use elsewhere. Thanks for your support! Battlefront
  9. is this feature build into Global engine, so if you put a ship ringt next to a enemy harbour it will automaticly affect the supply?
  10. I do now get any merchant ship symbols in my MOD, do i need to do anything to get it?
  11. I will upload my 1938 Calm before the storm that has european thatre as focus, i am playtesting it now (hopefully before the weekend it will be done).
  12. Why does not UK enter the war against Italian East Africa? Italy is Axis but not mobilized, Germany is 100% mobilized, UK is 70%, IEA is 100% ; Event for UK becomming fully belligerent against Italian East Africa: { #NAME= UK Enters War Against Italian East Africa #POPUP= UK And Italian East Africa Are Are At War #IMAGE= #SOUND= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 1 #AI= 0 #LEVEL= 0 ; Set global variable condition to always trigger (dummy value) #GV= 1[1,100] ; Set link value to always trigger (dummy value) #LINK= 0[0] #TRIGGER= 100 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #BELLIGERENCE_ID= 60 #DATE= 1938/10/01 #FAILSAFE_DATE= 1939/01/01 ; 1st Line - UK politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered ; 2nd Line - Italian East Africa politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [70] [0] #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 60 [1] [100] [0] ; dummy belligerence condition #BELLIGERENCE_CONDITION= [0,0] ; dummy condition position #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,2 [0,0] [1,1] [0] [0] }
  13. Is it possible to move parts of a map sidewards, like South America, but not North america directly above?
  14. I understand the limit is 100, is it difficult to make it possible to have more than 100? In my mod i am close to 100.
  15. I am working on a mod: 1938 Calm before the storm, it starts in august 1938 and the focus is the european theater and africa, no world map, it have as today 96 desicion scripts, this mod is in the PDE reposiroty but now it will be a different map, but more or less the same scripts and units. I an playtesting it now.
  16. Yes, i used your map because i wanted a bigger map with focus on european theater included weather. And then i have remodeled the map and changed many things, you will see soon.
  17. Hello pzgndr, is it ok if i post a mod i made using your Third Reich as a base? It will hardly be recognizable, but it is there.
  18. Thanks, i have now tried this but i get this message in the editor: Invalid country ID and the event looks like this: ; Event for Poland becomming fully belligerent against Germany: { #NAME= Germany declares war on Poland #POPUP= Germany declares war on Poland #IMAGE= #SOUND= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 1 #AI= 0 #LEVEL= 0 ; Set global variable condition to always trigger (dummy value) #GV= 1[1,100] ; Set link value to always trigger (dummy value) #LINK= 49[1] #TRIGGER= 100 #COUNTRY_ID= 33 #BELLIGERENCE_ID= 5 #DATE= 1939/01/01 #FAILSAFE_DATE= 1939/01/01 ; 1st Line - Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0] ; dummy belligerence condition #BELLIGERENCE_CONDITION= [0,0] ; dummy condition position #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,2 [0,0] [1,1] [0] [0] }
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