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Everything posted by Cantona66

  1. Yes, i do not bieleve my has been uploaded yet, if nothing happens until mondy i will try again
  2. I am not sure why it has not turned up yet in the repository, maybe because it is a weekend?
  3. I do not know why it have not have turned up yet, maybe because it is weekend. i have uploaded it (and also the 1939 Fall weiss mod)
  4. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.4 ----------------------- Changes in v3.4 Added fort to Karlskrona in Sweden Added name to Luleå town in Sweden Changed Luleå and Gothenburg to cities Added 2 more capitals to Sweden Lowered strike range to 1 for German AA Lowered Militia production delay from 4 to 2 months Changed a few dates in unit scripts Changed a few weather tiles Corrected road in Germany Two strikes for artillery Adjusted UK reserach limit to 3600MPP and added one more chit for Advanced Aircraft Removed two strikes for attack bombers Added one decision script for Germany to plan Reichskommiseriat Ostland Renamed German division in unit script Changed tiles at Crimea and added mountains there Fixed name of one media link Removed double unit script for Italy HQ in Africa Added decision scripts and linked territory scripts USSR and Baltic events 1939 Added town of Ignalina for Lithuania Added town of Ventspils for Latvia Added town of Rovaniemi for Finland Increased build limits for Italian North Africa with one cruiser and one destroyer Added one level Naval Warfare for Italy Added some more islands for Greece Added surrender_1 script for Italy to get some Greek islands Added unit script for Swedish Finland volunteers Increased build limits for Uk with one more BB and one more carrier Increased build limits for Italy with one more BB Increased build limits for Greece with one more BB Added and removed names of naval units Minor changes of tiles and terrain Changed Reichskommiseriat Ostland and Ukraine so that they are surrendered at the beginning of the game and can be awakaned by the germans.
  5. Hello, i have just uploaded my new MOD with focus on European Theater of ww2. It´s bigger than my 1938 Calm before the storm but many scripts are the same. In this scenario i have no armies, just corps and divisions. It is for human or Allied AI. You can also use the same media files. Enjoy!
  6. Hmm, France is surrendering and it is split up according to the scripts but no MPPs at all to Germany, strange.
  7. now it works after some testing and you are right Al, about the order of events
  8. I have beed working on a division/corps mod for ww2, quite like my 1938 calm ... but with bigger map. Since i then have many units i have put in Surrender_2 script for France to 30% surrender if Paris is occupied (Othervise France will take long time to surrender). But when that script kicks in and France surrenders the decision script for vichy does not pop up. Why?
  9. is it possible to activate a surrendered country?
  10. Is there any way to get decision events to always be answered yes (or no) for human players? (to get MPP reductions)
  11. By the way, creating new countries using surrender scripts works fine, but in this case USSR has not surrendered.
  12. Is it possible to form and activate a new country in a game? I have been trying to get Ukriane to be created using territory scripts. When Germany advances into Russia one decision script pop up, but the capital is not possible to have in Russia, so i have put one tile with capital in the arctic sea and the territory script activates the rest of the country. I want to know it there is a way to do it correct?
  13. Hello, one quick upgrade to 3.3, since i discovered one big fault. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.3 ----------------------- Changes in v3.3 Fixed faulty links for two italian unit scripts Added german unit sciript for luftflotte 5 in Norway Moved Egypt capital to Cairo and also changed matching surrender_1 script Added roads Changed map of Norway Added partisan script Changed partisan script Changed strength script Changed range of paratroopers and airplanes Changed combat target data for German Anti air (1 strike, 1 anti tank and 1 soft attack), remember the 88´s Increased German build limits for AA with one more Fixed faulty country Id in unit and surrender_1 scripts for Italian Social Republic
  14. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.2 ----------------------- Changes in v3.2 Fixed faulty link in decision script Added three decision scripts and matching unit, war entry and strength scripts related to Fall Weiss Changed a few report bitmaps Removed 1 double decision and changed the remaining one for Molotov-Ribbentrop pact Fixed faulty mobilization_3 script (wrong country) Added some decison scripts for Reichskommiseriat Ostland and other matching scripts Added militia unit scripts for Germany Fixed spelling in decision scripts Changed map for Denmark Changed localization for Free Portugal to become Reichskommiseriat Ostland Fixed faulty Mobilization_3 script Added 1 artillery to France build limits and to the production queue Changed trigger for strength script Polish partisans Changed size of Croatia in Surrender_1 script Changed Tactical bombers to two strikes Added 1 chit for UK amphibious warfare Increased cost to create Reichskommiseriat Ukraine Changed Ethiopias major from US to UK
  15. Helo sorry for late answer but i have been on the road. The folders needs to be installed, especially the scripts and interface.
  16. Hello, in my mod 1938 calm ... i have seen a fault that prevents troops from Italian East Africa to move in their own teirritory because of that it says that it is occupied by USA (USA is not at war yet, mobilization 64%). I believe this happened because of Italy defeated Ethiopia and annexed it into Italian East Africa but one free ethiopian unit survived and where it moves the Italian units can not move. Ethiopia has USA as Allied major. Any way to solve this?
  17. Does the Sc games work with widescreen monitors?
  18. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.1 ----------------------- Changes in v3.1 Changed variable condition in decision script for German USSR non-agression pact Changed victory conditions Fixed some faulty Mobilization_1 scripts Changed Vichy France Surrender_2 script Changed trigger in Mobilization_2 script for Iraq to lean to Axis Added Mobilization_2 script for Vichy France to join Allies Added Mobilization_3 script for German USSR non-agression pact Fixed strength script Fixed spelling in strength script Added link between decision scripts for USSR-German non aggression pact and splitting Poland Added Mobilization_3 script for German USSR non-agression pact Changed type of one strength script Added strength script for Polish partisans Changed dates in some Variant unit scripts Changed name in UK & German unit scripts Added picture links to UK & French unit scripts Added text to UK unit script Increased strength and experience of German unit script for panzer division Changed failsafe date on US selective service unit script Changed country from Germany to Ukraine for unit script Vlasov Changed Canadian unit script from 3 divisions to 1 division, 1 corps and 1 army Added variable condition and changed trigger in unit script for Free Greek and Polish forces to form Crete garrison Added minor city of Cagliari Added Italian territorial militia unit scripts Added strength script for Operation Weserubung Added three strength scripts for Baltic partisans Increased cost to create Reichskommiseriat Ukraine Changed variable conditions in decision scripts for dividing Poland Changed variable conditions in decision scripts for unconditional submarine war Changed text in decision script for Fall Gelb Changed variable condition in pop-up script Changed type on some pop-up scripts Added war entry script for Denmark Changed variable conditions for some fleet scripts Fixed faulty research scripts for USA and USSR Fixed one faulty diplomacy script for USSR Added media links to UK partisan script Removed 1 map position in UK partisan script Added three decisiuon scripts and matching strength and supply script for Amerika rakete Added decision script and matching unit scripts for volksturm Removed 1 pop-up script Changed date on pop-up script for Copenhagen to fall Added two decision scripts for Fall Weserubung and matching war entry and strength scripts Increased defense bonus values for fortifications and fortresses Lowered cost in Brandenburgers decision script Increased strength on one german strategic bomber Added decision script and matching unit and mobilization_3 script and also removed one pop-up script for German polish non-aggression pact Added 2 more map positions to hold to activate Ukraine reichskommiseriat decision Added decision script and changed surrender_1 scripts for Axis to split Yugoslavia after surrender Fixed falty Canadian unit script Added decison script and matching unit script for Candian draft Changed Vichy French free unit scripts Increased strength on German bomber in production queue Changed name on Italian unit script to garrison Albania to Zara division Added 2 mines to Sweden Added 1 pop-up and mobilization_2 script for Germany to garrison Siegfried line Added 4 USSR unit scripts Added decision script to plan Reichskommisariat Ukraine Added deciusion scripts and matching territory scripts and unit scripts for the baltic countries to become Axis puppet states after liberation and then for USSR to reintegrate them again Added 6 mobilization_3 scripts for the baltic countries Increased German research maximum to 4050 and added 1 chit at AA Made Estionia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Italian Social Republic and Finland upgradeable Changed some Ukraine and baltic unit scripts to full research Changed one German unit script from corps to division and also the date. Added Mobilization_3 scripts for the Baltic countries to following their neighbours if they are Axis Changed dates on some garrison scripts Fixed faulty war entry script Increased strength on German units (1 army and 2 divisons) in production queue Changed some strength scripts Many changes in decision scripts Small changes in unit scripts Added 6 pictures Small changes in some convoy scripts Added decision script and matching unit script for Graf zeppelin to be ready earlier Removed German ships Gneisenau, Scharnhorst, Admiral Hipper and Blucher, they will appear as scripts instead Switched pop-up to Mobilization_3 script for Turkey and Germany to sign non-aggression pact 1941 Added more decision scripts for Fall Schweden and matching pop-up, war entry, unit and strength scripts Added more decision scripts for Unternehmen Isabella and matching pop-up, war entry, unit and strength scripts Incerased strength on some ships Added some ships to UK production queue Added 2 Italian unit scripts linked to one existing decison scripts Switched Italina HQ in Italy Increased strength on some Italian units Added 2 more decision scripts for surface ships or u boats inlcuding matching unit scripts Fixed faulty link between decision scripts and unit scipts Added surrender_2 script for Ukraine
  19. Exactly how do i import weatter zone, i seem to have forgotten it
  20. hmm, i finally was able to make a map and get it into the editor but it i s182x50 tiles and that is not how the bitmap looks before importing. the map.txt says 182x50. the bitmap is more like 100x60 maybe
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