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Everything posted by Cantona66

  1. Hi have updated my 1939 Fall weiss big map to start 1941 also.
  2. I have updated my 1939 Fall Weiss big map to start 1940 also.
  3. Global conflict: 1939 Fall Weiss big map v1.2 ----------------------- Changes in v1.2 Changed Mobilization_2 script Added Surrender_2 script for Lebanon to be occupied by Allies Changed trigger and Mobilization percentage for Baltic countries in some Mobilization_3 scripts Added partisan scripts for Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Persia, Algeria, Morroco and Tunisia Changed decision script for Italian MPP reduction from 100 to 150MPP per turn Small tile changes Added lake Liman Added cities Ryazan, Yaroslav, Asyut, Tichvin and Volchov Moved Gorkij Added some rail and road Small text changes Small terrain changes Changed some strength scripts Lowered strength on some USSR troops Increased USSR build limits for HQ´s to 15, UK and USA to 8 Lowered strength on one UK unit script Fixed some faults in German atomic bomb decision scripts
  4. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.6 ----------------------- Changes in v3.6 Changed trigger and Mobilization percentage for Baltic countries in some Mobilization_3 scripts Added partisan scripts for Syria, Iraq, Persia, Algeria, Morroco and Tunisia Added city Casablanca Fixed some faults in German atomic bomb decision scripts
  5. Ignore my last comment, i found out the answer.
  6. Now i have done this but it is still not possible to place Italian soldiers in Greece and i am talking about doing this in the editor, not the game itself. And it is not possible to place Rommel in italian controlled Libya either.
  7. Hmm, yes they are 100% mobilized, but Italy is not at war with UK, it happens at end of first turn in the mod, but how do i get them to be at war right away so i can place troops as i like in the editor.
  8. Is it possible to when creating a MOD, placing out for example Italian soldiers in german occupied Greece? And German soldiers in Italian minor countries (that are mobilized)?
  9. Yes, France is strong, but they where strong 1939 IRL also. My advice is to always guard and look after the Siegfried line and directly when the game starts prepare Norway invasion by shipping units north along the coast and at the same time attack Trondheim, Olso and Bergen and maybe also Narvik to prevent Allies to occupy it.
  10. Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.5 ----------------------- Changes in v3.5 Added text Added Spanish militia to Tangier Changes to terrain, rail and road Some changes of tiles in North Africa Added fort Mechili, Capuzzo and towna Sidi Barrini, Jalta and Sotji Moved some units Added engineers to build limits for Sweden, Spain and Yugoslavia Lowered strength on Bulgarian fighter Lowered research progression per chit down to 1% at level 2 Changed German anti tank max level to 5 Addewd names of ships Moved Italian battlehsip Littorio from map to production que Added Italian attack bomber, one cruiser, one submarine and one divison to the map Added one UK battleship, one cruiser and one destroyer to the map Addec port Åbo and Tripoli (in Syria) Added unit script, Italian sub flotilla BETASOM Added Swedish guns Changed flag to 1 and lowered trigger to 50 for Italian Greek war in war entry script Removed pop-up script for channel islands Added german unit script for division moved to Romania Small changes to Polish forces (strength, name and position) Added fleet script for US to patrol Denmark Strait Fixed one war entry script Changed flag settings and trigger on a few war entry scripts Added name Jachymov to Checz uranium mine
  11. Global conflict: 1939 Fall Weiss big map v1.1 ----------------------- Changes in v1.1 Changed ownership of one tile from Ethiopia to Italian East Africa Added german unit script for division moved to Romania Added fleet script for US to patrol Denmark Strait Small changes in unit scripts Changed tile between Italy mainland and Sicily to make it passable for ships Added German unit script for Greek security battalions Added one German unit script for Op Barbarossa Added positions in Baltic partisan strength script and Op Barbarossa strength script Added German strategic bomber to production queue 1941 Added Italian attackbomber to the map Changed some movement costs Added some mountain passes Small terrain changes Small unit placement changes Lowered unit costs Added many cities and ports Fixed roads Added rivers Changed Suez tile to make it passable for ships Changed tiles so Sea of Azov is rechable for ships from Black Sea Added country Transjordan and Lebanon Added partisan scripts for Arab partisans Added unit script for USSR Changed weather at a few tiles Added/changed numerous German Waffen SS unit scripts Added German decision script and linked partisan script for Transjordan Added some lakes Changed flag settings and some triggers on war entry scripts Incaresed German build limits for AT with 1 unit Added 17 and 18th Waffen SS Panzergrenadier to build limit and production queue Added one German tank to production queue Chnaged different things in reserach, lowering the percentage for 2 chis and made it possible to put in 3 chis at one area
  12. On creating new scenarios, i begin with the map, then the countries, terrain, resources, rivers etc. And then the countries build limits (and units names) and combat target data, cost etc. finally the scripts, they are the most time consuming.
  13. I may do a 1941 start, i have not decided yet, i still enjoy this one.
  14. Huhr, in v1.1 i will lower the unit price a bit
  15. Huhr, yes the little red circkles is for garriosn poland after defeat CSS, there are really no Axis AI (obnly few scripts), only Allied AI
  16. Hello CSS, i have playtested it very little, so please give me feedback about balancing!
  17. Hmm, i have no idea what it means, i have not had any similar problems, Hubert can you help?
  18. Is it possible to in future releases letting the editor updating/checking scripts in the backgruond and using the computer for other purposes? In big campaigns this process take 15min for me.
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