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Everything posted by Piecekeeper

  1. So....whats the differences and alikes? Protection, Communication, armament, speed, load etc?
  2. 2 gig ram, 2*p4, geforce 8600 GT.....what settings should i be able to use?
  3. So is it still scheduled for release in september? Any date yet? Will it be released faster after its gone gold compare to retail games?
  4. Well something is still wrong....now i cant get past mission 8 in the campaign....the loading screen freeze. Happened twice now.
  5. Thank you very much for the respond! But i think ive solved it know. Laborated a little and now it works.
  6. I know this have been discussed before. Sorry. Get this problem when i try to load a map. Started after i installed a TV to the other port on my graphic card. Ive got a system that is more than enough. Help please? Ive tried to turn off all other programs in the background.
  7. Ive just discovered that you can combine certain commands by clicking on the waypoints and choose for example "target arc" for each waypoint. Im embarrased after this discovery after a year or so. I dont think its too obvious in the manual though...or is it? (Sorry....can someone move this post)
  8. Will there be any graphic updates in the next patch/module? Still having problems with lag even though i have a good system. Is this till being looked at?
  9. Interesting. Did not have that in the Swedish BMP-1 (strbdv 501).
  10. So...will the AT-4 CS version maybe come with the module? (Hitting bmp in the back will make it burn, because the fuel is in the backdoors )
  11. Its just my feeling. Its only useful sometimes in short distance against light armored vehicles. Ive tried this one when i was in the Swedish army and i think it was also effective in long distances and against medium armored vehicles.
  12. Ok, i`ve ordered it now. But I really think its too expensive for western europe. I would think 5-10$ off would be a good price. I hope this will not scare too many western-europe people not to buy it. Looking very much forward to it!
  13. I really don´t like this discussion. Children are dying right this moment. Give these a thought instead.
  14. Will you be able to buy it in store?
  15. Thanks. The spelling was sidwinder for some reason
  16. How do you do when your approachin the top of a height when you know there is an enemy on the other side? Ive always become suppressed. Do you run to the top and lay down...or do you crawl the last metres to the top....area fire? split teams?....whats the best way to do this?
  17. Just wanna fight with the humvees. Is there a battle with no more vehicles than humvees in it or can you somehow create this in quick battle. Maybe a mod somewhere?
  18. This game looks great and i will buy...hope there will be better support this time though
  19. Could someone tell me when this module will be out...approx? Summer? this year? couple of months? next year?
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