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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. It looks like you are making some good defensive moves Ken. One thought that came to me as I watched all piat rounds miss was the probability percent that used to appear by the cursor in Cmx1. For those shots I wonder if it were to show 25% hit or less. Any of you guys remember that feature from CMx1? What is the effective range for hits, and damage for the piat especially against the panther? I’m just experiencing British weapons now in CMx2 since I got CMFI about a month ago. I never did get CW for CMBN. Not enough time to play it all.

    I liked the thought of moving the team in the house to the other side of the building to minimize incoming damage from “Zephyr”. I shall have to remember to try that one.

  2. Sure. And immediately after that he thought to himself "Hmm, 4 terrain objectives. One on Ken's side of the map, 3 on mine. MUHAHAHAH!"

    Yes, I didn't like the objectives set up on this map for a ME battle. The town was placed good, but there needs to be intersections on Ken's side for Bil to capture, and Ken to defend for balance. I mentioned this here, and in the other thread from the start. My understanding is that Bil should not occupy any on his side with the fight being for the town to push on with the game. If that is the case then I think things are fine for the objectives. I would not of approved of this map if it were me unless the fight was to be for the center town only.

    Ken, did you have a map preview before beginning?

  3. I am glad the mod has been helpful. I know it is a bit hard to find at the repository at the moment. When I re-uploaded to add the alternates that didn’t make it into the default arrow options the title got messed up somehow from “Vin arrow bases” to just “Vin”. I’m not sure what went wrong. It is easier to find at Gaj’s site as the proper title was maintained when re-uploading there. I suppose to make sure the title is fixed in the repository I shall have to delete it all together, and re-upload once again.


  4. There is no explanation necessary Bil about your routes. The whole anti edge argument is irrational as there will always be an edge. It is a unique part of the game that will never go away no different than the ropes of a boxing ring. I say again to those who can’t understand real life is real life. No game can ever be a complete substitute. Adapt to the unique game-fighting environment as it will never adapt to you. When Panther tanks can be upgraded to fly if enough tiberium is collected then I agree we have achieved “gamey”.

    Believe me Bil there hasn’t been a lot of complaining on this in the other thread beyond the petty. Most of it has been friendly ball busting because the models are actually hanging over the edge in this case for the lack of space there.

    Perhaps the world needs a companion to the bumper sticker “My kid is an Honor Student at Blah Blah Middle School”, and it could say “My son is an edge hugging bastard, and I’m dam proud of it!”. Sounds like the perfect gift for Dad for father’s day :)

  5. If so, and to prevent hard feelings and misunderstandings, then I suggest that the onus is on you to ensure that your desire is clearly communicated before the battle starts.

    About the only "dealbreaker" I can think of, for me, is the first turn setup area bombardment. And that is excepted if there is a reason to allow it.

    If you really don't like the use of an edge, there are certain practical matters which need to be addressed. Do you tell your opponent to create a "red zone" of a certain width around the edge? Is it hard or soft? If you just cut the map down, well, you've got another edge. What if you suspect he used the "red zone"? Do you quit? How close to the edge is hugging? Etc. You see the issue? You have a clear idea of what you think is a dealbreaker. Your opponent may not have the same idea, even after you explain your stance to him.

    It's a game and you should play it however you like. I like Bil's use of the battlespace.


    Agree completely. Now giving an arty shelling on the set up turn is a DEFINITE deal breaker. Why? Because that ruins the game before it even starts. It is like coming out and kicking the opponent in the balls when it is supposed to be a boxing match. I think if polled most PBEM players would agree that it a “foul” for lack of a better term. What kills me is some map makers will make maps like that for single play. When it happens I will start it over, and avoid the initial raining of shells on the setup area, or just outside of it. The only time I feel this is acceptable is if it an attack /defend with the attackers preference only to use on set up or not.

    As far as the edge goes it is a unique part of this game fighting arena that will never go away just as the cage in the octagon or the ropes in a boxing ring. There are also edges on every island I know of. My advice to anyone who complains about it is to adapt to the unique game environment, as it will not adapt to you. My thoughts on it are if one feels the edge is being used against you it is not the edges fault, but your own. Come up with ways to use it to pin the opponent against it in proactive ways just as the fighter in sport does.

    In Bils case here I think it looks a bit exaggerated due to the pathfindng because of the narrow path behind the hedge, or perhaps he has always wanted to know what is like to look over Grand Canyon ;). Really it is a good route here, so why not take it.

  6. I agree with what the other veteran players have said here with their advice. One can make good ambushes with the cover arcs, only WITHOUT combining with HIDE. The key is always in concealment, and making sure the arc is wide, unless there is a very specific area you want covered. I like to use 180 degree for the most part. Also, you can make them men go prone manually by giving a slow order even in the same action square. This will improve their concealment.

  7. Sounds good. It should give the infantry a bit more of chance against armor now. I think this is a step in the right direction. I missed this from Cmx1 along with still many things. If I had to choose of risking getting burned by a backblast, or getting blown up by a tank I would take the shot from indoors no matter what. The smart squad would hit the deck and cover face while the AT guy shoots minimizing effect. The key it sound like will be to separate the AT to be in a building on their own to fire.

  8. "No poor bastard ever won a war dying for his country. He won it by having the other poor dumb bastard die for his" – Patton. I think Patton may be on to something here ;)

    Chasing after “Moby Mill” as clever, and funny as that call sign is may not be the way to go at this point Ken. Perhaps a more sneaky ambush mode, while getting a strong hold on the town would be a bit more productive. Feeding failure will only produce more failure says uncle Sun Tzu. Since there were no objectives on the allied side for Bil to capture I thought the town was supposed to be the main objective. I never inderstood why you were pushing for the intersections in the first place. Shape the battlefield and draw him in close, and play to your strengths or this may not be a happy ending for you. All the pink paint rounds in the world won’t save you now pal :)


    Ok Michael, I’ll upload this if you insist. :D

  9. All the German Marine troops are GREEN with leadership in the negative. It's going to be hard to do much with them until the Stug platoon arrives, so I've ordered them to hold positions until then.

    With the quality of your troops, their weapons ( I thought I heard mostly rifles), and this environment you certainly have your work cut out for you. Tough mission for anyone.

    In regard to the bridge, what are your smoke assets? Is wind direction favorable?

  10. The video AAR approach for a preview release should be an interesting twist for a change. Thanks for taking the time to put it together Johnsy.

    That was a tough start there in the town. Urban fighting is always the deadliest. I predicted high casualties for this one. Perhaps you could have avoided so many proceeding with a bit more caution, and probing in the town. Those moves looked a bit rushed IMO charging in with lots of men at once into the unknown. 2hr is a long battle so there is lots of time.

    Good luck.

  11. Whatever is the best approach I will use it. If it is along the edge so be it (I’m not exactly one who believes I must conform to political correctness in anything ;). In this case it looks like Bil has cover with the hedge running parallel to the edge so it looks like a worthwhile route. What would be nice would be if some mortars could be called on the “edge crew”, or use the AA tank to use the edge against him. He would be pinned in between the edge, and the hedge with limited direction to go. The edge can be used both defensively, and offensively no different than the fence of the octagon in MMA. It is part of the fighting arena.

  12. For me personally:

    1. quicker updates with lo res screens: not SO bothered for this purpose about the pic quality;

    2. Comments embedded within the screen: easier to link the text to the action on the screen. (Unless it is more time consuming for you to do that way? In which case beneath is fine.)

    And thanks for the AAR; I like your "whys" as well as your "whats" (if that makes sense!).

    +1, Especially #2, for same reasons. Easier to link action to comments when together, but go with what is easier for you. As far #1 goes it makes no difference to me, but I can see the point some of the other guys have said in the advertising aspect of having higher rez screens.

    Aslo, I prefer using the clock to mark turns as you are doing. It lets the viewer see turns/time in the same way as when playing. I wish Bil would adapt that style too as it is clearer to see how much time left, and puts both threads on the "same sheet of music" in regard to that aspect.

    Your presentation has been clear, and fun to read Ken.

  13. Oddball, you said there are old sounds like the "gun 7" and such. I have compiled my own custom sound mod made from lots of sound mods out there including yours. I basically compared each gun sound from the different mods, and cherry picked the one I liked best, or sounded most distinct. I like the most distinct as it makes it easier to tell which weapon is firing just from listening. The point I am getting to is that I probably have too many sounds slowing my machine. For example The “High Quality” sound mod has multiple sound files per gun. Is it safe to say that only having 1 sound per gun will make the game faster? Also, if the “gun 7” sounds are old does this mean they are not being used, and can be deleted? If so can you please put a list together of what gun sound files are obsolete, and can be deleted to improve game speed. Thanks.

  14. Ken, not sure if you gave the troops moving in the steeple a 360 degree arc limited to the building, but it might be a good idea to do that. If they give away their position I would bet the very next turn they will come under fire from big stuff ruining the recon value.

    I haven’t seen much good shots from snipers at that distance, but you never know you may get lucky. Odds are he will only give away his position taking the shot at that distance.

    I’ve been known to hug an edge or two as well, but only as long as my men are facing into the map, and not out :D

  15. He needs this young artist on his side to camouflage his AFVs



    Awesome! I love work like that. It reminds me of another artist (Asian guy, don't recall his name) who paints himself to blend into surroundings then photographs it.

    I read a book recently called "Secrets of the F.B.I.". They actually have artist who do work like this for their “breaking and entering” teams. The artist will paint a section of a facade of a building on a screen to blend like this. The agents raise the screen to hide behind it to do their entry. When done they lower it, and are gone.

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