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GI Jas

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Everything posted by GI Jas

  1. Luckly I got it right the first install. Thanx for the info though!
  2. Would this method work with Stagler's CMA Immersive Background Sounds as well?
  3. I know when I tried to set one up after I click start it says I won - victory. Wow, didn't even have to fire a shot. Wish real war was this easy..
  4. In Caen, though the recommended specs are much higher than of Kursk it runs fairly well for me. Kursk bogs down sometimes especially in later missions where there are more units on the map and more off map support. Hopefully Korea is more stable than the past games.
  5. Already have it on pre-order. Own all of the TOW games and love the engine although game options have been limited in past releases Korea and it's new strategy mode could be what I have been waiting for in the series.
  6. No, you did. I just think there should be more Nam based games that's all. Their story needs to be told just like D-Day, Korea, etc..
  7. I think Vietnam would work. Afghanistan is basically Guerrilla Warfare - that same hit and run tactics that the NVA and the VC used for that matter. Except larger in force and better mechinized equipment like tanks. SAMS also played a huge role. And if you think it's still too hot to make you have to admit the same with the modern Russian and Afghanistan. So really what is it? Mmmm, "we dont feel it will sell well or it's too much work to make jungles... hum, most major Vietnam battlefields were cleared of jungle by agent orange and bombs" my uncle died from it's effects here recently. Have you seen how well BF Bad Company - Vietnam expansion sold? Nah, I think you would have more sales than from some fantasy modern war conflict that will never happen. I hate the desert anyways... so did Rommel. Point is, if you get soo many requests as you noted shouldn't that be telling you something? Hell, give me the rights and I'll make it.... didn't think so.
  8. Yes, I agree. I own CMSF as well but this version has a much different feel to it. Love the mountain terrian scenarios. However, not being a fan of the Soviets ( a cold war child that remembers) I chose to play the Taliban which is very challenging. How they ran the Soviets out is beyond me.
  9. You know Sneaksie. Didn't the Chinese have a million man army crossing into North Korea during the counter offensive?
  10. Yes, have you tried the expansion Caen? Its just like Kursk. Edited my support and now I can destroy those ramped 88's!
  11. What are the specs for this game? Are they similar to TOW Caen? That runs great for me on all maxed out settings. How will it run for me... Windows 7 64 Bit System Professional Core 2 Quad 3.00 ghz 12 MB catch 4 gb's RAM (will add another 4 GB's shortly to 8 GB's) Nvidia 460 GFX 1 GB RAM
  12. in tow 2 kursk you could re-use veteran unit squads in future battles so I assume they are the same here. not sure about historical pools.
  13. I agree some. I think in wwII especially on the eastern front entrenched armies were common hence wwI but in the korean war more mobile especially north korean forces. sadly though after the initial offensives and counter offensives there was a stalemate and basically trench warfare came back. at guns are also more common in wwII, as a defense against tank attacks so there is no way to not include them. but this game should give more freedom and options for attack or denfense hopefully.
  14. Me to. I would like more information on this.
  15. Hi. I need my CMAK license cleared on your end so I can reactivate the game on my end. Reason, I have a new computer and I can not access my old install of the game to uninstall the license key. Thanks.
  16. Speeking of elevation I was fooling around with it but do I need to hold the left/right mouse button in to raise or lower elevation? I clicked on a single square and they all updated to the next elevation number. I might have had the largest area tool activated.
  17. Thanks. I haven't used the scenario editor yet. Is it simple to create maps with if you have never used it before? Im sure there is a user guide somewhere in the game directory. Can you play on your created maps in the Battle Generator? Thanks for your help...
  18. Hi. I was wondering if there was a way to play on maps with snow ground textures. I know there is a user scenario that uses snow textures but I didn't know if you could add snow to maps in either the battle generator by default or scenario editor with included textures?
  19. Never mind. I found the help support article posted adding this to the ww.ini file. Thanks. [Version] VersionPostfix = "BattleFront"
  20. Hi, I just bought the Caen addon from the BF Store but it won't install. The installer states it can't find my TOW 2 Kursk 43 install on my computer. I have the game installed on another drive than C:\ where my Windows runs from which is D:\ drive for me. This is a internal HD. I re-installed the game on the same drive (D:\) and it still won't register? I also ran the installer as a Administrator but still get the same message. I have the Gamers Gate version of TOW 2 Kursk 43 which is updated to the latest version. Do I need to place the Caen installer on my Desktop or something?
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