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The K Man

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Everything posted by The K Man

  1. Allies had hoped they would last longer on the continent, but although the land operation is listed as a failure, it did bring out the German & Italian navies and that naval operation was a success. Came down to an exchange of my land units for his navy units. Now the allies have free access to the seas for all future operations.
  2. Yes, allies debated back and forth where and when to attack. Stalin was demanding a second front. Of course Churchill wanted to know why Stalin let his troops get butchered there on the eastern front. Stalin blames the generals, for not setting up a line of defense behind the rivers. Allies, finally conceded that a second front should be established to relieve the pressure on the bewildered Russians. Now the question was where. The element of surprise was now gone in the Portugal / Spain area. But the allies decided to proceed any ways. But this could be a fatal mistake. Although it will relieve the pressure on the soviets, at what cost to US & UK lives? Would the landings have been better served on the UK islands? Probably. After lossing all those Russian troops, the coordinated attack between the allies did not happen as planned. The time may be short for the allies on the western front...
  3. Liam, Yes, I like that idea. Even if you just damaged a level 3 tank, you should probably get a % increase for research if your still at 1. (I figure if your damaging a unit, some tanks will be left there for retrieval & study.) That would definitly balance out the luck factor on techs.
  4. Liam, Yes, I like that idea. Even if you just damaged a level 3 tank, you should probably get a % increase for research if your still at 1. (I figure if your damaging a unit, some tanks will be left there for retrieval & study.) That would definitly balance out the luck factor on techs.
  5. I agree that you do need some "luck" in this game to make it different than the previous one you just played. But I also agree with Taojah, that some of these extremes in "luck" can also kill a good game. I seem to have alot of "bad luck" with Russian techs, even though I have maxed out the research to 750. (Don't have the same bad luck with Germany, even though the max is also 750.) Can't figure it out. :confused: One of my previous games (as allies) I was battling #5 tech subs, fighters, & tanks against Germany. For Russia, all I could get was 1 on tanks, and took forever to get up to 3 on fighters. For US, even though I had 5 chits in Anti-sub, the best I could do is 2. So it gets frustrating when you can not attack and barely defend. A tweak I'd like to see (or an option) in this game regarding techs, is a limit to how far an opposing player can distance himself from the other player. (Maybe a difference of 2 tech levels the most.) So if one player is at level 2 on tanks, the most the opposing player can go is 4. (And can't go up further until the other player does.) Or another option: if a player moves up more than 2 levels, the opposing player moves up a level automaticly. In the real war, the enemy was always taking, using, & studing the opposition's technology, and upgrading its own. So as one country upgraded, the other was usually following suit. So if the axis was at level 5 tanks, you can bet that Russia would have gotten a hold of some Panthers and not be stuck on level 1 tanks. (Even if they had scientists that were not very "lucky" with their research.)
  6. I agree that you do need some "luck" in this game to make it different than the previous one you just played. But I also agree with Taojah, that some of these extremes in "luck" can also kill a good game. I seem to have alot of "bad luck" with Russian techs, even though I have maxed out the research to 750. (Don't have the same bad luck with Germany, even though the max is also 750.) Can't figure it out. :confused: One of my previous games (as allies) I was battling #5 tech subs, fighters, & tanks against Germany. For Russia, all I could get was 1 on tanks, and took forever to get up to 3 on fighters. For US, even though I had 5 chits in Anti-sub, the best I could do is 2. So it gets frustrating when you can not attack and barely defend. A tweak I'd like to see (or an option) in this game regarding techs, is a limit to how far an opposing player can distance himself from the other player. (Maybe a difference of 2 tech levels the most.) So if one player is at level 2 on tanks, the most the opposing player can go is 4. (And can't go up further until the other player does.) Or another option: if a player moves up more than 2 levels, the opposing player moves up a level automaticly. In the real war, the enemy was always taking, using, & studing the opposition's technology, and upgrading its own. So as one country upgraded, the other was usually following suit. So if the axis was at level 5 tanks, you can bet that Russia would have gotten a hold of some Panthers and not be stuck on level 1 tanks. (Even if they had scientists that were not very "lucky" with their research.)
  7. Excellant breakdown of the game by Colin. Not much I can add to it. Except maybe a little perspective from the Allied side. I was a little perplexed by the lost of the RAF by going from a 10 to a 2 on a defending hit of equal tech (1) fighters. But foolishly I didn't move him away after that lesson...(or atleast reinforce him.) Guess I was still in shock... On the sinking of one U-boat, I did use the French HQ to spot him. The idea was really to try and rescue the HQ, since I knew the tank (Paris) would fall next turn. But since I knew the sub was out there, and didn't have many ships in range, figured the transport could detour a little on its way to England. The HQ did help in the (spotting) sinking but unfortunately never made it back to England. Regarding the sealion: Didn't expect it. Excellant play by Colin. Have to give credit where credit is due. Although I suspected something with the fighter attacks on London, I figured it was to draw off any ships from Gibralta area, after he attacked Vichy France & Spain. Even while that attack was occuring I had transported an army (mistake) to bring to Africa. Figured the fight would continue there. And sometimes the decisions you make, can make a big difference. At one point 2 turns before the sealion attack began, I had the opportunity to attack his cruiser and battleship in the strait. I decided to wait for the other ships to get closer and move in for the attack. Next turn the german ships moved back towards benelux and out of sight. Not knowing the sealion was coming, I decided to move Navy south. Definitely a turning point... The cruiser lost near Tobruk, was the Vichy France ship. Debated what to do with him, since Spain had surrended and that meant the spanish corp in Marseilles was now gone. (Vichy France would now fall next turn.) I knew it would be a suicide mission, but if I attacked one of the italian ports (ships), I didn't think I'd do much damage. Thought I could maybe coax some ships out of their ports if I bombed Tobruk. Was able to put some damage (2) on each of the battleships. Oh, the poor Vichy french... One last note: Something I was unaware of from either the manual or these blogs here but just noticed by accident. With the US now sending their convoy $ directly to Russia, I didn't know you could adjust the % sent via the map/convoy screen. I wish that could be done with all convoys. Would help against those wolf packs when their running loose...
  8. If you take Spain before the winter of 40-41, don't you have to still diplo both Hungary and Romania? And if yes, is one diplo in each enough, or do you have to do it till you hit 90%?
  9. Well Colin, looks like your my next opponent. Congrats on moving on. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me. I've played arado and he is a good player. Do you have a preference on sides? (If not, my preference is allies.) Look forward to the next battle...
  10. I should mention if anyone trys to contact me from April 6th to April 14, you won't get me, because I will be away (vacation). (Viva Las Vegas!)
  11. Hats off to Konigs, you played a real good game. You are a tough opponent. I look forward to playing you again in the future. Any time you want a game, let me know. Some other notes on the game: I had mentioned to Konigs, at first the game was really a roller coaster of a game. He caught me off guard in France due to an earlier than expected attack. I thought France would fall in the Spring, but thanks to some help from the weather, I held out till June. Then with around half my fleet in Med. he was still able to get the troops down to Africa. But supply problems really hurt him there, thanks to the "Malta effect." Then I launched an attack on Iraq, I messed that up with too few units and supply problems of my own doing. (Also I had stopped bombing Tobruk, so he got his supply back.) Because of those two problems, he was able to launch a second attack on Eygpt and pushed to Alexandria. Fortunatly I was able to knock down Tobruk again, and supply problems ensued. The tide turned for good in Africa, when the US arrived on the west coast. It was just a matter of time... Russia was very interesting. I have never had a game technologicly like that (and hope I never do again.) After building up a pretty good size force near Kharkov & the mines, I launched an attack. (Believe it was summer 42.) I had 2 for Inf. weapons and 3 on AT. Felt I outnumbered him, but didn't know for sure. But without any motorization the attack stalled, and I seemed to be losing 3 units to his one in the end. I quickly retreated back to Kharkov fortifications, trying to get the motorization. I finally did get a hit on motorization but took so much time to reinforce & upgrade, the Russians could only dig in. That tech hit was my last one and only one for Russia for 2 years. I had all tech money at either 750 or 675. I was getting hits with US & UK but not Russia. Even with all the cities left, since I couldn't even get industrial production to 1, the money was rather low. Konigs was killing me with his 3 tech planes, and I had no airforce, (stuck on 1.) I had launched another attack, later on but that stalled too. Couldn't reach his planes, and the unit to unit damage was about even. Once again I felt I had to retreat. I was just lucky he had the forces in Africa, instead of Russia, because if not, it would have been a different game in Russia. I just couldn't attack well with the Technology at what it was. Luckily most games are not like that for techs. But I also learned some things from Konigs in this game. (Especially that Italian paratrooper gamble in Eygpt, that was great.)
  12. The noose tightens on the master race... Bradley's forces fight the brave Italians guarding Rome. With help from O'Connor and a small force that takes the southeastern city of Bari, Bradley takes Rome. There will be no rescue for Mussolini. He is found dead, and Italy collapses...(The US has much money to spend next turn...) Meanwhile in France...There is no airpower due to the rains...But thanks to Battleship bombardments, Eisenhower's forces counter attack, and two German armies are crushed... Still the quiet remains in Russia, as the rains slow down the advance of troops...
  13. As Eisenhower is keeping German troops occupied in France with his coalition US & UK troops, Bradley leads a force of US troops into the heart of Italy and attacks Rome. Assistance from the British aircraft carriers helps to soften up the Italian division... The Kreigsmarine is attacked near the English & French coast. A large battle has commenced. Allies draw first blood, sinking the battleship... Russians welcome reinforcements for the next objective...
  14. September 1943. The Allies have struck in France. Brest is the first city liberated on the Freedom march. Allies also strike at the Italian Airforces on Sicily. Both fighter groups are caught on the ground and are wiped out before they are able to fly...It will be extremely tough for Italy to replace these... Some more skirmishes on the Russian front. More Germans are KIA...
  15. Yes, this is WWII related. For anyone in the Boston, MA USA area, there is a Toy Soldier Show on Sunday March 25 from 9am to 3pm at the holiday inn in Dedham. You can see quite the collection of WWII soldiers, tanks, dioramas, prints, etc. I don't buy a lot of stuff, but most of the pieces are done really well. There are other era's as well such as Eygptian, WWI, Knights, etc. Worth a look if interested...
  16. Allied liberation of Africa is complete as last stronghold is taken (Tobruk.) Churchill finally sends O'Connor that bottle of wine... Greece is also liberated from the tyranny... Bombing begins on Rome... More bombings on the French coast, as German engineer is attacked on the French coast. The Russian Offensive has begun...The Russians move causiously against the Germans...
  17. Allies wrapping up operations in Africa. Last remnant of German attack force is destroyed in the desert. All that remains are two HQ's. Commando operation is brought about to sink that pesky Italian Sub in Tobruk port (since the airforces nor ship bombardments did any damage previous turn.) Plans being drawn up for next operation... Meanwhile on the Russian front, things are still relatively quiet for July 43. (Probably due to the amount of offensives during the winter of 42/43.)
  18. Reinforcements arrive in Russia...Otherwise quiet. US is on the move... Italian sub is attacked in the Mediterranean. Heavily damaged.
  19. Konigs is a tough opponent...He has also played an excellant game. Russia frees Kharkov from axis troops but unable to regain control. The battles continue on front. More Germans are destroyed. UK pulls back its forces to Eygpt. US continues advance into Libya. Takes Tripoli.
  20. Devasting turn for the Axis. Russians counterattack with a vengeance (for all their fallen comrades.) Turns into quite a bloodbath...Fortunately for the axis, the rain slows the attack. It could have been worse... Attacks proceed in the desert as well on both fronts. US starts attack on Tripoli. O'Connor has not fled, but knocks out another German unit (revenge for the destruction of the 7th armored division.)
  21. Turn 100 coming up. Feb 1943. British are caught off guard by Italian paratrooper (good move & unexpected.) Supply is cut down low for the remaining HQ and troops in Libya. But as bleak as things seemed, O'connor is able to regroup the remaining troops. The brave Italian paratroopers are cut down and one German corp is destroyed. Italian army transport indeed is sunk in the waters (he will not be given a chance to fight.) In Russia, counterattacks continue as the Panzer II's are demolished by the T-34's...
  22. Counter attack in Russia...One corp lays dead on the frozen waste land. Another survives by luck...Rostov is retaken... Graf Spree is heavily damaged and barely afloat. (Again luck has intervened for the Axis.) In Africa...US troops move into Tunisia. Italian corp is just barely killed (luck finally runs out for the axis.) British troops are on the move from the east near Tobruk.
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