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The K Man

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Everything posted by The K Man

  1. Winter hits. One battleship sunk in France. Unfortunately Axis ships have position on Allies. Paratrooper learns a costly lesson in Rostov...More troops arriving in Russia.
  2. Desert area is quiet no more. Some US troops land in Algeria and capture the territory. German Paratroopers will die in Rostov...Bombardment of ports in Desert & France continue...Winter is on its way...
  3. Iran is brought over to the imperialist...Tunisian port is bombed. (Due to intelligence reports-another transport comes thru the port.) More bombardments at Tobruk, & France. Russia digs in for the coming offensive...
  4. Iraq finally falls. Churchill does not send any congratulatory wine to O'Connor. (Its been so long, might as well let it age some more.) "I'll send it when there is good reason to." "Lets see what else you can do..." Russian troops pull back. Zhukov convinces Stalin, that his aggresive natures is getting his men killed. Troops are now regrouping & reinforcing... More ship bombardments at the port of Tobruk. Some small bombardments start in France...
  5. Soviet's reinforce & concentrate the attack around one city...Eygptian reinforements arrive in Eygpt (from the sea.) UK army is moved out. Britain still has its problems in Iraq. (wow this is never happened before.) Iraq is bombed. (So as to lessen the reinforcements.)
  6. Churchill is irate at O'Conner's failure in Eygpt & Iraq. (He was going to sack him, but will give him one last chance to right the ship and defend Africa.) After the big "review" the Iraq failure is due to the lack of supply. The commander in charge of supplying the Iraqi assualt is fired...The fighting force in Eygpt pulls back to regroup but does manage to destroy an army in the retreat. Supply problems will rear their ugly head for the axis again... Kiev is retaken in Russia...(as Axis troops retreat from the city...) Fresh army is moved via trains into Moscow to defend the capital...
  7. British and (now US) forces counter attack in Desert. Progress is made. One army is whiped out. The new submarine's campaign is stopped before it can do anymore damage... Tobruk is bombed. Supply problems for the Germans & Italians are inevitable again. British are having a tough time with the Iraqi division though. The two corps and armor just keep missing its destruction by 1 point... With the weather clearing in Russia, the troops move in...Odessa is retaken. Troops on the outskirts of Kiev...
  8. Soviets attack on the southern flank. Two German armies are destroyed near the mines. Unfortunately the rains slow down the soviet advance... Corp guarding Iraq is attacked. Just barely holds on... Reports coming in from Spies & Recon...German/Italian troops who had retreated from Eygpt, are moving back in towards Eygpt.
  9. British troops enter Iraq...The USA has risen...More rockets fly into Odessa and on the tank division... The summer of 42 should prove to be a bloody one...
  10. German Corp is shelled on coast near Odessa by a barrage from cruisers and rocket launchers. Odessa infantry is reinforced... Talks between Churchill and Syria breakdown...Churchill orders an immediate attack...Syria, is convinced by force to come onto the right side...
  11. Pretty quiet on all fronts, except in Siberia...big troop transfer from defenses against Japan...
  12. I didn't know that either. Nice...Always thought there should be a quick button for that.
  13. Allied forces dig in on all fronts. Weather appears to be favoring axis...(Clear turn on Nov. 30, 1941?)
  14. Reinforcements are the order of the day...Lenigrad, Athens, etc...More bombardments in those areas (with some damage.) US issues statement to Sweden: "Don't worry about what our ships are doing...just mine your own business, and we'll mine ours..."
  15. Reinforcements arrive for Greek corp defending his ground. Bombardment continues on enemy units... Churchill & Stalin issue join statement condemning the entry of Finland in the war... Maxim Cruiser attacks Graf Spree from port. Unfortunately the German ship is just grazed. It returns fire & heavily damages the Russian cruiser. (Its luck appears to have turned from its earlier successes on the battleship & cruiser.) Meanwhile in Egypt, since those pesky Germans continue to attempt a breakthru on the fortification, the 7th armored tank division is relieved by the reinforced B.E.F. army...
  16. Italian Battleship is sacrificed for the price of a transport. (More deaths at sea.) More bombardments in Greece, but tough to hit the army in the mountains...
  17. ...and those coastal guns work well against the German Kreigsmarine. Russian Cruiser puts some good damage on the Bismarck. Greeks are reinforced. RN continues to bombard the coast in Greece. Reply to German commander in Eygpt, "Your victory shall be an oasis in the desert. Its not really there."
  18. Soviet fleet returns fire on the German Cruiser, heavily damaging it. Greece is welcomed into the Allied camp. Churchill issues statement to the Greek people, "Hold on to every inch, and fight to the death. Help is on the way." Counter attack comes in Egypt. The British are angry and determined from all the bombings, the German fighters have hit the fortification with. The Britains give them a taste of their own medicine (fighters attack.) The Italians do not put up much of a fight. UK commander to German commander: "May your bones lay rotting in the open sun..."
  19. Churchill welcomes Stalin. Now Germany must fight on two fronts. Let the true fight begin... German transport is sunk off the coast. Rambo, you wanted more blood, now you will get it. How about all the ships that are lying at the bottoms of all the seas? Many have died.
  20. Reconniance plane takes photo before battle in Mediterranean takes place... Konigs, my email was acting strange, so I'll probably send the turn out again.
  21. Forces disperse in the Yugo...Churchill urges them to fight on. (Help is on the way...) Another sea battle, another Italian ship and its crew lay buried beneath the waves... Surprisingly, the German transports continue to head down to Africa...(Running the gauntlet of RN ships.)
  22. Another quiet turn, as troops prepare for next phase...Iraqi's path will only lead to destruction.
  23. Febuary 1941. Quiet on all fronts. Allied Command recalls Bomber for a different mission. Fresh troops arrive in Malta. Bulgaria joins the evil Axis. (Churchill doesn't even bother to comment on the traitors in Bulgaria.)
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