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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. I tried everything. What I think is happening is.. in order Axis take Paris no surrender Surrender #1 "ok no one surrendered this turn move along" Surrender #2 "Ahh axis in paris, France surrenders" Allied Turn Axis Turn Decision "on France surrendered? Do you want Vichy?, yea ok D3 = yes" Surrender #1 "ok no one surrendered THIS TURN move along" Surrender #2 "Nope no surrenders, move along" So Surrender #1 is passed and surrender #2 is activated then the turn changes. I tried territory swapping also didnt work. Cant go from German to minor. Cant go from active minor to inactive. Only thing to do is MAKE vichy out of a country and put it in the game OR reduce # of French unists.
  2. I tried Nups way of forcing a surrender but I cant get mainland vichy to activate linking it to decision 3.
  3. that was it. Actually my problem is France DOESNT surrender because they have too many units and they are a minor country. Thats my last technical problem with the game. After that its all improvement on the scripts. I read that there is a 6% chance per unit in the "home country" that a minor does not surrender. Now does this mean land units connected to the capital via line? Thus units in French colonies and boats dont count? Or is it all remaining units? Im trying to figure out how to fix this. 2 Frances, one for surrender one for units, but then the allies have 2 Frances in production. All I can think of is remove French units, which sucks. Anyway to change that 6% to 3%?
  4. ; France Surrenders ; Sounds - BBC Archive { #NAME= France Surrenders (France -> Germany) #POPUP= General Petain signs armistice with Germany #IMAGE= fall_of_france.bmp #SOUND= victory_march.wav #FLAG= 0 #TYPE= 1 #AI= 0 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #LEVEL= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 18 #TRANSFER_ID= 5 #TRIGGER= 100 #DATE= 1939/01/01 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - France polically aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 18 [2] [100] [0] ; 1st Line - Axis control Paris #CONDITION_POSITION= 190,34 [0,0] [1,1] [1] [0] }
  5. I really hope that scenarios from SC2 PDE will be made transferable to SC2 Pacific. I really dont want to redo my global scenario again.
  6. I was just letting you both know that you never can reduce a unit below 1 with that txt file. I tried.
  7. The AI past Jan 1942 is untested BTW. Also the split in the USA was needed due to the limitations of the map and how the real world was shaped. If I didnt do that the USA would be accurate but Aisa would be at the bottom of the map and Europe at the top. Also I couldnt fit in the USA as a whole I couldnt even squeeze it in there. I suggest you wait till I upload tonight's version. As for Russia. Between the Urals and Siberia (Im putting in a convoy tonight) its 100 MPPs. In total the USSR has 280 MPPs. Yes they had factories in the Urals and a lot of them. But there were a lot of important industries around Moscow and the Baku oil fields were much more important that you realize. Some key parts were made near the moscow area like optics for variance scopes. Oil was not only part of fuel but also part of machinery. Without it trucks couldnt bring raw material to the factories and factories can't run without oil. So I thought the USSR could move 2/3 of their industry to the urals effectively but if the oil fields were taken they would lose 40% of that ~80 MPPs production. If the Soviets are driven to the urals they are done for as is. Most of the population to make armiess live in main land eastern europe not the Urals. So there were a lot of factors to take into consideration. Also since the system really doesnt allow for the movement of factories its kinda hard to do. In a historical game the USSR is only losing 50 MPPs of production due to German occupation which leaves 230 MPPs left. Its not unreasonable. Also I balance the production with conscripted units that come into play at the start of Barbarosa. I did a lot of research for this game. Now I am balancing it. The new version has free french colonies if Germans say no to Vichy and the US prewar production was cut in 1/2. I found they build waaaaay to much stuff before coming in. almost as much as Germany and in reality it was about 1/2 (according to my calculations) It should be up by 10pm EST.
  8. Its for PDE If there is a way to dumb it down to WaW I will gladly do it.
  9. My own AI is giving me a headache. I guess its working. A few tweaks here and there. Mostly play balancing.
  10. I'll take a look at the smaller graphics. Didn't know they were there. The pacific does have lots of jungles its just some hexes I couldnt fit them because even though they were land looking they are sea hexes. India, and indonesia are mostly jungle. Also I have been having trouble making France surrender. I have to actually reduce the # of units for france to fit the 6% x # of units remaining. Also there was a mess up in production AGAIN. The AI keep buy the cheapest unit AA guns. instead of what it should. I am fixing it this weekend.
  11. Nup I will look at your scenario and play it also once I am satisfied with mine BTW. Be interesting to see the differences.
  12. I have one more upload Sami I have to put up. More bugs I found early in the war. Late war I have not tested yet.
  13. ; UK (Home Guard Corps) ; This event will be called (by the game engine) when England is invaded { #NAME= UK (Home Guard Corps) #POPUP= #IMAGE= #SOUND= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 1 #AI= 0 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #LEVEL= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 100 #FULL_RESEARCH= 0 #DATE= 1939/01/01 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 184,28 #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0] ; Axis within 2 hexes of %$@*#$ Birmingham #CONDITION_POSITION= 184,28 [2,2] [1,1] [1] [0] #UNIT= 1 [5] [0] [1st Home Guard] #UNIT= 1 [5] [0] [2nd Home Guard] } I always get these 2 corp popping up with no axis within range everytime. Am I missing something here? yes the X,Y is correct I quadruple checked it.
  14. I have a new new NEW corrected version now 1.21. I will upload it as soon as CMODs comes back. I am correcting problems as I playtest.
  15. I thought about the high tech thing like you. I will look into it. I used the resource.txt to do it. Calling in cities and resources in scheduled time. One problem I found was that 0 prod cities had no supply and no rail. So I had to make sure certain cities were functioning to make rails. I used towns too for supply. I think I got the production about as perfect as you could.
  16. ahh ok. I made scripts for convoy duty but it didnt seem to work too fantasticly. Ill just rearrange my DD positions.
  17. thats explains a lot. when you put 1,7 it randoms checks 1 to 7 instead of between 1 and 7.
  18. It is 12:20 am EST october 30. I am now reloading the mod. I fixed a critical error that involved the new production system and operational movement and added some convoy defense scripts. So please download after this update.
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