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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. As you all know I have my world historical game I have been working on for a while. I just wanted to let you all know I have been constantly improving it over the last months. I still dont have a working Japan AI but the allies are working. Currently I am testing out late ware AI for allies. I have had to make several adjustments to the scales and game to make it playable. But it seems well balanced. Current version is here. http://www.wowfreegames.com/html/brute_force_sc2/main.html Give it 15m after the time of this posting as the latest version is going up. I believe its around 50mb
  2. I did realize I have my goal positions backwards. The loop is the last place it should go. The 1st goal is final destination and it reads waypoints top down right? I have it bottom up in the example there. IT SHOULD BE... #GOAL_POSITION= 9,23 *** Calcutta port *** #GOAL_POSITION= 176,23 ** just outside liverpool ** #GOAL_POSITION= 168,24 #GOAL_POSITION= 157,28 #GOAL_POSITION= 158,55 *** naval loop *** UK it top right and the waypoiunts lead to bottom right. THEN the last one loops to FAR left middle of map. I have pacific on left side and europe on right side.
  3. For my world game. I have tested now 4 games and in each one the UK does not do this. I dont know why. ; UK reinforces India { #NAME= UK Sends Reinforcements - India 1942 #POPUP= #FLAG= 1 ** default event #TYPE= 1 ** do until succeeds ** #COUNTRY_ID= 1 *UK* #TRIGGER= 100 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #LEVEL= 0 #SIZE= 2 #BUILD_LENGTH= 4 **enough time to build up changed from 0 ** #LENGTH= 10 #GOAL_POSITION= 9,23 *** Calcutta port *** #GOAL_POSITION= 158,55 *** naval loop *** #GOAL_POSITION= 157,28 #GOAL_POSITION= 168,24 #GOAL_POSITION= 176,23 ** just outside liverpool ** #DATE= 1942/01/01 #STEAL= 3 ** I did have this at 0 but I had plenty of units in UK ** #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 187,28 *** Liverpool *** ; 1st Line - UK politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered ; 2nd Line - India politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0] #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 35 [2] [100] [0] ; 1st Line - London not tactically threatened #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 187,28 [1] ; Set activate position: #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 184,28 [3,3] [2,2] [2] ** 2 units within 3 range of center of UK** #CANCEL_POSITION= 185,28 [1,1] [1,1] [1] ** axis near london ** #CANCEL_POSITION= 8,23 [1,1] [1,1] [1] ** axis near calcutta ** } Never works WTF?
  4. I did this and it works early in the war, but late 1942 the Russians double stack on moscow and leave the south completely open.
  5. How do you get the AI to build in other spots. In my game the Russians only build around moscow and dont defend down south even though I have scripts telling them to do so. They cram up near the capital. Does addting an industrial capital fix that?
  6. Im trying to figure out how to make sure if the Axis start takes lets say Eqypt for the UK navy to move to Gib... or vise versa. OR if Gib is taken and Axis close to taking Suez Canal that they dont get caught. Since fleet scripts pull from everywhere Im not sure how this can be done.
  7. I have not converted mine. Too few countries to convert for my game. I am actually trying to finish the AI for Japan and still testing the Allied AI now that I worked out the bugs. After all that I will see about converting to PAC. Im anal, and I want the game to be done right.
  8. BTW its the Zengine software that goes with it that was causing the problem so pass it on to the others
  9. I think I found the problem, a Fang Game pad. I disabled the software and if worked fine. Strange though never happened before.
  10. Didnt work. I worked in IT so Im fairly competent with the PC. I might have to just reinstall everything.
  11. I was playing a game just fine and then the next time I loaded it it jammed the cursor to the top like I was forcing the map up. I cant get rid of this problem. I started a new game different scenario same problem. The map scrolls to the top and stays trying to scroll up. I actually tested PW and WaW and it does it on all 3 games.
  12. no more real time grand strategy games. Hearts of Iron 2 was great in concept and impossible to play and enjoy it.
  13. I scripted rockets different for every power in my global scenario Japan has kamakazi (with graphic) and stats Germany has v1-v2 (with graphic) and stats USA has 1 and only 1 a-bomb (with graphic) and stats it comes out in 1945 as a reinforcement so you cant build it. Its depleted and costs a lot to rebuild so basically the US player has the option to build it. Its max value on everything but super vulnearable on defense. Thats the only reasonable way I thought of how to do it. But straight research no way. Because who wouldnt shoot for it? Its either an economic advantage or its not. Plain and simple.
  14. If you want to pull decent graphics for look for Brute Force in CMODs. I made custom graphics for the Japs. You can edit to fit global. Update coming soon for Brute Force.
  15. to me and my experience WW2 balances on the fact that Germany took on 1 ally at a time with preparation. Of course DOWing on the USA was the biggest mistake of all. To allow USSR to attack anytime before ~1943 (early), garrisons considering, would mess up the game. Sure if the Germans are idiots let them get killed early but otherwise no. In the board game World in Flames its pretty much standard for Italy to enter the war on the 1st turn only DOWing on France so they can take colonies. You can always mod it yourself. I am going to keep testing the Allied AI for late in the game. Then I will work on the Axis AI.
  16. Well my idea is the Eqyptions will never leave. The UK units will start attacking Libya when they build up enough units. So type=2 is (do it till end of game) unless #CANCEL_POSITION= is satisfied
  17. Updated and posted in CMMODS and http://www.wowfreegames.com/html/brute_force_sc2/main.html 12/1/08: Tech changed to reflect a less luck and a more steady pace of progression. 3 levels can be bought @ 2%, 2%, 1% increases. Most tech rates increase 1/2 a point. Special Forces has been removed and replaced with Marines Anti-Tank has been removed and replaced with Garrison Belgium/Netherlands Both Brussels and Amsterdam are needed to conquer them. 12/5/08: The a-bomb was added as a reinforcement for the USA late in the war. 12/7/08: Made French AI defense better. Gave UK added Garrison in main land Research for land combat related attributes +1/2 instead of +1 per tech level. Reduced cost of tech levels. 12/9/08: India now gears up sending more MPPs to UK if Japan moves ships into Indian Ocean. Manchurian and Korean partisons added. Subs modified for to dive less for all but Germany. Allied AI fixed. It now will join BB from Gibraltar to Egypt. CA moved from UK to Med. Finland Winter War is now a decision. YES: If USSR does winter war, Finland joins axis, there is a Soviet Winter effect chance (20%) and the USSR gets 3 of their recruited units (with 3 exp) and an HQ (with 2 exp) when the Germans declare war. They also get Bessarabia. +3-9 activation toward allies 6/1941. NO: If USSR does not do winter war, Finland does not join Axis and there is no 1st Soviet Winter effect in 1941, no Bessarabia annexing Baltic States are now a decision. YES: USSR gets them. NO: They get free Baltic corp when Germany DOWs on them. If Germany DOWs US +2-6% more. USSR +40-60% more activation US strat bombers now have 2 air defense to match fighters. This was done to simulate escorts within the SC2 system. Placing long range on fighters allows the strat bomber to be ummolested by German intercepters as long range escorts would counter intercept. This way strat bombers have good survivability on start missions. UK bombers were left at 1. This encourages US to fly 1st (day mission) and UK to fly 2nd (night mission) for strat bombing. Changed Action Points for land units. Corp/Army/Eng/Mar 3AP, Para 2AP, Armor 4AP. But I increased the cost to go between 2 enemy units +2. I think this will flow the game better yet prevent players from zipping around lines. Made annexation of Perisa for AI USSR in 8/25/1941. Optimized UK AI for Africa including taking of Syria and Iraq. the 1st FF army in France is under control of Canda. It will be the 1st Army Free French that can be rebuilt or evacuated. This was done to allow that unit to exist and increase the chance of French surrender because its a minor country. Extended Maginot to make France a little tougher. Garrisons replaced in Maginot with appropriate names. Decisions to bring Italy in the war early. Also if italy takes West African colonies they get a decision to keep them after Vichy is installed. This costs Vichy activation though. Increased penalty for Allies DOWing on Italy early for US entry. Some tweaks to sub abilities per nation to reflect historical models. Italy now can capture Africa and hold it if Vichy is declared. It will drive down Vichy activation but allow Italy to keep colony hexes. In Algeria they will keep their capital and surrounding hexes. UK has decision to make concerning reinforcing Egypt from the Pacific. If they decide yes they transfer units from India/Aus to Egypt.
  18. Here 2 Egyption garrison units hold Alex and Cairo for whole game. BTW Garrisons are modified anti-tank with zero attack, 2 APs, and 1 defenses. They are used basically just for defense. { #NAME= UK Garrison - Egypt (Alexandria/Cairo) #POPUP= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 17 #TRIGGER= 100 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #LEVEL= 0 #LENGTH= 1 ; Alexandria #GOAL_POSITION= 226,50 #GOAL_POSITION= 229,52 #DATE= 1939/01/01 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 226,50 **** Cairo #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0] #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 190,34 [3] #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 226,50 [0,0] [1,1] [2] *** Auto happens at start #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] } Here 2 UK units position themselves (already set up on map at start of game) or El Alemein. { #NAME= UK Garrison - Egypt (Alexandria Defensive Line) (1) #POPUP= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 100 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #LEVEL= 0 #LENGTH= 1 ; 7th Armour will occupy El Alamein #GOAL_POSITION= 224,50 #GOAL_POSITION= 223,50 #DATE= 1939/01/01 ; Set friendly positions: ; 1st Line - Cairo #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 229,52 #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0] #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 229,52 [3] #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] #CANCEL_POSITION= 227,51 [2,2] [9,9] [2] *** If the allies build 9 land/air units in Eqypt cancel } Problem Im having is the AI automatically moves the Egyption garrisons off of the cities and moves in units defending El Alemein to the city spots. Garrisons move out, Corps move in... sometimes Alex only, sometimes Alex and Cairo. And the garrisons sit outside the city picking their noses. Sometimes THEY now move to El Alemein. Anything Im missing? Even if the cancel for #2 happened the AI should not move the Eqyption units off the cities. And yes there is room for new units to arrive. I make them all go to Cairo. Al
  19. that could be it. I have been experimenting with air ranges for fighters and bombers. I reduced it to 3 so its quite possible.
  20. Is it me or does the AI love to use airpower to garrison hexes with garrison events.
  21. I'd have to change it a good amount. The smaller amount of minors is a real problem. I use all but 3. Pac has 30 minors I think and at best case I can reduce it down to 34 without cheezifying the game.
  22. Its interesting to see how we both made globals but our games are quite different. Nup and I are playtesting his game via email. Should I assume in most cases the 1st variable usually refers to a soruce hex for units. I have a new update coming this week. I did a lot of improvements on the AI and some nice political events. Italy can now take african colonies from France and hold them if Germany declares Vichy. A winter war option also. And an option to pull Italy in early into the war.
  23. Where does the AI pull transport missions from? I have 2 simple transport missions for UK. #1 move BEF to France type=1 size=1 it works no prob. #2 move units from UK when it has 8 units in it to Eqypt type=2 size=1 its suppose to constantly put 1 unit every couple months in africa untill the allies take Libya, then make it cancels or it cancels if the Germans land in UK. But the AI keeps pulling from Eqypt itself sailing through the med, then looks like going through the loop around africa to end up in the red sea, repeat process. is there something its based on? Home land, friendly port (closest land units) magic? BTW got the AI doing some nice tricks. Al
  24. is only one AI fleet mission executed at a time per power? So if the US has type=2 support D-Day and at the same time type=2 support invasion of philippines only the top one executes? Or are there multiple fleet missions allowed?
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