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Posts posted by thelmia

  1. I just wish my units would do what I tell them to do. I only give one movement order at a time to avoid this as much as possible. It's still a problem.

    I want my Stykers to fire when I tell them. I want my vehicles to fire the weapon I want them to fire. I want my soldiers to enter the building where I told them. I want to be able to fight the enemy rather than the interface. Lastly, I want to be able to play with other people.

    Whether I win or lose should be due to my skill, not a random bug or too much lag. Right now, I don't actually play this game. The game kinda plays against itself. I don't feel like I'm actually in control.

  2. Nice to see someone else read Arabs at War.

    The thing the Arabs lack is tactical leadership from junior officers.

    You're providing it, so they do better. In effect, you are the platoon leader, company commander and NCO rolled into one. There's no way to dumb down the player.

    What the game shows you is the real reason Arabs tend to get clobbered in conventional war. It isn't the equipment or the troops. They'll do what you tell them and are very brave. It's the leaders.

    Going with the visible muzzle flashes, audio surveillance needs to be nerfed. I can target artillery by looking around the map and listening for Arabic.

    [ August 23, 2007, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: thelmia ]

  3. Play Real Time. You get a lot more control. WEGO just sucks right now. I don't see why people are so attached to it when the TacAI is so bad.

    Use Javelins on suspected or known enemy infantry in buildings. Area target the first floor.

    Use artillery profligately on enemy buildings.

    Unload an infantry squad or team as bait to draw fire. Then destroy the enemy once he shows himself.

  4. Use javelins and artillery. Use linear target like Steiner said to level the barracks and clear the trenches. General ammo is good for buildings, Personnel for infantry in the open. Javelins can be used against buildings or units in the open. They aren't just for tanks.

    Kill as many Syrians as possible.

    I win that one with minimal casualties, usually by forcing a Syrian surrender. Then I don't even have to enter the buildings or put my infantry out in the open.

  5. No, they hit pretty well at under 200 m. Over that and it's iffy. Wait for 150m if you want to be sure. On tanks you want a side shot if possible. On APCs and other targets it doesn't matter much. They are also great for shooting at occupied buildings.

    I love the RPG. I wish the US had something remotely comparable. Great anti- tank, great anti- personnel, cheap, direct fire, and reliable.

    In RL we got the SMAW. The AT4s in game are pretty weak.

  6. Real time. More control. You can pause whenever you want.

    Strykers are protection for your infantry, ammo bunkers, and fire support. Use infantry as bait to draw enemy fire and to fire Javelins at buildings. Use the Strykers to kill spotted enemies.

    Artillery is awesome for killing infantry in the open (personell) and cowering in buildings (general). If you find a significant concentration, shell them.

  7. I don't care nearly as much about TacAI as most people, as I like playing RT anyway.

    Old CM AI was still an AI. I always beat it. Multiplayer was where it was at, and while the units did a lot of good things, they often did some retarded, useless thing that got them killed. Like run out of cover, not shoot what I told them, etc. I LOVE the additional control RT provides. Thanks for doing it.

    BUT I do care about the lag. I can't play RT multiplayer without game- killing lag. It drives me nuts. There's an awesome game hiding in here, but I can't quite play it.

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