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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by thelmia

  1. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Something about Jar- Jar

    Lol? Dude, just say I'm an idiot and save the spam.

    That was a good laugh. If I had an avatar on this board I'd change it to Jar- Jar right now.

    Games should be art. Especially indie games. Otherwise why bother? If it's cheesy pop entertainment like Star Wars, then EA can make it. No point starting a company to do something anyone can make.

    Forum- goers are like reviewers. Too often I see them try to make a game into what it's not, and never will be. Some things aren't going to change and you might as well accept them. If game devs simply try to please the maximum number of people you get a shallow, boring game. If they listen to the wrong people and forget what they meant to do, then you get a terrible game.

    I do agree that Lucas should have stopped after 1983. Maybe after Empire, now that I think about it. Ewoks are dumb.

  2. Hey, if you make a game you set the rules. If you put years of your life into it then you own it. I get to play it. If I don't like it I can play something else. Yes, the devs should take this into account if they want to make money.

    The way I see it, my main job on the forum is to point out where the problems with the game are given the creative decisions made by the devs .

    That means if something is standing in the way of the game they want to make, I should say so. I shouldn't fault them for not making my game. They should make the game the best possible game for what they want to do.

    It's like book reviewers that criticize the author for not writing the book the reviewer wants to read!

    [ September 06, 2007, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: thelmia ]

  3. Originally posted by Trooper5:

    Thanks for that Cpl Steiner. I've tried your suggestion and made my modifications in the nvidia control panel with in game at BALANCED all round. New settings are AA 16xQ, AF 16x with AA overide and vsyn on (off in game). The results are amazing even better than before (Hotti dose'nt get it, but the video card does work, my CPU is'nt that good). I can see the shadows from the slat armour on the hull of the stryker!!! This may not be the solution but I'm happy and it's better than anything Battlefront has come up with so far. I hope any of this will help them.

    Yeah, it looks even better. I think I took a little FPS hit. I feel like I'm playing the game that the devs are playing. Before it was really terrible, and obviously not what they intended.

    I don't know why this works for some people but not others. I think the key is the viewing distance. At higher settings the horizon for high detail increases and drastically hurts FPS. We don't need that much viewing distance to see what we want to see at high detail. So, the additional rendering at longer distances is wasted. Just a guess.

  4. Originally posted by peleprodigy:

    if you followed the instructions your are running balanced/balanced. did you raise the model settings to 'best' from inside the game like i said? if so, did you notice any visual quality improvement? if you answered yes to both questions then YES, you are running it at lower quality settings.

    ps-balanced is not some magical setting that excuses the game code from any rendering. it is just a mid- range quality setting. i have no idea why fastest wouldn't have higher frame rates. did you measure it with fraps?

    1. Yes, I raised models to 'best' in settings. FPS went down, drastically. It does not look any better. The horizon does increase for high detail.

    2. Yes, I FRAPS'd it. I got a 5 FPS improvement from 'fastest' to 'balanced'. It's even better without FRAPS, because FRAPS causes lag. I'm not making this up. It really goes faster while looking better.

    I don't know why this works. I'm just reporting what I'm seeing. I'm a weird case because I have a relatively weak CPU (Pentium 830d) but good graphics cards (2 NVIDIA 7800GTX).

    I think what you're saying is that the card tweaking is more important than the in- game settings. I agree with that. I don't know why I'm getting the results that I am getting, and I doubt that it's typical.

  5. Originally posted by Hotti:

    Sorry to say this guys but looking "under the hood" (with nvidias GLExpert) this is actually no workaround. All it does is lower the load on your CPU to produce bigger FPS because currently the game is running in software mode (in other terms it isnt using the 3D acceleration of your hardware) and naturally since your processor has to do all the stuff that your gfx card(s) should be doing lowering the graphics will have huge impacts on FPS. So dont get your hopes up.

    Uh, but it works. How is that not a workaround? If it is true that the program isn't using hardware acceleration, then why the hell isn't it? Isn't that a problem?

    I get what you are saying, but I am getting BETTER FPS with this than I did on "fastest" settings. And more detail.

    I'm happy to be completely ignorant if this leads to some sort of fix.

    [ September 05, 2007, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: thelmia ]

  6. If you're playing a game against an oponent, you do anything short of cheating to win. That's how you make the game the most it can be. You force your opponents to come up with new strategies, and you make it much more likely that any unintentional 'exploits' will be patched in the future. That's how games grow.

    You, the player, aren't role- playing any particular person. You're not the battalion commander or whatever. You are a conglomeration of leaders at every level from NCO all the way up to major. A real sim would only allow you to issue orders to unit leaders, and only let you see what your alter ego saw. Not much fun there.

  7. WHOA. I have 2 7800GTX SLI and I notice the same thing- it FLIES. FRAPS lags me, so I don't know what FPS I'm getting. With laggy FRAPS it's 25. Without it's much better.

    The game looks incredible this way. It's an amazing improvement. And it does it with more FPS.

    Wow, wow, wow. Totally new game. I think it might be because I have a relatively weak CPU (a Pentium 830d) but lots of graphics capacity on the 2 7800GTXs. Anything that moves the load off the CPU gives my system a massive boost in performance.

    [ September 04, 2007, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: thelmia ]

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