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Everything posted by BioWizard

  1. Late november Allies get weird diplomatic hit on Lestonia. The second time a hit is scored on a country that is no longer there; it is not even into the diplomatic window, and UK has not invested any chit on any ressembling country. It looks like Russia got those hits but this major is not even in the war yet. Weird!
  2. November 17th No battles taking place, too bad weather. I really think this scenario should be changed so that some more time pass by during the Fall/Winter/Spring seasons. The way it is right now, no action takes place during these seasons. This makes that only 25% of the time, battles take place and something is actually happening...
  3. August 3rd 1940 UK just notices new level 2 German luftwaffe and starts pullig back its air units, not fast enough, looses one air. Allies high command wonders what will stop these highly decorated aircrafts. They will soon become invincible killing machines! I think experience should be able to be adjusted in the editor, especially for the very long scenarios such as this one!
  4. Against a competent player: If you stay there, you'll die there at low supply (He'll kill the HQ first). So, the question is really: Do you want those units for D-day or do you want some more income for a very limited time? p.s. Not a good idea at all if Majors are not in the war yet! Axis DOWs boost their readiness!
  5. Russia finishes annexing the three Baltic States. French manage damaging a German HQ to strength 5 in a suicide mission. The German counter-attack is devastating to the French aviation, who stayed near the front to allow the HQ attack. UK is watching the slaughter without moving. The North-Western Maginot tile is under German control, a bug there to be fixed in that mod (twice I noticed this)! The sub raiding the Norway convoy was French, I lost the English one in the North Sea... Only one tank entrenched in Paris stands for France...
  6. I suggest you post your ICQ number in the sticky: ICQ contact list. Lots of people there you can add to your own ICQ contact list! This way, you can find lots of players with or without appointments...
  7. We are playing Thrawn's European Theater version 2.1 available at CMMODS. This is as far as I know the first AAR reported for HvsH on this mod which has a lot of potential, for someone who is starting to get bored of Fall Weiss. In the meantime, it's conceptor could read this AAR and hopefully others to still improve his great scenario.
  8. June 1940: Game being played on via PBEMs. All Europe is still in mud from last November and I think it will last until June 21st... This is something I think should be fixed in this scenario. First, from the Urals to Portugal, only one Weather zone is unrealistic. (Weather zones, seen in the editor, 17 and 18 are useless and they could be used to get some more randomness where it really counts). Second, to play each single week during Fall/Winter/Spring is very boring. Germans won't launch attack of Belgium because it would not work in mud and nothing is really happening. I then suggest: turns lasting 2 weeks in the winter? Summer starting in May? At least for what concerns France...
  9. Attack of Belgium launched! All units killed but the one in the fortress but the capital is still unoccupied. Level 2 tanks spotted. Computer crash and fatigue are post-poning this saga. Stay tune!
  10. April 1940: still mud for Axis after 2 clear turns for Allies. Tension is rising in Germany. French are starting rain dances! Scientists still working hard...
  11. January 1940: The Romanian traitors are fooled by diplomats and join the Nazi pigs, they shall pay later! Allies high command wonder if the ennemy's saying (No Sealion sucks. Well guess the game is still in that bata phase to some degree) is going to be followed to the letter... [ February 10, 2007, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: BioWizard ]
  12. Yeah, I should have lost control of that Denmark port. The ship standing there got killed, the axis turn ended with the capital well garisoned and it did not took control of that port because it did not move... At the beginning of the Allies turn, Allies moved a French ship right back into the port, LOL. In the meantime, Frenchies started disbanding their planes that don't stand a chance against the incoming Axis planes! No point increasing their experience, and the French need the money!
  13. French navy get a last shot at entering the med! Kamikaze.... infantry tech level 2 detected for Germans...ooops! The Maginot might not be enough after all, LOL.
  14. Scientists in both Russia and USA work double shifts but bureaucracy laws forbids high fundings in only one area (one chit max per tech). Research is then spread over very diversified areas... French are still confident... that's all they can be at the moment!
  15. There's a hole! Few French ships rush in... Soon closed by paratrooper. Allies high command don't really mind throwing a few ships do die for the queen, not enough money to reinforce them anyway...
  16. Denmark is left with no defending units. Axis paratroop will enter the capital next turn. French navy is hoping to get a shot at the Baltic German Navy but Iron Ranger is an experienced SC2 player and surrounded the port so that the navy won't enter the Baltic that easily...
  17. French reinforce their brand new Maginot Line with lots of confident armies! "Ces boches mourront contre nos fortifications!" do they think...
  18. September 1939, Poland won't last long! not sure about the number of turns per year, I played that scenario once against the AI. All I know is there are more turns per year then Classic Fall Weiss and the map quite bigger! I realize that the Allies has lots of low strength units that I have to choose from which to upgrade...
  19. Send this to Hubert: support@furysoftware.com Bug reports are also always welcomed into the Tech Support forum!
  20. You should keep in mind that morale drops a lot after operating a unit! I guess it is for symbolizing units reorganization and restructuring. It is not simply teleportation then...
  21. Norway is not worth much MPPs per turn on average with winter. It also needs 3-4 troops for good garrison (depending if you want to also protect the mine or not). With all the operating costs needed to take it back including HQ support, it is not worth fighting for by the Axis if you think of the cost/benefit issue. Usually, the Allies won't let Axis use this English corps in Oslo for training purposes because the Axis airplanes would make "too good to be true" target practice by the Royal Navy. Taking Sweden by the Allies depends of each player's strategy. I mostly prefer investing on some diplomacy and, with only one hit, shut this MPP source for Germany!
  22. Russians cities captured back by Western allies don't switch back to Russia? That is weird...
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