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Everything posted by BioWizard

  1. Treachery! Axis Central High Command was betrayed by his own... Got to drink too many drinks during summer BBQ with my girlfriend. Let's see how alcohol affects coordination for Barbarossa.
  2. Some allie commander is starting be be pissed by subs? Meanwhile, RN seem to move altogether in case they meet the brand new all upgraded italian navy! Egypt bomber still maintaining east italian city at 0 supply. Malta rightfully belongs to axis now, for whatever it can change...Axis seem to diplo 3 countries at once (Spain, Norway and Sweden) with only a 9% increase for Allies for Iraq (not enough for convoy, probaly done by the french)
  3. IR uses French navy to destroy Tobruk's supply. Weather finally clears for the wertmach (I am sure I am forgetting a couple of Hs and Ts to describe the german infantry and tanks),
  4. For some time, I couldn't TCP/IP with Hamachi. I and my opponents were showing yellow status on the SC2 network. Iron Ranger just looked to see if him and I had the same version of Hamachi and that wasn't the case. He was .56 and I was .60. So, make sure you all update your version to the latest, updated around the beginning of July. Also, regarding what Liam said: (Yes, The Hamachi Host, the one who created the Network must Host the Game...), that does not seem to be necessary as Iron and me are playing together without having created the SC 2 network.
  5. I think I just learned the "take Benelux on turn 2 gambit" is worthless. Yes, you get extra MPP, but as Terif pointed out with the now famous (Don't get Denmark or any minor country before Russia and US are in war because the %increase represents far more MPP for them than the gain for the axis), mud coming on turn 3 and only half your army being there doesn't really make capture of France that faster and hurts more of your armies. For now, I see this game as a major lesson for me, enjoying it very much and we shall see if I be a little challenge for Iron Ranger. p.s. Seeing the other thread involving a cheater, I am glag to say I never nor will never cheat !
  6. Wow! 2 poles standing right next to an empty Berlin! That could be a change in the history. Benelux on turn 2 is dangerous for a newbie like me!
  7. Thanks to Iron Ranger, I can finally play by TCP/IP. We had yellow status on Hamachi till he discovered that we were not running the same version. IE make sure all of you to update it to .60, it went out very recently
  8. To SeaMonkey: Yes, I heard about aircraft decreasing morale/readiness. But it is not a issue here if the topic is about talking about the outcome of two lvl5 tanks with equal readiness/morale/supply. Of course, in game, i would first soften the ennemy with air support before taking them down. However, if we push the logic as to think that the best armors we could find at the end of WWII were lvl5, the tanks in the 70s were lvl8 and the abrams M1A1 are LVL15. Still, there's never been a fighting between two divisions of M1A1, but the outcome of such a fight using a SC2 type of calculation would be that every single tank is busted. At the very least, one tank should survive such a confrontation. Also, if we were simulating in SC2 a fight between this super fighting machine that the M1s are against a puny Sherman WWII type, the SC2 engine would still inflict damage to the M1s because heavy tank technology affects at the moment only their attack value. Of course, the sherman would be turned to dust in the process... But, in real life,there is no way the M1s (thick armor whose composition is Top Secret covered with highly reactive exploding plates/ uranium shells with its 120 mm cannon) would suffer a scratch against them. Why, because the SC2 engine does not improve their defense value. As I recall, Panthers could survive many direct hits from sherman's without being rendered inoperational. That is called better armor, better defense value...
  9. Upgrading tanks in real life is providing them better weaponry, plating, maneuverability, communications and others. However, in SC2, two strenght 10 LVL5 tanks both with high morale/readiness/supply and no entrenchment attacking each other will everytime come very close to destroy each other out. To me, that seems illogic. Upgrading a tank division should not only be providing them with increased canon caliber/more heavy shells. As it is right now, those level 5 tanks are punching hard and waiting to be punched right back just like lined up rows of american infantry and british infantry waitng in line to be shot at during the USA independence war. I see two solutions for this issue. Heavy tank LVL1-3-5 could be increasing their attack value while LVL2 and 4 could increase their defense value. Another possibility could be adding a tank defense technology. While we're at it, why not a corps/army defense tech? There is no such thing as better armor for a plain soldier but an infantry defense tech could be called "guerilla tactics" as soldiers hide better or start street by street fighting as those fierce russian did in Stalingrad. I know all this could be affecting a lot game balance but what do you guys think?
  10. You can download ICQ from their web site (http://www.icq.com/). Once you have installed it and created your account (you will then get an ICQ number), make a search using the software for the most often 9 digits number of players who posted their number in the thread Topic: ICQ Contact List and add them to your contact list in ICQ. It would also be useful for other person in search of players to paste your own number at the end of the ICQ Contact List. Then, you can chat with other players and set for a game... (My ICQ number is 245-673-399)
  11. You don't have to. In the upper middle part of the screen, when one of your unit is selected and pointing a target, it shows you in advance what are the most likely losses suffered both by the attacker and defender. It makes you choose wisely your targets. It sometimes even remind you the possibilities of aircraft interception
  12. Your subs, while in silent mode, don't lose supply points while at sea and far from ports. So, keeping them in silent mode while travelling keeps their readiness higher. For my part, I always keep them in silent mode except when they are in perfect position for intercepting convoys and I want them to do so.
  13. I agree. Would also be nice for spotting subs. But what should happen when your unit spots an ennemy unit on its way? Could it retreat if there is no engagement between the two units? Is it logic?
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