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Der Alte Fritz

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Everything posted by Der Alte Fritz

  1. Hi Andreas I have this book and in fact it is the reason for my question. In the book it states that 5 Guards Rifle Corps took part in the assault with the southern three supported by special tank and pioneer units. But on the map they show at least 6 Rifle Corps in the front line. The reason I am chasing this down is that I want to know the kind of formation used by the Rifle Corps in carrying out an assault like this. There is a map at RKKA site that shows a formation to the south using two divisions forward and one in reserve and for each division, two regiments forward and the third in reserve. Fairly standard formation. But the Soviet Tactical Doctrine in WW2 shows similar 'assault' divisions with a column of regiments - no idea how the divisions were laid out. Any ideas?
  2. Does anyone have units involved and details of this action by the 11th Guards Army vs 78th Sturm Division on the road to Minsk?
  3. Very well done. It was an effort for me just to download all those scenarios, not just create them! Many thanks to you.
  4. Hi I have done some experiments. Ground condition affects speed and chancwe of bogging. eg With deep mud you run at about 30% of very dry ground. Temperature changes water or marsh to ice under frozen or extremely frozen. You need to have light snow or worse ground conditions if you want trees to have snow instead of leaves. Weather affects LOS depending on whether dawn dusk or mid day. Aircraft do not fly except in clear weather (but you can round this.) cheers
  5. Does anyone have a list of the effects of temperature, ground condition, weather, etc on the game? Particularly speed. LOS and terrain effects such as water becoming ice? cheers
  6. Stand aside, I was first, out of my way, coming though......falls to ground frothing at the mouth. Same graphics card as you BRVJ so keep your fingers crossed! Canada Guy, I owe you a drink!
  7. It is the one I am looking for. Thank you very much for your help. cheers
  8. That would be really good of you. The article I am looking for is about Anti tank strongpoints. cheers
  9. Hi George Off to Portugal tomorrow but have downloaded this and will have a go when i come back. cheers
  10. Hi I have down loaded the index from the RKKA site and have done the search as per above. Downloaded many of the articles that I want but one on the index is dated 1943. How do I find those ones? cheers
  11. I cannot get this to work at present. Is it 'down' for long? cheers
  12. Da** you David I cannot download these fanastic mods fast enough! cheers
  13. For a full Normandy mod of CMAK look in CMMods for CMAK-ETO mods set cheers
  14. Great stuff. Will download and have a go. That is next weekend taken care of! Tank riders mount your tanks!
  15. Hi George I use 1 Gb of RAM and the ATI card is a 9700 Pro so should be able to handle quite large games. The battle I am building is a follow on to my Russian Offensive series and seeks to explain a Russian Defensive position. Have you got any more testing work on CMBB or are you fully committed to CMSF? cheers
  16. Well I have a 4km sq map, 2 companies of Germans, 4 platoons of StuG and 3 companies of Russians and about 20 guns. Run on a Pentium 4 with a ATI 256k RAM card. It is not glacial but takes a 2-3 minutes to calculate moves. Also how do you feel about driving from one end of a 4km map to the other? As players do you find this acceptable? cheers
  17. Now if you are talking CMAK I prefer Vossie's User Interface or there is another which converts CMAK UI to the CMBB UI in case you hanker after the good ol' days. cheers
  18. What makes the game run slowly? Is it size of map or number of units. Or a combination? cheers
  19. There have been a number of threads about this. Search under Jason C Russian training scenarios. In short you need superior numbers, on map mortars, supporting MGs and only move one squad at a time and keep in command. Difficult and required skill. Question is - can you bypass this strongpoint?
  20. Great Trimming the map would work as I have one huge map and want to have some smaller maps from it to fight individual battles. Did not know that you could trim from all sides, thought it was just from the right hand side. If I save a number of copies of the same map, then I can produce a seies of battle maps. Have got Map Converter but have never really used it and wondered if there was a quick way. Will have a try with map converter later.
  21. How can I cut out a small area of a map and paste it as a new map? cheers
  22. Look in www.cmmods.com under authors padivine for CMBB and birdgunner for CMAK for salvaged scenarios. Good desingers to look for are MikeyD vehicles terrain UncleTgt vehicles Andrew infantry Pat terrain trenches Zimorodok vehicles sdog trees Vincent splash screens DEY anything with snow GAJ terrain RocketMan hi-res terrain and of course my only mod "Low visibilty mystery vehicle"! Get rid of that stupid question mark on the roof. cheers
  23. Hi Sherman crews are regular, do not know about Germans. I think the TD was the lead vehicle and so unlikely to be spotted by others. One thing I often forget is that scattered trees provide nothing like the cover that woods or pines do. Does anyone know what the ranges are? This is a Mad Russian scenario called HSG B The Sharp End.
  24. My trees in winter scenarios are sometimes green and other times snow covered. I think this is due to whether it is 'cold' or 'frozen'. How does this work. Is there a mod of trees with no leaves and no snow? cheers
  25. Hi I had 3 Shermans sitting hull down on top of a ridge in some scattered trees covering a road. A lone PzIV TD wanders down the road, disappears to a 'cross' and then reappears, immediately shoots and kills a Sherman and then disappears. This happens a second time. How come if he is moving forwards, he beats my guys who are sitting waiting in ambush! cheers
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