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Der Alte Fritz

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Posts posted by Der Alte Fritz

  1. That is of course the main divisional body, which stands in marked contrast to the recce forces and the forward detachment. Soviet recce forces were infantry scouts for Rifle Divisions and motorcycle and scout car based for tank and mech forces. The main point of interest is that they did not fight for information, preferring to spread out, use stealth and go around obstacles in order to build up an intelligence picture. They had three sizes of formation, usually a platoon of motorcycle troops for a general 'sweep' kind of search, a platoon of scout cars for investigating point targets or a company based force with a couple of guns and a platoon of tanks for large point targets. In the case of Tank and Mech forces behind these came a point section of two tanks often 15km in advance of the point battalion and then followed by the main force of a reinforced battalion of tanks and Motor Rifle troops. Following them came the corps main body.

    So the recce troops spy out the land using stealth but what is the point tank section for and does the point battalion clear the way ahead or does it go around the obstacles and leave the clearing to the main body?

  2. The Soviet defenders of the Officers Club at Brest Litovsk did remarkably well, beating off the first attack and then the second but the third mass attack in company strength supported by the pioneers managed to break into the building though not enough to ensure final victory. Likewise the defenders of the State Farm remained hidden until the enemy infantry were within 100m and then shot them down to a man. The German armour was powerless to intervene and the Soviet infantry managed to finish off a StuG and tanks that came up finished off the rest. But it was all in vain, as Guderian's panzers were already far to their rear and within a few days, supplies would cease to arrive and they would be "in the bag".

    So now we move onto Fight for Glinki Firestorm at Glinki Survival at Glinki followed by Plugging the Gap asnthe Soviet armies are gradually surrounded and pressed into an encirclement.

  3. Well we need to get this fixed as I suspect that what people who are waiting for the WW2 version of CMSF have no yet realised is that the number of vehicles supported by the game are going to be quite small. So you are not going to get CMBB with extra graphics. What you are going to get is CMSF with a handful of WW2 vehicles. So first choice will be Normandy and then maybe a Kursk pack. But you will not get June 1941 to May 1945 with almost every vehicles as you do in CMBB.

  4. And to help you further, if you look under Der Alte Fritz at the same place you will find and excel document listing all the scenarios and in which folder to find them. Using the listing, you can sort by the size of battle, type of battle, where it is, when it was and to come up with a list of scenarios that are more or less what you are looking for and in which folder they appear.

    Should keep you going for years!

  5. More umbers on the Soviet side from "School of Battle" by Charles Sharp (sorry to not own the Mech Corps volume)

    18th TC

    Aug receives 106th Guards Motor Bn (8 BM13) and 78th Motorcycle Bn

    Nov strength 40 tanks in each Bde but still 25% T70s!

    1543rd SU equipped with SU152

    1439th SU equipped with SU85

    29th TC

    Sept 43 joined by 1549th SU with SU152

    Oct 43 joined by 11th Guards Mortar Bn (8 BM13) and 1446th SU with SU85

    On 23rd Oct Corps had 26 tanks.


  6. Hi

    Am struggling with German unit numbers on this one.

    I have the 25th Pz Div at Fatsov, newly raised and sent to the East with Pz Regt 9 from Norway, refitted and re-equipped. It has 90 PzIVs, ie around 6 companies in 2 battalions. Pz Bn 509 45 Tiger Is. source: Scorched Earth Paul Carrell

    22nd Sept Wiking Das Reich and Totenkopf each with 25 tanks and 12 StuGs and 100 men in each PzGr Bn.

    November - Kiev counter attack

    SS LAH (refitted) 95 Panthers, 95 PzIvs and 27 Tiger Is.

    1st Pz Div 95 PzIvs 76 Panthers

    25th Pz Div 93 PzIVs

    Pz Bn 509 25 Tiger Is

    Das Reich 22 PzIvs 6 PzIIIs and 10 Tigers

    7th Pz Div 20 tanks

    19th Pz Div 20 tanks

    source Steel Storm - Tim Ripley (quotes Jentz as a source)

    Sorry I cannot find more, but at least this is a decent bracket.

    I would conclude that units in the field such as Totenkopf are stuck with their old tanks PzIVs and Tigers and that units are still being sent from the Reich with PzIVs but that favoured units such as SS LAH are getting a Panther Regt in addition to their normal Regt when they refit in the Reich. I do not see Totenkopf being better equipped than Das Reich, so I doubt they had any Panthers at this stage. Only a guess mind.


  7. Hi

    Try this:

    These are my settings. Bear in mind that I have very little clue as to what they are and it may be possible to optimise further, especially on the speed issue.

    Anisotrpic filtering: 16x

    Antialiasing gamma : on

    " mode: override

    " setting: 16xQ

    " transparency: supersampling

    Conformant texture clamp : use open GL spec

    Error reporting: on

    Force minimaps: billinear

    Multi display: compatabilty perf. mode

    Stereo: use onboard DIN

    Texture filtering Anisotropic : on

    " " Negative Loss bias: allow

    " " Quality: performance

    " " trillinear: on

    Threaded option: on

    Triple Buffer: on

    Verical Sync: force off

    By the way, if you set AA and AF to 2x you should notice huge improvements in framerates and still have some visual delights.


  8. Hi

    Sorry for the delay but do not have a scanner at present, so map might be a few of days.

    I can see on the map the following German units (but it is a confusing map!)

    123 ID

    125 ID

    304 ID

    151 ID

    62 ID

    294 ID

    384 ID

    76 ID

    16th Pz Gr Div

    9th Pz Div

    11 Pz Div

    23rd Pz Div

    14th Pz Div

    1 Pz Div

    24 Pz Div

    11 Pz Div

    SS AH

    SS Totenkopf

    "1 CD" which may mean Gross Deutchland who were next to 9th Pz near Mishurin Rog

    203rd Assault Detchment

    210 Assault Detch

    236 Assault Detch

    232 Assault Deatchment (XXX AC)

    656 Pz Regt

    506 Pz Gr Bn (probably means Tiger Bn)

    From the article I have drawn the following:

    Konev Steppe Front (20th Oct 2nd Ukranian Front)

    Kremenchug-Krivoi Rog (Piatikhatki) Offensive 15thOct-3rd Nov

    11th November OOB

    57th Army

    27th GRC: 48th 58th GRD 53rd RD

    64th RC: 52nd GRD 80th GRD 93rd GRD

    68th RC: 113rd RD 409th RD

    96th Tank Bde

    37th Army

    57th RC: 1st 15th GAirDiv 92nd GRD

    82nd RC: 10th GAirDiv 28th GRD 118th RD

    89th GRD

    213rd RD

    228th RD

    43rd Sep Tank Regt

    7th Guards Army

    24th GRC 8th GAirDiv 36th 72nd 81st GRD

    25th GRC 41st 73rd 78th GRD

    49th RC 19th 223rd 303rd RD

    1st Mech Corps: 19th 35th 37th Mech Bde 219th Tank Bde

    5th GTA

    5th G Mech Corps:

    10th 11th 12th G Mech Bde

    24th G Tank Bde

    104th G SP Art Regt

    1147th SP Art Regt

    1529th SP Art Regt

    18th Tank Corps

    110th Tank Bde

    107th Tank Bde

    181st Tank Bde

    32nd Motor Rifle Bde

    1438th SP Art Regt

    1543rd SP Art Regt

    29th Tank Corps

    25th Tank Bde

    31st Tank Bde

    32nd Tank Bde

    53rd Motor Rifle Bde

    1446th SP Art Regt

    1549th SP Art Regt

    53rd Sep Tank Regt

    14th Nov 7th Mech Corps attached to 5GTA. Refitting to rear.

    11th Nov 5GTA: 358 tanks

    253 T34

    70 T70

    35 SP guns

    1st Mech Corps 100 tanks

    20th Tank Corps 'considerably fewer'

    Konev's Front forces are 'threadbare'

    41st GRD 2,845 men

    28th GRD 200 men per regt

    Interesting how many old friends are present from the south face of the Kursk battle. Particularly the 52nd GRD which took the full force of II SS Pz Corps attack and was shattered in the first days fighting.

    Found other items:


    From Feldgrau.net

    "I am currently working with some sources on GD panzer losses and found interesting information. So, during only one month of combats of 1943 (29 Sep -29 Oct 1943) GD lost 35 Tigers as a complete write-off!

    29 Sep 1943 - 4 Tigers are lost in action

    9 Oct 1943 - 5 Tigers are lost in action

    18 Oct 1943 - 13 Tigers are lost; 10 Tigers (ex-Pz Lehr) that were on the way to III. Abt Pz Rgt GD are captured by the Russians while being moved by rail

    20 Oct 1943 - 7 Tigers are lost in action, 23 Tigers on hand, in action near Krivoi Rog

    23 Oct 1943 - 6 Tigers are lost to the end of the month

    I am especially interested on the accident happened on October 18th 1943, when 10 Tigers were captured by Russians while being moved by rail. Does somebody can provide details how and where exactly this happened? Thanks in advance.

    a massive russian attack started from the bridgehead near Mischurin Rog on 15.10.1943. The left neighbour of GD was the 9. Panzerdivision. Russian tanks moved through their line without a stop to the railroad Pjatichatki-Bykowo.

    The railway station Pjatichatki was in the rear of 9. PD and GD, some trains were standing in the railway station. They were destroyed by russian tanks, which broke through the thin lines of both divisions and hurried to the south. After this, the railway station was retaken, the tanks were destroyed. Many wounded men, which also were on the trains, died.

    quoted from Spaeter, Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland and Schneider, TiK.

    Some more details from the official Soviet Information Bureau statement of October 19th, 1943.

    “During 19th October 1943 in the area to the south-east of Kremenchug our troops breaking enemy resistance went on developing offensive and advanced up to 15-20 kilometers managed to capture a town and railroad nod of Pyatikhatka… Thus an important communication line of Germans, the Dnepropetrovsk-Znamenka railroad, was cut by our forces. According to some rough estimation the following booties were captured by our troops: fifteen railroad cars, 30 tanks including 17 Tigers, 172 cannons, 1,300 half-trucks/cars, 600 machine guns and munitions/rations depots/warehouses. 1,800 German soldiers and officers were captures as POW.”

    The Soviet tankers who captured a train with Tigers belonged to the 29th Tank Corps of the 5th Guards Tank Army of General Pavel Rotmistrov.

    Some information from 'The History of Panzerregiment Großdeutschland, by Hans-Joachim Jung':

    "On 17 October 1943 the enemy was at Taranzoff. The enemy spearheads turned and spread confusion among supply, workshop and medical units. At Pjatichatki ambulance trains were were shot up and set on fire. The wounded saved themselves on foot at the last minute. Counterattacking units found a frightful scene when they reached the railroad station. Ten new Tigers destined for III./Panzerregiment Großdeutschland fell into the enemy hands, still on the flatcars with their transport tracks. Unit trains fleeing Pjatichatki lost a number of vehicles to enemy tank fire. "

    Here is a description of the same combat in Helmuth Spaeter, The History of the Panzercorps GD:

    "The group comprising the remnants of III (Tiger) Battalion, Panzer Regiment GD, under command of Oberleutnant Bayer, commander of 11th Company, suffered a severe loss on the 8th or 9th of October. A joint advance against the well-known "seven-nipple hill", east of Point 172.2, several Tigers together with the 2nd (APC) Company, Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion GD and the following infantry. Employing all of means available, this attack was supposed to finally place this decisive group of hills in German hands. The attack began in the late morning. While the panzers with their wide tracks made comparatively rapid progress in the difficult terrain and were able to pass through the tall sunflower and wheat fields with relative ease, the small number of one-ton armoured personnel carriers were left behind at the edge of these fields with twisted tracks. As well the men in the open APCs had to defend themselves against the numerous Soviets who, hidden in thei foxholes, tried to toss grenades into the vehicles. The advance was thus slowed to a crawl. Contact was lost with the fast-moving panzers. Apparently the enemy had also realized that the tanks had lost their infantry cover and permitted them to drive through unmolested. They then sealed off the area behind the panzers with anti-tank guns and hand-held weapons and encircled them. Neither were tanks, which were now under fire from all sides by anti-tank guns, able to break through to the rear; nor could the armoured personnel carriers pierce the Soviet blocking ring and establish contact with them.

    Stukas and reconnaissance aircraft later determined that all the surrounded tanks had been knocked out or captured. By evening the radio listening service had learned the names of the survivors who had been taken prisoner. They included Oberleutnant Arnold (10th Company), leader of the panzer operation, Leutnant Folke (9th Company), Oberfeldwebel Friedebach (H.Q. Company), Obergefreiter Jensen (H.Q. Company), Obergefreiter Fritz (H.Q. Company) and Unteroffizier Mueller (H.Q. Company). Leutnant Folke returned in 1953 after ten years as a prisoner, nothing more was ever heard of the others. With this loss the number of operational tanks had fallen to zero. The effects of this were to make themselves felt in the decisive fight for Borodayevka in the following days.”

    Helmuth Spaeter, The History of the Panzercorps GD, Vol. 2, PP. 217-218

  9. Hi

    This is an old problem see FAQ:

    Problem: Text in-game is unreadable (yellow on white) on a Radeon card when Anti-Aliasing is turned on.

    Cause/Solution #1: This seems to be a persistent bug with the ATI drivers and anti-aliasing and we usually advise to not use AA while playing however a workaround has been provided by a member of our forum which you may wish to try out.

    Download this file http://www.battlefront.com/misc/Radeon_text_fix.zip and follow the directions in the readme.txt to replace 3 small files in your CMBB\BMP folder which may resolve this problem.

    Cause/Solution #2: Disable Anti-Aliasing in your drivers control panel. To do that, set the AA level to x0 or select Application Preference which does the same thing.

  10. The debate about 'fire effect' on early deployment is maybe not as simple or a polarised as one may think.

    It was standard German doctrine to have OPs forward in their alarm post line VSS (4,000m out from the main position) and their outpost line GVP (2,000m out), the former spotting for 150mm and the latter for 105mm. So there was some attempt to engage the enemy with artillery fire in-front of the HKL main position. But how effective would that be.

    The Soviets approach, usually with scouts, they get engaged and go to ground. Some sort of company sized support unit, immediately behind, engages the position and tries to push it back. This is engaged with artillery fire. Behind the next hill, the Soviet main body deploys (?) but is still invisible. With a good idea of what they are facing the Soviets mount a second attack with the correct sized force. This is again engaged with artillery fire and while so covered, our German advance position slips away to another rear position.

    So the net result is that the Germans are able to fix and attack an enemy advanced force with artillery but it is unlikely to be able to inflict any damage on the main body (probably still sitting on the road in column of march). Soviet casualties from this will be low but it does give the forwards positions (small light units anyway) a good level of support fire power.

    Only at the main position, when the Soviet main body is finally thrown into the attack does it expose itself to artillery fire that is going to do it appreciable damage.

    But in certain circumstances, more common in the outpost line, a company sized position might be held for some time and a battalion sized formation be needed to shift it. Which would offer a good artillery target. At Kursk, the Soviets held some advanced villages with battalion sized formations that had to be cleared the day before by very large forces.

    So I can see what JasonC is saying and John too. But the correct answer is 'maybe'.

  11. I think part of the problem is that unlike CMBO, there are no essential mods that can fix your problem with a few clicks. But to take a minimalist approach would be:

    terrain: Nisseuh

    hi contrast terrain Green as Jade

    uniforms: Andrew Fox

    vehicles: MIkeyD David Ingelet Uncle Tgt Pat

    winter vehicles DEY

    UI mods Vincent splash screens, Vossie UI

    Sound mods no idea

    Mystery vehicle (essential) DAF Uncle Tgt

    About 50 mods should do you a basic set of terrain and vehicles, 150 a good set and about 350 and you have what I have.


  12. Yes there are:

    1) artillery is quite range limited in modern defensive positions, so making the enemy deploy 2km in front of the main line, means that his artillery is 3km further away than it needs to be from the main position. With a typical medium howitzer having a range of 12km and the distance between the first and second lines of defence being 6km, being 3km further back means that you can not really hit the second line of defences effectively.

    2) It protects your fixed defences such as minefields and obstacles as enemy light troops cannot penetrate you outpost line to destroy them.

    3) It conceals the position of your main defences.

    4) It slows the enemies rate of advance as they have to move off roads and go cross country.

    5) It allows your artillery to pin point the enemy position and to attack it while your own main body remains concealed.

    6) It distrupts the enemy deployment as they have to deploy heavy troops to clear away the outpost line which gives warning of their line of attack and allows reserves to start to move towards the threatened are. For example at Kursk some German units cleared the Soviet outpost line the day before the main attack so that their main forces could jump off from start positions just in front of the Soviet main lines.


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