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Der Alte Fritz

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Posts posted by Der Alte Fritz

  1. No all of those things were used from winter '43 onwards so are not new. The Germans adopted linear trench systems at this point exactly to meet items 2-4. One objective of the German command was to identify the main Russian point of attack and then they could thin out the lines in quiet areas and switch the troops to the area under attack. But by 1945, the lines had shortened so much compared to being in the Ukraine and Belorus that they could not do this anymore.

  2. No it is not a DirectX 10 problem because you are using XP, which supports DirectX 9 backwards to DX5. The problem only occurs when using Vista and DX10 cards.

    It sounds like a video card settings problem. Does your PC have a motherboard graphics chip? If so you could try disabling your card cand running from that. If it works, you know it is a card problem.

    Usually I find having the latest driver is not a solution, so try a driver to two backwards.

  3. Hi

    I have downloaded the patch from Gamershell and installed it as instructed. BUt on starting the game, all I get is a black screen and nothing after that. Worked fine as version 1.08 patched from the original Paradox CD.

    What can I do to fix this. I am assuming the patch has gone into the right location because the game worked before installation. So a faulty patch?


  4. I have 100 Stalingrad scenarios listed:

    5TA Alarm Along the Chir

    5TA Rumanian Roundup

    5TA Uranus

    5TA v 1 Rumanian Panzer Division

    5TA v 22nd Panzer Division

    5TA v 24th Panzer Division

    6th Army Probe B&T:SP

    6th Army Probe B&T:SP

    A million blood-drops HMP 03 -

    A Morning Commute B&T:SP

    A Valiant Stand

    Antonescu Kaputt B&T:SP

    Approach to Stalingrad

    Assault in the Snow B&T:SP

    Balck and the Bridgehead B&T:SP

    Barrikady HSG ST1

    Bricks and Bombs

    Closing the Circle

    Commissar's House

    Cossacks! Alarm!

    Courage is not enough CSDT

    Courtyard of Death

    Der Manstein kommt! B&T:SP

    Der Pionier Kessel

    Dzerhezinsky - QB Soviet Attack B&T:SP

    Dzerhezinsky - QB Axis Attack B&T:SP

    Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works

    Eye of the Storm B&T:SP

    Eye Tie Pocket LS3

    Failure on the Aksai B&T:SP

    Ferry Ticket of Volga

    Ferry Ticket of Volga I

    Fixed Bayonet

    Glimmer of Valour B&T:SP

    Grain Elevator

    Heart of Stalingrad

    Hell On Earth B&T:SP

    Hollow Legion B&T:SP

    Hourre Pobieda!

    If Only

    Into the Void B&T:SP

    Kalach-na-Donu B&T:SP

    Krasnopresnenskaya Street, Stalingrad

    Krasny Octybr

    Landser Holiday LS7

    Last Stand of the 24th Tank Corps LS5

    Little Stalingrad

    Little Stalingrad PC6

    Mamayev Kurgan, Stalingrad

    My City of Ruins B&T:SP

    No Goulash for Ivan

    No Goulash for Ivan V2

    No Goulash for Ivan V3

    No Goulash For Ivan-TP

    Not so quiet flows the Don LS1

    Novorossisk - Ozereika

    Nowhere Fast LS2

    One Down, Two to Go

    One Final Stab B&T:SP

    Operation Hubertus

    Our Backs to the Volga B&T:SP

    PanzerBlitz Situation #42-4

    PanzerBlitz Situation #JP23

    Pavlov's House


    Red storm at Blinov

    Rubble -QB Allied Attack B&T:SP

    Rubble -QB Axis Attack B&T:SP

    Skulpturny Park

    Small Town Magyar LS6

    Stalingrad North -QB Allied Attack B&T:SP

    Stalingrad North -QB Axis Attack B&T:SP

    Stalingrad on the Danube.

    Stalingrad Party Head Quarters

    Stalingrad Station 1-i

    Stalingrad the Moviescene

    Stalingrad Tractor Factory

    Stalingrad tutorial Human vs Tank HF

    Stalingrad-Pt 1 City Outskirts

    Stalingrad-Pt 1 City Outskirts

    Streckers last stand

    Streets of Stalingrad

    Streets of Stalingrad 2

    Tatsinskaya Airfield LS4

    Tatsinskaya Raid B&T:SP

    The Bitter End B&T:SP

    The Central Ferry Landing, 23am Stalingrad

    The Grain Elevator, Stalingrad

    The Grain Elevator, Stalingrad

    The Guards Counterattack SL 01 -

    The Headquarters HSG ST2

    The Heart of Stalingrad

    The Library - 2P B&T:SP

    The Library - AI B&T:SP

    The Tractor Works SL 02 -

    Tovarishch Mysh B&T:SP

    Waltzing Matilda B&T:SP

    What Might have Been B&T:SP

    When Worlds Collide B&T:SP



  5. 1st/7th Air Cavalry battle in the Ia Drang Valley November 7th 1965:

    A and C batteries 1/21st Artillery operating from Firebase Falcon fired 18,000 rounds over 53 hours straight with their 105mm, two broke down during this period and were repaired - recoil mechanism failures. - "We were soldiers once" Moore and Galloway.

    That makes 2250 rounds per gun firing at a range of 6 miles ie pretty near max range of 7 miles so almost maximum charges. Firing rate of 0.7 rounds per minute for the whole period, max rate for short periods over 10 rounds per minute. So probably used a third of the barrel life in just two days.

    This is about as intense as it gets in real life.

  6. Hi john

    Oh dear. The reason I was interested in this battle was that is was typical of a German defence with an extended line, von M said the division held a 30km front line. According to your sources it was 10km. Since a Bn holds a front of 2km, a division at standard spacing holds 8km, so just adding the reserve regt into the front line makes it 10km. So quite normal.

    How about one of those German corset divisions that had to fight their way out after the collapse of the Allied armies on either flank of the 6th Armee. Did they end up holding extended lines and if so how did they do it?

    Any ideas?


  7. Hi

    I would walk away from this battle until you have a bit more experience.

    You are looking at one of the "Rugged Assault/Defence" series which are designed by top designers like Andreas Bierman to be hard to play for 'grogs'. The other ones in the series are:

    Into Russia We Go B&T

    Panzerspitze Kaiser RAS

    Road to Koltov RAS

    Chernishaya Heights B&T

    Midsummers Nightmares B&T

    Turning East

    Small Assault RAS

    Just because they are small does not mean they are easy.

    If you are having difficulty finding the right type of scenario to play have a look at my complete scenario listing at www.cmmods.com under my name as a designer. The listing is in excel and will allow you to sort some 1400 scenarios and then pick a size and force type that you want. Then the description should help sort out the easier ones to play. The listing also tells you where to find most of these scenarios.

    Or perhaps the members of the forum could draw up a list for you. I played "Jagermeister" for ages and got killed coming over the crest every time until I leanrt how to handle smoke from artillery. Once over the crest, I killed everyone in sight. But for that scenario you need the arcane knowledge of a) use of smoke B) how to use JS-2s. So not one for newbies.


  8. Hi John

    I have read "Standing Fast" several times. But I am still unable to get firm data on Winter 1942 defences around the Stalingrad relief force. This was known as the battles on the River Chir. An Infantry Division held the river line and the 11th Panzer Division operated behind them dealing with any armour penetrations like the one at State Farm 79 on 5th December. But data on the positions of the 336th ID is very scarce. Any ideas?

  9. I think that what you need to bear in mind is that German defensive doctrine did not change that much during the course of the war. It arose from the Battle of the Somme in 1916 in which the German defenders lost almost as many men as the attackers pro rata. This led to a switch away from a linear defence to what was termed 'elastic defence' which was based on strongpoints within the trench system which covered the ground between them by artillery and MG fire. Loss of ground was accepted so long as the attack ground to a halt and was then counter attacked immediately. This doctrine was used during the entire Second World War with local changes to adapt it to local conditions. So individual strongpoints were abandoned in 1943 as being too vulnerable to Soviet artillery but they remained within the linear trench system. No change in doctrine although the defences look very different.

    My current project is a series of scenarios which will show the 'doctrine' type defence and then the various adaptations to it. The first one of these is posted at TPG as German Defence 1941. So any information that you can dig up on this area would be very useful in the future.


  10. There seems a little confusion about various units, functions etc. Having had a look at this and tried to work it out from the information in "Soviet Tactical Doctrine in WWII" by Caza, I came up with the following for recce forces:

    Tank/Mech Corps = Motorcycle Bn

    Tank Army = Motorcycle Regt + the Bn from the Tank/Mech Corps

    There were other units listed on the TOE but according to the "Red Army Handbook" these were rarely available in practice. By the time of the Soviet advance in 1943/4 these were more complex formations with scout car companies and tank companies.

    These recce assets were broken up to perform various levels of recconnaissence. The force size depended on what the recce target was. and the Soviets distinguished between "Recce Groups" which investigated large point targets likely to be defended; "Independent Recce Patrol" which investigated small point targets and "Recce Patrols" which did a big sweep.

    So this is how I reckon it breaks down:

    Reconnaissance Battalion 16th Tank Corps

    1 x Tank Company (10 Valentines)

    1 x Motorcycle Company (21 jeeps and Recon C company)

    1 x Motor Rifle Company (10 Scout Cars and Recon A platoon, SMG platoon)

    1 x Armoured Car Company (10 BA64 a/c)

    1 x Pioneer Platoon

    4 x 76mm/45mm guns

    6 x 82mm mortars

    disposed on map as:


    Battalion HQ in Half Track (HT)

    Tank Platoon + HQ of 6 x Valentines

    SMG Platoon of tank riders

    Infantry Platoon of 2 x Recon A squads in 3 x Scout Cars

    2 x 76mm Divisional guns

    82mm mortar FO (radio)

    Pioneer Platoon in lorries


    Point position of 1 Valentine and flank and rear guards of 2 BA64 armoured cars each.


    Tank platoon of 4 xValentines

    Infantry Platoon of 2 x Recon A squads in 3 x Scout Cars

    2 x 45mm AT Guns pulled by carriers


    each comprises 1 x Recon C Platoon of 5 x jeeps (with half a squad in each jeep)

    or 1 x Recon A squad in 4 x Scout cars

    or 2 x BA64 armoured cars

    from Motorcycle, Motor Rifle or Armoured Cars companies respectively.

    Behind forces comes the platoon of T34 with Tank riders from the Tank Corps as an advance guard called a "Combat Recce Patrol" made up of

    1 x pl T-34 (inc SMG tank riders)

    1 x 120mm mortar FO

    10km behind them comes the "Forward Detachment" of a reinforced Tank Battalion

    1 x company T-34

    1 x pl T34

    1 x company SMG tank riders (some in lorries)

    4 x SU152

    4 x DP MG

    3 x Tank Hunter

    1 x 120mm mortar FO

    Support troops

    1 x pl Pioneers (in 3 x M3 HT)

    2 x Maxim

    6 x AT rifles

    2 x 82mm mortars

    2 x 45mm AT guns

    2 x M17 HT

    1 x 132mm rocket FO

    Rear Guard

    1 x pl T-34

    Behind them comes the rest of the Tank Corps about 10km behind.

    Combat application of Tank Corps from the manual:

    “7. Tank crews conduct attacks at maximum speed, conduct intensive fire on the move (actually from a short halt) on guns, mortars and enemy infantry and manoeuvre on the battlefield using folds in the ground to attack the flanks and rear of enemy firing positions and infantry. Tanks do not conduct frontal attacks. I try to use "soot and scoot" in a straight line to represent this.

    5. When enemy tanks appear on the battlefield they are primarily engaged by AT artillery. Tanks engage enemy tanks only when they have clear superiority and an advantageous position.

    11. The main mission of the tank Corps is to destroy enemy infantry.

    13. Terrain has a decisive influence on the choice of direction for tank corps operations.”

    Note the use of Valentines as recce tanks, these could be T-70s as well. But the Valentine was the only UK tank the Russians asked for more of. They liked it due to the quiet engine, low silhouette, decent armour and good AT gun and did not mind about the slow speed. Perhaps this illustrates how tanks were used in recce, slow and stealthy?

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