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Der Alte Fritz

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Posts posted by Der Alte Fritz

  1. Hi George

    Am using IE7.

    When I click on the link for the picture I get a page no found responce. All the other BT website pictures load as normal. This is the link that I am using for the 2nd picture on the Baake page.

    http://www.blowtorchscenarios.com/B%E4ke%20Battles_Der%20Mensch%20on%20the%20Ost%20Front/B%E4ke%20Prelude%20at%20Pokhlebin/Bäke%20at%20Pokhlebin%20Screenies/Soviet%20cavalry%20atta cking%20Pokhlebin.jpg

    Yeah getting a new machine from www.pcspecialist.co.uk looks better than Dell and more flexible ordering. Using XP and a NVIDIA 7900GT card bought on eBay based on your advice. So keep yout fingers and toes crossed, the Dell machine has cost me 6 weeks on computing nightmare.


  2. I agree.

    I apply 'Sod's 1st Law of Computing'.

    "Never buy anything to do with computers that someone else has got up and running and working successfully."

    So my new computer arrives next week with XP not Vista and a 7000 series not an 8000 series card.

    Vista is not reliable, so I will wait until it is and the 8000 series cards are a completely new archicture for NVIDIA and so are going to cause problems for ages. When they have sorted out these pre-production problems, then they can have my money.

  3. Hi George

    Have been reading Raus recently and have just finished the 'Turning' battle chapter. Glad to see you are doing so many of the battles of this intersting man. Brilliant.

    Can you check some of your links as the ones concerning this series are not all owrking on the BT website. Also I am not getting all the pictures.

    Downloaded the first battle from TPG today but it might be a while before you get a report that is a lot of battle to fight! (Especially as using the old steam powered Brunel computer with the 64k memory. It might have to wait until the GigaBrain StarDestroyer 6000 arrives from the makers next week.)


  4. Just as well really.

    Since I posted this reply I have had one person on the CMSF forum report they do run both CMSF and CMBB on a NVIDIA 8600 GT. Assume they mean on MS XP. Am investigating.

    The ATI HD2600XT with the white box bug seems to affect both the 2000 and 3000 series ATI cards. With a properly functioning card, the background to the text is transparent. These ATI cards do not recognise this so put it as white box. You can mod the image and put all sorts of backgrounds on it but they all show through. It does not recognise pink as transparent. The black box is the least noticable but means you cannot see the text when you come to save a game!

    So looks like ATI cards are out of the running but we need more information on the new 8000 series NVIDIA ones.

  5. So it looks like the DirectX 9 cards ATI 9800 and lower and NVIDIA 7950 and lower runs both games. Only one DirectX 10 card to date an 8500 probably on XP?

    I have got a ATI 9700XT Pro on my old machine but not enough RAM to run CMSF. The new machine is being built with 2GB RAM and a NVIDIA 7900GT card, so looks like this will work fine.

    I would be interested to hear of any new cards NVIDIA 8000 or ATI 2000 or 3000 cards that run all CM titles. My ATI HD2600XT did not run CMBB successfully.


  6. Hi JasonC

    Do not buy your 8800GT. It will not work properly, all the game text boxes will be surrounded by a white box and the available fix is only partial because is replaces the white box with a black box!

    I have just sent back a computer with a ATI 2600XT card because of this.

    In short any card that supports DirectX 10 will not allow CMBB to work properly. So you are limited to NVIDIA 7950 or below and ATI 9800 or below which are the last of the DirectX 9 cards. For really good performavnce and frame rate, people report better results from even earlier cards like XT1900 mentioned above.

    I have just bought a NVIDIA 7900GT on the basis that it woll run both CMBB and CMSF (and any follow ons) but still have my ATI 9700 XT in reserve. Will post the results.

    You can still get some really fast and even 512 sized DirectX cards but will probably have to buy the card seperately as the PC manufacturers such as DEll are pushing the new DirectX 10 cards.


  7. Hi Zimorodok

    With regard to what works with CMBB/AK and what does not it basically boils down to XP/VISTA and DirectX 9/10.

    Any card Nvidia 8000 series or above or ATI 2000 or 3000 series card or above will not work properly with CMBB/AK in either XP or Vista. DirectX 10 cards

    Nvidia 7000 series or ATI 9000 series will run it on XP but not Vista. DirectX 9 cards. These cards will also run CMSF.

    Nvidia 6000 or below and ATI 8000 or earlier will run it much better.

    CMBB is DirectX 5 which is now 6 years old and the newer cards do not support it.


  8. The newer cards only seem to work with the newer versions of DirerctX. How about running it on a virtual PC - would that make a difference do you think?

    The patch for solving the white box problem does not really work. It obscures more than the old version and when you come to save your games you cannot see the text because it is just a series of black lines.

  9. Hi

    I have been getting similar errors on my new machine with an ATI HD 2600 XT card.

    It might be that you have to adjust the graphics card settinsg to turn off AA and AAA. Or worse stiil I have had to do a complete Windows XP reinstall because what is happening is that the processor is trying to access memory that does not exist which then crashed the game or shows mising bmps.

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