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Everything posted by arado234

  1. To combat the allies blockading norway whynot bring back the effect planes have on ships like in sc1?This would make the allies think twice.Afterall isnt that a big part of what gemany needed to invade england(air supremacy to stop the royal navy).
  2. Whats scary blashy is that if what JerseyJohn said did happen i wonder who and how many countries would have had the atomic bomb by then.Having not been used yet(we all know human nature in that seeing is believing)there may have been a ''mini''nuclear war just to try them out.YAHOO
  3. Balshy we may disagree on some points but you hit the nail right on the head with The ''good guys''being just as greedy for power(politicans).JerseyJohn as far as the destrution of the B.E.F.goes and england surrendering your right i did mean sue for peace.Ive read where the british govt was debating sueing for peace AFTER the B.E.F.returned to england.If they had destroyed the B.E.F. the brits would have been in alot of trouble(as far as their empire abroad goes)They could ill afford to loose those 300,000 plus troops.
  4. Let us not forget the opportuities presented to hitler BEFORE he blew it:Refering to atomic science as jewish science(forcing some of the best scientists to leave),not wiping out the B.E.F.when he had the chance(which may very well caused england to surrender)Attacking russia with mindset of a madman bent on destuction.He had a a very GOOD chance of at least forcing another revolt or at best getting alot of russia to join his side.But then hitler wouldnt have been hitler.HE WAS NUTS.I dont think you can factor this or alot of the other major happenings(ultra,etc)into this game.Blashy england was out producing germany ONLY because germany didnt see a need to go on a total war production.Hitler thought he had the war won.Germany only went on a total war output from 1943 onwards(when it was to late).Remember germanys production WENT UP in 1944 with the allies pounding them from the air.If germany had planned for a long war which her economy may or may not have sustained(look what happened to russia and look at america today in debt over 4trillion dollars)germany may have had such a well equiped prepared force that no one would wanted to attack it because of the huge human sacrifice.We all could go on and on but thats the FUN of these forums.
  5. Your right pzgndr but in all ww2 games you have to strike a playable balance or it becomes to predictable.But you are right in that somethings should be hardwired into any ww2 game.If the game is any good which sc2 is then its usually been done.The fact that in sc2 the allies can act like or worse then the germans makes the game somewhat unrealistic(the allies did force some neutrals to their way of thinking)but it makes it unpredictable which is fun.Thats what its about.
  6. It would have been real ugly if it had a different warhead.
  7. Blashy i operated the necessary troops to get benulux and denmark on my first turn.My next turn to attack i got mud.I should have waited and would probably have gotten clear weather the next turn but you never know.If you get clear weather turn two, those two countries are pretty much done.
  8. I tried blashys move of trying to take denmark,low countries in one turn and got burned by mud on 2 of the 5 att.I got it the other three times but against an allied player who suspects this you could be stopped.I did the hotseat aginst myself and was able to stop the germans.Part of the success depended on where the two belgium corps started at.I have played quite a few games and never found it mattered a great deal if france fell in early july or not.I think the key to france is to avoid excessive losses.
  9. Konigs,stalins Organs just think what would have happened if germany had gone allout tech.on the v2 program combined with an allout atomic program.Then we would have had a different story.I dont know if they could have pulled it off though because of the costs and the fact that we had ultra and most likley would have found out and taken counter measures.
  10. Konigs i said that but i think you are missing the one important fact which is the allies massive ind.output.They dropped 2.7 million tons of bombs on germany.The average v2 has a 1600lb war head(factor in the weight and time to build a whole rocket).To come close to the amout of bomb tonnage dropped the germans would have had to built about 17,000 v2s.Good luck with that.The allies had the manpower and resources to keep everything going germany didnt.But for this game you are right in the fact that since the ind.outputs arenot at historical levels a seperate v2 weapon may have a benifical effect for germany.I think it should be included in a further upgrade.What do you think about adding a seperate v2 weapon?
  11. Yes minty if we had a seperate tech.for strategic rockets then with enough research the germans could really have a chance of slowing a possible allied invasion of europe.
  12. Im playing ksw7 and i have noticed that if his paras.are in the prepare mode they cant be spotted by troops within two hexes of them or by planes unless i move right beside them.He had the samething happen in russia with my paras.Possible bug?The weather is clear(july)
  13. Im not questioning the possible effect ov the v2 as a strategic weapon im saying it could never be built in the numbers to have the tactical effect(because of numbers needed)this game implies.Im saying it should have its own designation and its on tech. just like we have strategic and tactical bombers. Remember the allies dropped 2.8 MILLION tons of bombs on germany and yet germany kept fighting.I dont see the v weapons causing the brits to give up.A 3000lb bomb is much cheaper and easier to build than the v2 rocket.
  14. The v2 only carried a 1600lb warhead.The allies dropped bombs up to 20,000lbs.Most felt strategic bombing wouldnot win the a war.Blashy if your saying artillery will be simulated in the new expansion pack then thats great.I also hope that there is the chance to develop v2 rockets in the new expansion pack.
  15. I know they hit london but in sporatic attacks not thousands upon thousands at once(again I.C.B.M vs 4th of july special)The v2 was a strategic weapon and the stalin organs nebelwerfer etc were more of a tac.weapon.The russians used them strategicly sometimes because they had so many of them Maybe somehow you could have it that the v2 type rockets be a seperate weapon.This could then reflect the cost and time to build them.You could also have a seperate tech.for them.
  16. Im not saying remove them but decrease their max.range to two hexes.Tech.would improve killing power only,which is what they were used for.Blashy just because the tech.is available it doesnt mean the resources and time are.The rockets in ww2(v2s aside)were just a glorified 4th of july rocket.A v2 is an I.C.B.M.Your comparing apples and oranges.I love using them but i think the range they shoot is far to great.
  17. I would think that an early russia isnt as important if the germans completely take out england from the war.Am i correct?
  18. I get what your saying bromley but the tech.didnot exist during ww2 for the ability to develop rockets to shoot that far in the numbers required to cause the damage they cause.The russians fired over 13,000 stalin organs at berlin.That is just one battle.They built and fired tens of thousands of these over the course of the war.There is no way you could build that many v2 type rockets.
  19. Im assuming Zeke declared war on denmark.The reason i ask is i declared war on denmark as the brits and U.S.readiness dropped right down to zero.It also greatly upset sweden,norway,swiss,finland.Im wondering if its a good idea to cause that?Did i just get unlucky?
  20. Stalin's Organist, How do you explain the russian rockets shooting that far?(Your name says it all).They didnt have anything that could shoot that far.The v2 could never be fired in heavy enough concentration or accuracy to even have a hope of mimicing what these rockets are supposed to do.The german rockets are refering to the wurfrahmen 40 and the nebelwerfer(max. range about 8,000 to 10,000 meters),not over 100 miles.Rockets main use was in support troops.
  21. You guys are talking about rockets shooting across to malta from sicily.I think that should be fixed.Those rockets couldnt shoot anywhere near that far(over 100 miles).Max range is about 11 to 15 miles.Like i said before upgrades for rockets should really only have any effect on destructive power not range.Your now talking the range of a v2.
  22. I think with germany part of the reason her ind.tech.doesnt have the same effect(im guessing)is hubert may have factored in sabotage in the defeated countries, unwillingness to work etc etc.
  23. It all depends on what strategey you want to use.Diplomacy can work but there is always the luck factor.I find the funnest way is to use the MIGHT IS RIGHT approch.There are so many different options open(which makes this such a good game)that there are many different ways to use your tech.I think if you plan on making russia your main target then inf.and armour.tech are the most important.I like to have mobility(its quite costly to upgrade all your units especially russia)so you can suprise the russians with quick attacks and possibly catch their H.Q.s.Your best bet is trial and error.I also find its best to max your tech.out in the areas you think your enemy will be weak so you can really clobber him.
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