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Hyazinth von Strachwitz

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Everything posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz

  1. @ WB: I didn`t see any signs of stupidity in your post.. I know that my posts sometimes seem a bit harsh and unfriendly... I could have done better. Anyway: thx for the explanation... I did a bit of playtesting myself as well these days, and you are 100% right-- when I play against the Axis AI, I use to fortify Smolensk, then Moscow and finally the area around Stalingrad and sometimes even Sverdlovsk. The Axis never gets through the lines... the supply lines are too long. Even if you just keep the Ural and the Caucasus you get like 300MPP with IT maxed out... that fits to hold the lines, since you can buy back 60% priced units.
  2. @ Seamonkey: agreed... good idea. The amount of information you will get should also be dependent to the relative levels of both sides (I think this is what you want to say with "lead in Intel Tech", right?), i.e. if Germany has Level 4 and the UK have Level 1, Germany should get some rough info about total MPPs a turn or recently deployed units.
  3. @ Madmatt: Maybe WB got something wrong... I try to explain that to him. @ William Bowen: Honestly I don`t know what you are talking about when you say "you do that everytime". I simply didn`t understand what you wanted to say, this is why I was asking, nothing else. And I didn`t say anything anbout the first part of your post, because it is clearly understandable and 100% right.. I don`t need to say anything about it coz everyone here will have the same opinion in that case.. Basically I remember that I replied once to your post that this problem has been adressed.... I don`t know what else I did to you... anyway I do apologize for everything I did. Won`t happen again. Keep in mind people tend to ask questions when they don`t understand your posts... there was no hidden meaning. @ Good old JJR: is it possible that you do not dare to write me in a normal way coz you know that you cannot compete with a normal board user in intellectual ways? Is there anything else you have to say except "america is the greatest nation in the milky way" and giving lowIQ commments to serious discussions? Before you make fun of my nickname you might have a thought about the question wether your german is better than my english... if you tell me to be more professional I regard that a bad joke..
  4. I seriously doubt that any serious player will use that... does it make fun then? And basically you don`t win much.... you have the units from the beginning on, but (as Terif said) you give up other stuff...
  5. What exactly do you mean by scorched earth policy pls? I thought it is represented by the russian cities/mines/oil/seaports going to 0%... how else can you do that strategy?
  6. Yesterday I noticed a major bug... I need to say I use the german version, but I can imagine that this also works in the normal english version. The following occured: - I started a game as Axis on maxed out settings - Axis starts with 128MPP - I went to the unit purchase screen - I clicked on "armies" - I chose a name and changed it - I bought that army although the price was higher than 128 (I did this by mistake; basically I wanted to leave the screen) - My MPP account was negative I repeated steps 3 to 6 like 15 times... my MPP account was around -2000MPP. I restarted my PC and tried it again... and it worked everytime... strange. [ July 17, 2006, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  7. I find it very interesting to see that many of the americans group together when someone insults the greatest nation on earth... and I need to say that same of Kuniworth`s arguments are somewhat aggressive... but he has also clear arguments (i.e. in post number 49 in this thread) you guys cannot counter.. just give him **** isn`t a sign of style.
  8. That`s right esp. the war of 1812 against Canada. This one was caused by nazi propaganda and communist treachery.
  9. Although it is a bit off topic I need to say that the way the Israeli military treats the people in south Libanon and Gaza makes we wonder where they learned that style...
  10. @ JJR: If George W. Bush is a reflection of the american people, good night America!! Coming back on one thing I should have explained more detailed: when I say modern democracy, I should have said something like "modern state where every dead soldier is found on page one in the yellow press". IMHO a major problem for that US in Vietnam were the reporters who made pictures of everything... they learned of it, and in the 1991 Gulf War there were way less reporters. But in a long ongoing war (like the both WW) there is no way of keeping the press away from it for longer in a democracy.. so basically when I say modern democracy, I mean the western world after 1970... with Internet and Mobile phones, where every news spreads like a disease.... I hope that makes it bit easier for you guys to understand what I wanted to say, but english is not my mother tongue. Sometimes I wonder how the next large scale war will develop... I hope it will come as late as possible.. and it will be rich against hungry or atheist against believers. [ July 13, 2006, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  11. @ Andreas: I do have different opinions in a couple of points. Just imagine the problems the USA faced in Vietnam although they lost just 59.000 soldiers... I think a modern democracy cannot afford to loose millions of citizens. Apart from that I don`t think that total extinction was the goal of Hitler.. he wanted to create "living room" for Germany to grow to a population of 200 million just as the USA or Russia; that means deportation of large parts of the population existing there. And they needed people to work for them.. after what I read in the last decades this would have meant that the Generalgouverment would have been vastly increased and the Sowjet state itself would have been disbanded into satellite states more or less under own rule... Apart from that: when you say that the german tank support in the west was way better than in the east, you are right, but that is nothing in comparison to the Allied Forces... esp. in Air Support and Fuel Supply. They morale might have been okay until Falaise, but Germany lost more soldiers in the West from June til August 44 than in Stalingrad... the morale was definitely not the same as in 40, 41 and even 43. However: this is what a forum is good for.... share opinions.
  12. @ Cary: yep. Any democracy or modern state would have surrendered after the first month of the Barbarossa Campaign... Russia needed a Lunatic willing to sacrifice millions by that time or they would have lost half of their state... just imagine how the world would look like today if the USSR would have accepted a defeat and accepted a similar preace treaty to the one they accepted in 1918... loosing whole Byelorussia, Ukraine and most likely the Caucasus, the main target of the Campaign... all other fighting in in the western area wouldn`t have been possible with 75% of the german divisions no longer deployed in Russia.... all what happened in 1944 in the western theater was inexperienced Allied troops fighting demoralized german troops with almost no Air and Tank support... just imagine an Operation Overlord against fully equipped and experienced german armies in 1944... no way. Basically the most important individuals in this period was Churchill (who refused to make peace with Germany in 1940 even against polls in in country) and Stalin who simply couldn`t afford defeat.. with just one of these two people being more like Neville Chamberlain we would have a completely different order in the world... not necessary a better one. Although I`m german I need to say that Stalin sacrificed his soldiers for the benefit of a better world.. but that was not his intention [ July 13, 2006, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]
  13. As we were bored on work, a colleague and me had an interesting idea.. we wanted to combine three games. On the european theater level we wanted to use Strategic Command 2... and for every fight (i.e. a german Army is attacking a russian Corps) to occur the computer has to generate a Panzer General Map, to play this on the divisional or even regiment/batailon size... and if wanted every clash on the tactical level can be as well played in Blitzkrieg RTS... down to the least tank and soldier. Level I: SC2 strategic gameplay Level II: Panzer General-like tactical gameplay for every clash of Level I Level III: Blitzkrieg RTS for every clash of 2 units of Level II I know this isn`t realistic... but a nice dream, isn`t it? And I think it would take decades to play one game
  14. @ KG: as far as I know this has been adressed already and is in progress... last time we asked Hubert about the timeframe for 1.03 he replied with "maybe in one month"...
  15. I`d appreciate it if you were right!! But the SC2 engine is way too complex for normal AI scripting...
  16. @ Rolend: yeah, you`re right... I use to play historically, otherwise the AI is too easy to play. I wouldn`t do this im HvH @ Kuniworth: okay... how do I do this? @ pzgndr: I think it will take years until all events are scripted.. @ Yogi: yes, that`s a problem.... maybe a script would help here.. 2/3 of the forces in the east and 1/3 in the west...
  17. Yesterday I played the Allies vs. the AI... I took Sicily with an english Army group (HQ, Army, Corps, Tank) and good naval support. As I moved my Airfleet to Sicily I was able to see what the AI moved to Italy in the meantime.. in total 15 units, 4 german HQs, one italian HQ, the spanish HQ as well as 6-8 german Armies and Corps plus Air Support (nnedless to say it lost the whole eastern front due to that movement!). Basically it makes sense that the AI moves units to Italy to defend it, but not 15 units who just sit around and do nothing. I think it fits when the AI transfers just 1 HQ and a few infantry unit to southern Italy.. Is there a thread where an can enter all our observations?
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