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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Propagandists of Wagner Group accidentally reveal repair base near Luhansk (yahoo.com)
  2. ha, my very first concert was Frank Zappa!
  3. Wagner Group releases graphic video of corpses in desperate plea for more ammunition (yahoo.com)
  4. is it Slovakia bashing day yet? Slovakia is not allowing German howitzers to cross border from Ukraine for repairs for several weeks (yahoo.com)
  5. I think their point is THIS is normal. The only way to change the behavior is to make sure they know they lost, and the days of imperial grandeur are over for good.
  6. be nice if it turns out we'd shipped a crapload of AD equipment in the last couple weeks under the radar.. pun intended. I'll dream tonight of Russian aircraft falling out of the sky in waves. I'd even trot out the old star wars meme "it's a trap!"
  7. hey look on the bright side, halting global warming with a nuclear winter! It is only a small step past the idea of nuking a hurricane.
  8. you left off Deutsche bank role in laundering Russian money.
  9. yeah I think Steve missed the plural there. hold on honey, I just grazed myself that time, let me try again!
  10. Russian general takes his own life after being sacked by Vladimir Putin (yahoo.com) A Russian general who led a suppression of opposition activists shot himself in the head after being sacked by Vladimir Putin. Maj Gen Vladimir Makarov, 72, was found by his wife Valentina with gunshot wounds just weeks after he was fired by the Russian president in late January. Police have ruled that his death was the latest in a string of suicides among high-ranking Russian security and military figures. The major general had fallen into a “deep depression” and “didn’t know what to do with himself” after losing his job, relatives told Russian media. Anonymous sources on social media linked to Russian security services claim he shot himself with a gas-powered hunting rifle in front of his wife.
  11. In Bleak Russian Cemetery, Sea of Crosses Signals War's True Toll (yahoo.com)
  12. U.S. signs contracts worth more than $1.5 billion for production of ammunition (yahoo.com) Russians cremating bodies of KIA soldiers to cover up true loss rates, says Ukraine’s General Staff (yahoo.com)
  13. that is why it is called Greenwich be mean time.
  14. Just skip it and go here - Alliance–Union universe - Wikipedia And now back to our regularly scheduled thread.... Ukraine 2023. More potential war crimes New York Times shares video of missile attack on volunteers in Bakhmut (yahoo.com)
  15. I went to see Return of the Jedi when it came out. Was all ready to go, dropped some acid and settled in. Then when the fight started on Endor my buddy leaned over and whispered "sir, sir we are being attacked by muppets". I had to leave the theater as I couldn't stop laughing. That was the end of Star Wars for me.
  16. thanks for that uplifting positive message on Valentine's day. Did you buy your wife dead flowers?
  17. GOP leaders start laying groundwork for more Ukraine aid (yahoo.com) Ex-Gazprom official says decades of the Russian gas giant's work has been 'flushed down the toilet', with export revenues expected to halve this year (yahoo.com)
  18. first we insult the morons, now we insult the twits? Next we'll be trashing the village idiots. this has got to stop.
  19. so pretty much the worst case situation in the battle was the only point Russia could achieve parity. makes sense.
  20. The Black panther party and civil rights movements faced more gov't repression than these guys. Sorry, cry me a river. Putin wasn't raping and murdering civilians in Bucha. The mass of Russian citizens has vocally supported a host of atrocities. When I see armed resistance, worker strikes and direct actions by the Russian people in opposition to the war then I'll start making a distinction between Russians and their gov't.
  21. Ukraine American Football league had some reps at NFL honors and a nice presentation. Any question about popularity in US for Ukraine? Didn't think so.
  22. exactly. For example there has been a distinct drop off in reports of VDV losses from last year. It is anecdotal info but still some indication. It can also give confirmation of UA strikes on RA command centers.
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