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Everything posted by akd

  1. I trained and have worked as a photographer, also, and I don't feel those have strayed anywhere near the realm of unfair or commercial use. They are also direct linked from Corbis and watermarked. However, I do wish I could figure out who the photographer is. [ January 19, 2006, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: akd ]
  2. http://www4.army.mil/OCPA/uploads/large/CSA-2006-01-19-094707.jpg
  3. Based on their location or operational capabilities? Anyways, sounds like an interesting unit, especially considering that the 25th's 3 other brigades will constitue half of the total (desired) Stryker employment. I find the cav squadron particularly interesting:
  4. Thought this deserved its own post: Question: any possibility that the 25th ID's airborne 4th Brigade will be included in CM:SF?
  5. Checkout the bandolier. ‘Copter down! Copter down!’ Reporter on scene in Mosul NICK WADHAMS; The Associated Press Published: January 14th, 2006 02:30 AM Peaceful Day Shattered: Calm in Iraqi city of Mosul comes to abrupt, tragic end JOSEPH L. GALLOWAY/Knight Ridder Newspapers Posted on Sat, Jan. 14, 2006 Fire Support Team Acts as Eyes of the Artillery Story and photos by Sgt. Rachel Brune 101st Sustainment Brigade AP reporter details night raid in Iraq NICK WADHAMS/Associated Press [ January 19, 2006, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: akd ]
  6. Well, I suppose restricting comparisons to the potential adversaries in the immediate region of Syria does raise the relative diversity of Syrian organization and equipment a bit, but I never made such a comparison. How about 2 years in Normandy before getting the chance to play on the Eastern Front? </font>
  7. If a WW2 game were released with only US Vs. Germans, would the inclusion of commonwealth units be dull, dull, dull? After all, they'll be fighting the same enemy, same tactics, yada yada.</font>
  8. Okay, I'm going to throw in my tidbit regarding storyline vs. game design. Now, as I understand it, the storyline is largely irrelevant to the first CM:SF release. It doesn't really matter what the storyline is, we'll be fighting Syrian regulars and irregulars at the tactical level of a Stryker Bridage's operations. Now here is my concern: the backstory is, however, important to subsequent releases (although not really the possible inclusion of Marines). So we need NATO participation to include the U.K. and Germany and this participation requires a different storyline than would be needed for only a U.S. campaign. Here's why I think this is bad: will the second release of CM:SF really be U.S. Marines vs. the same Syrian opposition in the same environment, the third be U.K. forces versus the same Syrian opposition in the same environment, and the fourth release German forces versus the same Syrian opposition in the same environment? In my opinion, dull, dull, dull. If the system is really so modular and adaptable, why not jump right into a completely different scenario for the subsequent release? [ January 15, 2006, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: akd ]
  9. I think when you look at the RWS as a replacement for an exposed gunner, not a crewed turret, you can see there are few disadvantages. Most of the problems listed would be the same in an open/shielded gun mount. The big one that came up with the Stryker RWS was the ability to shoot on the move, but I believe this has been (or will be soon) rectified. As a far as visibility goes, the crew and mounted infantry are out of the hatches observing until it is no longer safe to do so. A gun with a camera is better than a gun without a gunner. This may answer some of your questions: [ January 14, 2006, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: akd ]
  10. No Stryker pics today, so some modern "funnies" in Iraq: http://www.usmc.mil/marinelink/image1.nsf/ae82f18a8e1b160b852568ba007e7e5e/ab3d5230b9bedb6e852570f500297265/$FILE/PPE-004.jpg
  11. Another very cool Russian AFV vid, this on T-90/Shtora/Arena: http://rapidshare.de/files/10889098/VD.N18.e02.avi.html Sorry, I still haven't learned Russian yet to translate, but I did understand "Americanski Abrams." [ January 12, 2006, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: akd ]
  12. Future stuff: Then there is Stinger, TOW, Javelin...but I've made this too long already.
  13. Yeah, I noticed that. I added a second pic above of SAW gunner with the same unit, but wearing 172nd patch. </font>
  14. Damn. I left in '04, thankfully I guess.
  15. It's tricked-out SAW day! http://www4.army.mil/OCPA/uploads/large/CSA-2006-01-12-095303.jpg http://www.mnf-iraq.com/Photos/Jan/Hi-Res/11.jpg Other stuff of interest: 4th ID doesn't screw around. http://www4.army.mil/OCPA/uploads/large/CSA-2006-01-12-095418.jpg Nice 101st up-armored humvees. http://www4.army.mil/OCPA/uploads/large/CSA-2006-01-11-095743.jpg [ January 12, 2006, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: akd ]
  16. Were you in New Orleans during the last year?
  17. Well that kinda sucks, but brings up the question: do Russian auto-loaders suffer from the same limitation. And speaking of Russian, more obnoxious BMP-3 material, this a high quality vid from Russia: http://rapidshare.de/files/10807326/VD.BMP-3.avi.html (Now can someone explain to me what the purpose of the two hull-mounted MGs above the front tracks is?)
  18. The bodies in the video "with strange effects" are decomposing. Do some idiots actual think what you see in an open casket at a funeral is natural?
  19. http://www4.army.mil/OCPA/uploads/large/CSA-2006-01-10-113545.jpg
  20. Fallujah deserved that sarin nerve agent dousing followed by the nice blanket of mustard gas just before the assault. Plus, U.S. soldiers and Marines jump at any opportunity to wear their chemical suits, because they love how much it frightens Iraqi children.
  21. I love the EFV. Aside from its impressive capabilities, it manages to look modern yet somehow old-school at the same time.
  22. Are there holy shrines/sites as politically sensitive as the Imam Ali shrine in any area of potential conflict in Syria? I know of major mosques in Damascus and Aleppo, but I don't know if these approach the importance of the sites in in Najaf or Karbala. Also, how will Christian sites be handled? Same as Muslim? p.s. Can you imagine fighting in this? [ January 09, 2006, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: akd ]
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