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Posts posted by akd

  1. 9 minutes ago, Fenris said:

    Drones in the clip were probably looking for infantry.  Was going to say they really need something that can be a HEAT warhead, those cluster bomb sub-munitions would appear to be a perfect option.

    If actually Switchblade-600, it has the same warhead as latest Javelin ATGM.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Seminole said:

    The ‘rules based order’ being what it is…

    I am fine with “rules-based order” being applied to Russian illegal war in instances when it can and Russia is powerless to stop it even if it hasn’t fully solved problem of past US illegal warfare.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Seminole said:

    You don’t think it’s absurd to label George Bush and everyone that followed his orders to illegally invade Panama as war criminals?

    Interesting concept.  Bush is dead, but there are still thousands alive, do you think we should prosecute them according to your principles?  Or would that be absurd?

    I guess Panama can prosecute them if they can get custody of said “war criminals” in a way that the US can do nothing about. (hint: they can’t.)

  4. 3 minutes ago, Seminole said:

    Has the US State Dept said anything about this?

    I didn’t think that sort of target was off limits.

    The NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters occurred on 23 April 1999, during the Kosovo War. It formed part of NATO's aerial campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and severely damaged the Belgrade headquarters of Radio Television of Serbia (RTS). Other radio and electrical installations throughout the country were also attacked.[2] Sixteen employees of RTS died when a single NATO missile hit the building. Many were trapped for days, only communicating over mobile phones. The television station went to air 24 hours later from a secret location.[3][4] NATO Headquarters justified the bombing with two arguments; firstly, that it was necessary "to disrupt and degrade the command, control and communications network" of the Yugoslav Armed Forces, and secondly, that the RTS headquarters was a dual-use object which "was making an important contribution to the propaganda war which orchestrated the campaign against the population of Kosovo".[2] The BBC reported that the station was targeted because of its role in Belgrade's propaganda campaign

    The bit about actively promoting genocide in Kosovo is important…

  5. 4 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    So does anything else in the Russian land forces use the same ammo as this thing? Or do they not expect them to live long enough to need reloading.

    I don’t think anything in the Russian Navy still uses this ammo.  Possibly China still produces ammo for their Type 61 clone, but doubtful as this is a completely obsolete weapon.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    Heavy discussion: is this "death ray" was PARM or ATGM ? )))


    Uncontained shaped charge explosion (projectile came from right side and detonated on one of the soldiers). Impossible to tell if ATGM or gun-launched HEAT because of low quality.

  7. 1 hour ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

    And what could that be?

    Ground-launched 70mm Hydra rockets with laser guidance (APKWS).  I guess they might also possibly be used on helicopters, although that would seem to require complex coordination with a ground-based designator and a lofted trajectory for the rocket.


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