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Posts posted by akd

  1. 1 hour ago, womble said:

    I think he's using "epic" in the sense of "epic fail", since he's fully aware that he cannot ever become US president, having been born in South Africa. Strange duck he may be, but sarcasm isn't beyond his capabilities.

    Given some of his other recent activities and new Twitter “friends,” it’s not entirely clear that he is mocking or dismissive of the rant in general, and that itself is dangerous.  Musk has mocked Medvedev in the past, but here he is just amplifying him.

    EDIT: oh, I see someone pointed out to him how irresponsible that was:



  2. 14 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

    Thank. Let's hope we will know soon what really happened there. It is entirely possible Russian will now try to program their missiles to fly alongside the border in the hopes of reaching similar outcomes, even if this one was accidental.


    Video from inside of separatist tank, cut into 4 pieces (not a tank, a video;unfortunatelly):


    120mm mortar?


  3. IF the missile fragment shown is actually from the scene of the explosion (and we don’t actually have any proof they are connected other than Israeli twitter account posting them together without attribution) then most obvious explanation is errant Ukrainian S-300 missile from defense of Dobrotvirska TPP not far to other side of border.  Surprising that people are rushing to deny this as if this puts the “blame” on Ukraine.  If Russia is attacking civilian infrastructure right next to Polish border, they are responsible.

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