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Posts posted by Sneaksie

  1. Thanks, Alan!

    Well, in real life you won't get a bonus to your scouting ability or scouting range if you sit inside the armored car compared to standing in the field, no? ;) So there is no magic bonus for armored cars, gunner and other crewmen have historical sighting devices just like other units do (which usually means that only gunner or commander can see enemy at larger distance than infantryman, but in a narrow FOV). If armored car commander has higher scouting skill, it would help him too. In short, armored cars are better suited for scouting than, let's say, heavy tanks because they are faster on most terrain types and they are expendable.

  2. freeeman, what exactly would you like to know? I mean, knowing in detail what missions await you and what you'll face may spoil your fun. Since everybody here are interested in WWII history and Kursk battle in particular, you know what to expect playing on either side though:)

  3. AMD driver versions sometimes doesn't have full opengl support required by the ToW1. Users reported that the game works fine with Catalyst 9.2 with shadows disabled or even older Catalyst 8.6 with everything on (you have Catalyst 9.11). The options are either to install one of these older drivers or try newer ones and hope for the best, unfortunately.

  4. I don't know exactly how damage is modeled in MOW, but the most apparent difference between MOW and TOW is that the weapon ranges in MOW are scaled.

    In ToW penetrations should occur in the same cases as in real life. If you have any questions about why the certain hit did or did not penetrate the armor, post the screeenshot showing the impact vector (with F4 mode turned on) and i'll try to explain.

  5. SPGs can fire indirect, but the trajectory is really shallow for most of them because of shell velocity. Historically mobile artillery units fired indirect to much greater distances than possible on 2x2km game maps. Cool 'over a house' shots are possible only in games where the ranges are scaled or shell parameters are altered completely (COH, MOW, etc).

    To use Hummel and Wespe in their indirect role in the game, you should select one, make sure that HE shell is loaded, click ground attack button and survey the battlefield trying to find the spot where mouse cursor is red. It's possible to fire even if LOS line is blocked, i.e. to fire indirect, but in the case of these SPGs shell trajectory is shallow and would go over only low obstacles (low hill, a house in the center between SPG and it's target).

  6. There are two possible reasons for such weird camera behavior. Either you have a badly calibrated joystick or gamepad connected (disconnect them if any to see if there would be any difference). Another (more likely) reason is incompatibility with real-time clock of some AMD processors. If you have AMD processor, install the driver from their site (AFAIK this is needed for XP, users of Vista and 7 OSes didn't report that problem).

  7. In general, the briefing tells your about situation in entire operational area around you, not just about the map of the next mission. Unfortunately, conventional signs on the tactical map are not supported for now, but the next task location will be shown on the mini-map.

    Speaking of this particlular mission, Dubrovo is the village on your right flank, where enemy AA battery is located, and your final objective, Syrtsev, is on the left. North is on the top, as usual.

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