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Posts posted by rocketman

  1. Work in Progress,...(Churchill IV) ...first stage of weathering, only main hull modified, the turret it´s vanilla. 20 more hours of work needed, I think,...Possibly the main hull will be slightly different in the final version (I hope it will be much better ;) ).

    20 hours more - on a single vehicle! Man Fuser, the hours you pour into making your excellent mods for the community is astounding. It makes me humble and wish I had the skills to make mods to repay all you guys that make an already excellent game soooo much better.

  2. I had something worse happen in my very first BN game. One of my Shermans got hit and the surviving crewmen evacuated. So the tank is sitting there burning quietly. As I was moving a couple of squads past it a couple of turns later, it suddenly decided to blow up, reducing the two squads to a useless, demoralized remnant. Sh*t happens.


    That tends to happen too - all to frequently, as I tend to forget that a knocked out burning tank in fact is a weapon of mass destruction :(

    But it is one of the features of CMBN i like the most, that it is modelled.

  3. I had an incident the other day while playing as the Brits. I had a two man sapper section behind a small bocage and one of my tanks was directly behind them. Some unseen AT gun shot and hit the tank, the AP round ricochet off directly on the ground near the two sappers killing one and incapacitating the other. Lesson learned, don't put your men near your tanks.

    I've had that happen too. Couldn't believe how unlucky that was.

  4. Possible spoilers********************

    In the briefing it states a bit vaguely that you, as the german player, need to keep the exit open for coming units. Are those the units that appear as reinforcements supposed to exit for points and/or stay to fight, or is this considered to be coming units not in the scenario? The point table in the tactical map says nothing about exit points, but the area is marked on the map. Just want to make sure before comitting to a plan.

  5. Best I could do in regards to the tops of the helmets. I'll try a sparse version as well.


    I'll upload the UK helmets in the next day or two. The 12th SS stuff is a while off yet.

    Looks good. Maybe a more tuned down green hue on the leaves, since they are dead and been on the helmet for a while. Perhaps a more dried look.

  6. Hey Fuser, how do you decide in which order to make your excellent mods? Just curious, but could you make them in much the same order as they were common on the battlefield, so that we can enjoy more of them all the sooner?

    No staghounds in the missions I'm playing :(

    Looking forward to the upcoming one :)

    Keep up the good work ... "pins Medal of Honor on Fuser's chest".

  7. Hmm, only thing I can think of is that although the rest of troops in the squad may have LoS, the actual man carrying the mortar does not. He needs direct LoS. Try using the facing command or change slightly the position.

    It happens, even when facing the right direction and has a blue LOS target.

  8. After a few missions I find that CW (or is it 1.10?) puts up a better fight. Enemies are harder to break, they get better cover in foxholes and are harder to take on in woods.

    Maybe it is just my imagination, but I haven't changed the way I go about a mission since CMBN vanilla, but now I'm getting my a** handed to me on a plate on a regular basis.

  9. Oops: below should have been a seperate threat, but oh well...

    After a few missions I find that CW (or is it 1.10?) puts up a better fight. Enemies are harder to break, they get better cover in foxholes and are harder to take on in woods.

    Maybe it is just my imagination, but I haven't changed the way I go about a mission since CMBN vanilla, but now I'm getting my a** handed to me on a plate on a regular basis.

  10. After a few CW-scenarios I have come across a problem with the 2-inch mortar not firing. I try to TARGET (not light) an area or an obvious enemy position, but no mortar rounds (only occasionally) only small arms fire. Do the pixeltroops favour small arms when under fire and only use mortar when "calm"? Why is that, since a mortar round packs more of a punch?

  11. It's amazing what's in the manual p195:

    Troops moving through minefields have some ability to notice the mines without exploding them. This is

    much more likely when:

    .......................................... - The soldiers are crawling or walking (and to a lesser extent, “hunting”)

    .......................................... - The soldiers are engineers

    .......................................... - The soldiers are experienced

    .......................................... - The minefield has already been discovered (e.g. by setting off a mine)

    Engineers have the ability to mark known minefields. After a minefield is marked by an engineer unit,

    othr units may safely (but slowly) move through it without running the risk of setting off additional

    mines. See the Mark Mines command in the Command chapter for more details.

    For some silly reason I thoght that concerned anti-personnel mines...

  12. I just started a mission in which the briefing indicates that there are mine fields and I suspect it might be anti-tank mines along a road down the core of the map.

    What is the best way of detecting anti-tank mines without engineers? Usually you find mine fields when they go boom, but that is really a poor way, especially at the cost of a few tanks.

    So, what method would you use? Hunt? Move, with pauses? Slow? Or?

  13. Well, it's not like there's a "standard" bocage that can be referenced, but often, yes.

    Bear in mind that the bottom few feet of a bocage hedge is generally an earthen embankment several feet thick with a stone core, held together with thick roots. That's cover roughly equivalent to what a trench would provide, as long as the fire is coming from the opposite side of the embankment.

    Generally, I find the best way to deal with stubborn infantry behind bocage (if I don't have mortars) is to dump a couple of HE rounds on them to get them heads down, and then maintain the pin with MG area fire while an assault team closes and finishes the job with small arms and grenades at close range.

    Didn't know that the berm had a stone core, making it an equivalent of a trench for protection - so maybe it all makes sense.

    Sounds like sound tactics for dealing with it.

    75mm HE usually has this effect.

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