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Everything posted by juan_gigante

  1. Remeber that the first one pretty much has to be a big-money setting. After the first release's success and BFC has made billions of dollars, they can start dabbling in the weirdo crap that only grogs would want. After all, the whole point of modules is that they can do many different settings with less time between them.
  2. I think it would be pretty cool. And those with truely monster hard drives could have CMAK, CMETO, and CM Normandy. That would be intense.
  3. You fellas can merely consider me some form of the famed "Montezuma's Revenge". After all, if you're vomiting and I ain't (and I ain't at the moment), then I think that I have succeeded in at least one of my goals.
  4. Korea '06 being hypothetical would be a downside, but as I see it, it's pretty much the only one. Nothing's perfect, but I think Korea would be damned good.
  5. I'm not saying that WWI couldn't be a great game. You are correct that the first few months of the West Front would be very good; an oversight on my part. ("The Guns Of August" by Barbara Tuchman is an excellent book on the subject) But you have to admit that, especially compared to other possible subjects, large parts of WWI wouldn't be too fun. And while I think a WWI game could be very, very good, it would one: have to be targeted on short, specific time periods and areas and two: it probably wouldn't bring in as much $$ as, as WWII Normandy. And unfortunately, BFC isn't funded by an anonymous billionaire and they actually have to make money on their games ESPECIALLY on the first launch module. Maybe once the engine is established they could do that, and I hope they do, but not to start.
  6. So, Yeknodathon, do you know what they put in the water where you live? Because that last post made so little sense. That was the kind of raving you hear from crazy dudes on the street.
  7. I dunno... anyone good enough with ASCII pics to make a little map?
  8. I very much disagree with WWI, or at least WWI in France. On the tactical level, I would think that many infantry charges against dug-in machine guns would get boring really fast. Maybe WWI East Front, with fewer perma-trenches and Somme slaughters. Of course, WWI is not big money, and East Front is not big money, so combine them... The only WWI I could see working would be Gallipoli / Middle East. Having Ottoman camel riders charge across the desert... it'd be aight. And yet another shameless plug for fytinghellfish's awesome idea. Lest anyone forgot it, it was '06 Korea, and it rocked.
  9. I'd like to point out that even if I wasn't 100% on paragraphs, I use punctuation, which is more than anyone can say for Yeknodathon.
  10. Whether or not Frank had any concrete ties to the Mafia is still up in the air. It has never been proven or disproven. Yeah, he knew some mobsters, but no one (except for those involved) know whether (as some allege) they helped his rise into show business. And isn't pretty much every Italian in the Mafia? I recommend that people read "Why Sinatra Matters" by Pete Hamill. Don't worry, it's short, and I'll bet it's in your local public library. It's a fun quick little read. Joe, I added paragraphs just for you. Ain't I good?
  11. Well, now wait a minute. I can understand assualts upon my character. That is to be expected in a place such as this. But you dare insult Frank Sinatra? C'mon, the man was only the greatest entertainer of all time! Not only did he reinvent the concept of the pop song while he made his records for Capitol, also managed to achieve populararity while singing "old-fashioned" tunes in an "old-fashioned" style. Furthermore, he went on to produce many very good movies. From "On The Town" and "Anchors Aweigh", both incredible musicals with Gene Kelly, to dramatic roles like "From Here To Eternity" and "The Manchurian Candidate", he proved time and again his depth and breadth of acting. And lastly, he was one of the first celebrities to use his fame for a good cause. During McCarthyism and again during the civil rights movement, he made public service annoucements about how bad racism was and how everyone is good, no matter the color of their skin. In fact, after Sammy Davis Jr. was blackballed for marrying a white woman, it was Frank who convinced producers, club owners, and booking agents to let him work again. He was a great man, and most of those who snidely deride him have merely never experienced his work. So, if you want to insult me, feel free, but I shall brook no more cheap shots at Frank.
  12. If anyone needs some hottening up, it's probably you. Perhaps you are trying to work out your sexual frustrations by posting weird things that aren't about CM on a CM forum? Do you have a trusted friend or family member you can talk to about this? Remember, step one is admitting you have a problem.
  13. Okay, my favorite needs the scenario editor. One side gets a LOT of tanks. We're talking a full regiment of tanks. The other side has one platoon hiding deep in rubble where they won't get hurt or seen and around 50 elite planes. Except for the hideout, the map is a billiards table. No Fog of War. Go down to level one, and just scoot around as the tanks get slaughtered. Trust me on this; rocket attacks look really cool, but when they're going right at the camera? Mind-blowing.
  14. The typo was in Ace Pilot's post, which I quoted. Nonetheless, it has been corrected.
  15. You suggest that I study your great posting so I can aspire to be as great as you? Even the posts of the likes of Boo Radley show more wit than yours. Hell, even Seanachai’s are more enjoyable to read than yours, in a painful, sad sort of way. In fact, I would be hard pressed to think of a forum member whose posts are consistently as insipid, dull, and, worst of all, predictable as yours. You can harp all you like on your fabulous history of so many thousands of posts, but you fail to realize that you’re worn out. You’re yesterday’s news. And now, all you’re doing is just tapping out the same old stuff on your keyboard and wasting oxygen.
  16. Joe, Joe, Joe… I guess you get points for trying. In the future, though, please do make an effort to insult properly. Microscópico? Please! Even the most elementary Spanish speaker would know that you would want to use pequeño instead. So, if I may quote you, “So your pitiful attempt at mockery is not only poorly done ... but false on its face.”
  17. I guess they could just have an individual lobster be the equivalent of a team in CM now; it would either just mean fewer units or less guys you get to control. Really, all one would have to do, even in CM now, for one-to-one control, is have it set so every man gets his own unit, with base, orders, etc. This would either mean you control very few men, or a whole lotta extra micromanagement. For a Napoleonic square, you just have units of 100 men instead of 12. It's just a pain in the butt now, and the question is how will they streamline it. I actually like 1:1 representation but not control. Ordering a squad to advance and seeing all the guys get up, not all at the same time, and moving along, firing and moving by bounds. One gets popped by a hidden machine gun. Most of the others hit the dirt, but one guy makes a run for it. He takes one in the leg and goes down. Two guys crawl out and drag him back to the copse of trees the squad has taken cover in. Some guys are lying on the ground, two are crouched behind a log, popping up every so often to try and return fire, a few guys are behind trees. Little puffs of dust are exploding all around them, bits of wood and bark fly off as the machine gun rakes a tree. A fire from the MG slows down. The Sergeant stands up, waves and yells for his men to go. A few get up and dash ahead, holding on their helmets with one hand. One guy stays behind to take care of the wounded while the rest head out in a fast crouch, looking around nervously. They reach the woods they were headed for and assume a defensive formation. Some watch into the forest, while some fire on the now suppressed MG. One movement order completed. That is what I want CMX2 to be like.
  18. Yeah, I'm real sorry. Now let's get back in the spirt of Peng. Lars, you pathetic excuse for a human being, perhaps you feel so cold because you cannot find a woman drunk enough or desparate enough to come near enough for you to touch here. I guess it's not too much of a loss because you wouldn't be able to finish the job anyways(they have pills for that now!), but still! Maybe someday they'll find a cure for whatever horribly disfiguring disease you've got, and you'll have a shot, but I'm sure that your repulsive demeanor and weak attempts at wit would manage to keep them away.
  19. At last notice it was 1:1 representation but not 1:1 control.
  20. So Mike, you just kind of said that you "work it" for 40 hours a week. I must say, that's impressive... in a sick sort of way.
  21. By the way, they could cash in on the lateest biopic craze and make a movie biography of Douglas MacArthur. He was quite a guy, and I think a quality movie could be made. It could even be an adaption of "American Caesar" by William Manchester, which is the second best biography of anyone I've ever read and which everyone should read. It gives you a whole new pespective on the guy. Anyways, such a movie could have some pretty good Korea scenes. Can't you just see the landing at Inchon...
  22. Well, there's some of the stuff being put out now, but to label all of American cinema for the past twenty years as "nothing to see"? That's perhaps a little harsh. Surely you at least rent a video now and again. If not, I'm sure that this forum could recommend some actual quality movies, both war and not, for you to catch up on.
  23. If it were 1950's Korea, The Manchurian Candidate (not the new one) rocked my world. Not quite a heroic battle epic, but lots of suspense, excitement, tension, and sweaty upper lips. While most was set in New York, it did have several scenes in the Korean War. And if any soldier actually did what Lawerence Harvey got his commendation for, there wouldn't be any question about the Medal of Honor.
  24. No, not Korea in the 1950s. A fictional conflict with North Korea in 2006. I would buy C*M*A*SH, though.
  25. I haven't seen that, but I heard that it was pretty good. I should check it out.
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