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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Sounds interesting, but...

    ....even if you do manage to find some modders that will make mods for these vehicles, I foresee a bit of a problem:

    If there are identical tanks/vehicle types on both sides - and given the variety in you list there probably will be - how will the game determine which side is which?

    I mean: If for instance both germans and the french have StuGs, they will all look like your modded french version on both sides. And if you try to solve this by having both german and french versions in your data folder, they are going to be mixed - as far as I can see.

    I don´t think there is a way to make the game give one version of mods to one side - and the other version to the other (but if I´m wrong, I´ll be happy to be corrected).

    Anyway, good luck with it.

  2. I've just encountered a rather peculiar problem regarding QBs: Recently, I decided I wanted to use the map of my own scenario, called "Two Bridges" in an axis attack/allies defend QB against the AI.

    The map is divided down the centre by a river running north-south. Axis is set to attack from the west across the bridges towards the allies who are defending the village on the eastern bank.

    The first problem I discovered was that I couldnt set up axis in axis setup zones, but only in allied setup zones - and vise versa. Well, I then simply switched the setup zones - and that seemed to solve the problem.

    The second problem wasnt as easy: During the first QB game I discovered that the allied defenders were in fact not defending, but attacking across the river from the east towards west (that made for a very easy victory).

    I firgured that I had probably forgotten to change all of the AI plans from the original scenario that was an allied attack scenario. But everything seemed right in the editor - and I then spent at lot of time testing the QB scenario: Most of the time the allied defenders would attack, but sometimes they where content with defending.

    Well, I finally discovered the reason for the problem: It wasn´t just the setup zones that had switched sides: It was the AI plans as well. I hadn´t deleted the old axis AI plans as I would be playing the axis attacker myself. But now the axis plans belonged to the allies. Once I changed the axis plans to defend as well, everything worked fine.

    But I´m really curious as to how this could happen: Is this a known bug or am I the only one who has experienced this? Or have I simply made some sort of basic mistake when converting the scenario to a QB? I haven´t been able to find anything when searching the forum.

  3. I am basically looking for a strategy game with plenty of depth and replayability but doesn't depend on my clicking as fast as I can.

    Does CMBN fit that bill?

    I don´t think you´ll find any other game that fits that bill more perfectly. (:

    Also I don't have a great deal of time to play - does it lend itself to half-hours sessions here and there?

    It does, especially in WEGO. But IMHO there is no other way to play the game.

    The map/mission editor sounds interesting - is it easy to produce basic scenarios easily enough or am I going to need weeks of study to understand/use it?

    No and yes, I´m afraid.

    I spent somwhere beetween three days and one week to get to know the editor. And I had already made lots scenarios in the CM1 editor. So the editor - like the game - has quite a steep learning curve, mainly because it is so versatile.

    But it is well worth the effort.

    Welcome - and enjoy

  4. Oh no, Erwin: you mentioned the "e"-word in relation to campaigns. I predict that CM purists will soon come down on you like a tons of bricks for nurturing such gamey thoughts.

    Gaining "e" in campaigns is unrealistic. Period. Now go wash your keyboard with sulfuric acid.

    (I totally agree with you, though. But please don´t tell anyone)

  5. In 3 weeks, I will be the same age Hitler was when he blew his brains out in the fuhrerbunker...

    I don't know what it says about me that I not only had the time to figure that out, but even told my wife...:rolleyes:

    Well, three hours before he blew his brains out, Hitler didn´t have a wife. (though I don´t know what that says about anything - except perhaps something about what organs get redundant, when you get married).

  6. Hi Erwin

    I don´t think realism and fun are opposites. In fact, I think it is save to claim that if you didn´t care about realism at all and only about fun, you wouldn´t be playing CM in the first place, would you? (-:

    It is true that I make scenarios for only one purpose: My own amusement. But for me realism is a great part of the fun of playing CM. But if I have to choose between the two, I would chose fun.

    Now, my reason having no FO is simple: He wasn´t part of the cavalry troop to begin with, and during my 5 to 7 games of playtesting I didn´t really miss him, so it never accured to me to add one.....

    And IIRC, the need for one wasn´t mentioned by any of my five playtesters - one of whom were yourself (and thanks a lot once again).

    But I´ll certainly consider it, if I upload a new version.

    Cheers (-:

  7. the only way to call them in the first 20-30 min of the game is the M8's and they can't view the target without getting killed.

    I get your point, but I don´t think you´re entirely right: Yes, a FO would certainly be handy, but he wasn´t part of the cavalry troop formation. And he is IMHO not that nescessary. As I see it, there are three things you can do:

    1) Let the mortar team fire directly at the AT gun. That is by far the most accurate fire, but of course also the most dangerous approach

    2) Use the mortar section HQ as a spotter. This way he can spot from a building and even though he can´t fire his own mortar, he can spot for one of the other teams.

    3) This is the one I´ve used most, when playtesting the scenario: Let the M8 HQ disembark and then spot from a building.

    I know a FO would be nice, but the US forces (and the german forces for that matter) in this scenario are supposed to represent an "ad hoc"-force, hastily assembled from the available troops in the area. The forces are not meant to be "perfect".

    Other than this its a great scenario.

    Thanks. Glad you like it anyway


  8. Scenario-making is very time consuming - especially if you also want to play the game every now and then. I´ve just uploaded my first scenario, which I began working on shortly after CMBN was released.

    So imagine working on a campaign of say seven scenarios. Not to mention having to make all the campaign mechanics between the battles work as well. That is a lot of work.

  9. Like stated above, this Scenario is the same as the one I submitted two days before. Only this time it has been placed in the right section, namely "Scenarios and campaigns", instead of "maps" where I mistakenly placed the first one.

    For more info on this scenario, please go to the first thread (no need for any more double posting , I think (-: )


  10. You should upload this under scenarios instead of maps since it has a human vs ai plan. Looks good.

    Yes, I should, indeed. My bad.

    Does anyone know what happens if I just go to the repostitory and save it under "scenarios and campaigns" instead of "maps"?

    Will the link in the first post in this thread then turn into a dead end?

    And will the file be moved immidiately, or will I have to go through the whole approval thing and wait again?

  11. Here´s a bit more info on Two Bridges:

    This is a fictional scenario. I´ve basically made a map with two sets of (not too unrealistic) forces with only one purpose in mind: To make a scenario that I myself would find entertaining. Only afterwards I´ve then tried to find a plausible setting to fit the scenario in. I chose Operation Cobra and invented the village of Basse-Gris on the river Vire.

    Here´s the story:

    The U.S. forces have gained a major breakthrough at the St. Lô-area and the german lines are crumbling. The U.S. vanguard are pushing forward in order to maintain the momentum, when a golden opportunity presents itself:

    The germans haven´t had time to reinforce the troops holding the two bridges across the river Vire in the village of Basse-Gris. Two days ago this village was miles behind the lines. Thus, a vital crossing can be secured at a relatively low cost, if the U.S. vanguard reacts quickly and captures the village before the german reinforcements arrive.

    I´m pretty pleased with the map itself, so if everthing else fails, I´ve at least have contributed with a decent quick battle map :-)

    NB: At the moment this is only an Allies vs AI/H2H version. The axis vs AI will be ready later.






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