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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Hi again

    I have now checked, and it turned out that mjkerner and eddie was actually spot on:

    The scenario had indeed ended up in the CMAK section - though I´m a bit mystified as to how that happened. I know for sure that I selected CMBN as the upload target, but the file didn´t upload at the first try, so I guess the page must have reverted to the (default?) CMAK setting after that.

    Anyway: Now the scenario is hopefully heading for the CMBN.

    Sorry for all the fuss (blushes)

  2. Mjkerner is right. One has to take a good look where to submit a file before doing so.

    Well, I know, and I´m pretty sure, I uploaded it to this forum.

    Once a file is submitted it is being held in quarantine for 24 to 48 hours so it can be checked for content.

    Aha. See, that is pretty useful information that I think someone make more readily available for those of us who provide files for the repository.

    But anyway: It is now 72 hours since uploading.

  3. I am really confused about how the repository works - and what the delays for publishing files are.

    Nearly three days ago I uploaded a scenario that still hasn´t show up in the repository. It is possible that this delay is simply common procedure, but searching the forum and BFC site in general I can´t find any usable info on when stuff is published on the repository. Only some vague line about there being some sort of delay for approval (or somefink)

    But how long is it? Right now I don´t know if the scenario will show up tomorrow or in a week. Or if maybe something has gone wrong and I should upload again from scratch (even though I got the message that the file was uploaded succesfully).

    Why all the secrecy?

  4. A little bump here

    - to hear if anyone is interested in playtesting the latest version?

    I´ve already had a lot of help from the guys playtesting the scenario so far. And I´m very grateful for the effort.

    I´ve now tweaked the scenario based on their recommendations and could use one or two new testers for the new version.

    Anyone interested can email me at dennis_dynamite (at) hotmail.com or send me a PM


  5. Just posted this in the mods and maps-forum. But come to think of it, the general forum might be more relevant (could you delete the other thread BFC?):

    Hi all

    Just finished my very first CM:BN scenario and now I´m looking for forum members who´d like to test the scenario before I upload it to repository.

    I´ve had great fun while making the map in the editor and while playtesting it. But I really need some other opinions on the gameplay: The new AI function in the editor seems to work really well, but it´s quite hard to know exactly how well until someone that is unfamiliar with the setup and the forces has tried the scenario.

    I´m pretty pleased with the map itself, so if everthing else fails, I´ve at least have contributed with a decent quick battle map :-)

    The scenario is fictional, so I´ve basically made a map with two sets of (not too unrealistic) forces and an objective with only one purpose in mind: To make a scenario that I myself would find entertaining. Only afterwards I´ve then tried to find a plausible setting to fit the scenario in. I chose Operation Cobra and invented the village of Basse-Gris on the river Vire. Here´s the story:

    The U.S. forces have gained a major breakthrough at the St. Lô-area and the german lines are crumbling. The U.S. vanguard are pushing forward in order to maintain the momentum, when a golden opportunity presents itself:

    The germans haven´t had time to reinforce the troops holding the two bridges across the river Vire in the village of Basse-Gris. Two days ago this village was miles behind the lines. Thus, a vital crossing can be secured at a relatively low cost, if the U.S. vanguard reacts quickly and captures the village before the german reinforcements arrive.

    If you would like to test the scenario, please send me a PM here in the forum or send me an email to dennis_dynamite (at) hotmail.com


    NB: At the moment I only have an Allies vs AI/H2H version ready. The axis vs AI will be ready later.






    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

  6. Hi all

    Just finished my very first CM:BN scenario and now I´m looking for forum members who´d like to test the scenario before I upload it to repository.

    I´ve had great fun while making the map in the editor and while playtesting it. But I really need some other opinions on the gameplay: The new AI function in the editor seems to work really well, but it´s quite hard to know exactly how well until someone that is unfamiliar with the setup and the forces has tried the scenario.

    I´m pretty pleased with the map itself, so if everthing else fails, I´ve at least have contributed with a decent quick battle map :-)

    The scenario is fictional, so I´ve basically made a map with two sets of (not too unrealistic) forces and an objective with only one purpose in mind: To make a scenario that I myself would find entertaining. Only afterwards I´ve then tried to find a plausible setting to fit the scenario in. I chose Operation Cobra and invented the village of Basse-Gris on the river Vire. Here´s the story:

    The U.S. forces have gained a major breakthrough at the St. Lô-area and the german lines are crumbling. The U.S. vanguard are pushing forward in order to maintain the momentum, when a golden opportunity presents itself:

    The germans haven´t had time to reinforce the troops holding the two bridges across the river Vire in the village of Basse-Gris. Two days ago this village was miles behind the lines. Thus, a vital crossing can be secured at a relatively low cost, if the U.S. vanguard reacts quickly and captures the village before the german reinforcements arrive.

    If you would like to test the scenario, please send me a PM here in the forum or send me an email to dennis_dynamite (at) hotmail.com


    NB: At the moment I only have an Allies vs AI/H2H version ready. The axis vs AI will be ready later.






    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

  7. Funny how adding one "human" element changes the tactical picture and decision making. I guess if that's the case, then I'd have to give the edge in a battle to an army that shuts off that moral imperative. But then again, if every guy is thinking, "Yikes, no one here has got my back," it might make for a demoralized army. Not sure how it works in real life.

    I believe that the american army (and probably many other armies too) uses this very deliberately, by having a "no man gets left behind" policy. The general idea being that troops who know that their army will do almost everything possible to get them back are far more willing to go into harms way than troops who have no confidence in their backup.

    I´m certain a lot of the US users of this forum are able to tell much more about how this works.

    And yes: I really like the buddy aid feature too. It ads to immersion - like for instance individual soldier´s names would too ;-)

  8. Funny you should ask about this today. I´ve just read that when Rommel inspected the german coastal fortifications in western Jutland (Denmark), he was very unhappy with the mobile forces that were supposed to meet an allied invasion there. Apparently, they had no other means than bicycles to take them to the landing zone.

    And speaking of bicycles I´ve been meaning to put up a request for them as flavour objects in the editor. Civilian bicycles, that is - I guess BFC would say that bikes were very rarely used for riding into battle.

    Bicycles were an indispensable form of transportation in Europe during the war - as there were very few cars - and even less petrol. I think maybe they´ve been overlooked because BFC is a US company...or?

  9. Still working on my "Saving Private Ryan - Ramelle" battlepack... map 90% done.

    Wow!! That looks bleedin´amazing. Especially the picture from ground level. Looks almost like a real photo. :-o

    Is this the normal CMBN skins or are you using any mods? Things look a bit different to me, but I can´t put my finger on exactly what.

    Looking forward to that one.


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