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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Well - judging from your post, I think you probably havent gotten fully acquainted with CM2 yet:

    1. If you by setting timetables mean pausing movement you cant certainly do that - now you can even pause at every waypoint

    2. You cant move waypoints any more. I also miss that, but not very much as the time delay in giving orders has dropped dramatically

    3. You can actually make more precise hull downs now: If you select the last waypoint at the location where you want hull down and then issue the "target" order, you´ll now be able to see what your vehicle´s LOS will be from that point. BEFORE it gets there. IE: You´re also able to see whether it is going to have hull down. Now if that isn´t an improvement, I don´t know what is.

    Yes, there are definetely functions from CM1 that I miss, but all in all I consider CM2 a great improvement. It think you will too - once you get to know the functionality.


  2. after each hit the optics and the radio got damaged more and more. Seems kinda strange to me how a non penetrating hit to the hull could damage the radio and the optics of the tank ?

    Well. I certainly don´t posses a "deeper technical understanding", but I think I know the answer:

    Even if the Panther´s armor makes it very hard to kill, the optics and radio still have to be connected to the outside world - and these things on the outside are relatively fragile. So a hit that doesn´t penetrate the armor itself may very well damage for instance the aerial for the radio or the periscope (or whatever) for the optics.

    That´s my guess.

  3. Oh wow! Sooooo much eye candy (and ear candy as well). I´m drooling so much over the graphics and animations that each action replay turn takes almost half an hour.

    I´m especially pleasantly surprised by the infantry animations - they´ve also improved since CMSF. And to me it´s a huge improvement that the uniforms and weapons of the soldiers vary so much.

    Glad, I´m already relatively familiar with the controls. The months wandering the (CMSF)desert wasn´t entirely wasted after all then. ;-)

    First impression: A little better than my - already sky high - expectations.

    Take your time with the full game, guys - the demo will keep me busy and happy for at least two weeks

  4. I´m currently reading a very gripping book called "Tank!" by Ken Tout. It´s a non-fiction first hand account of the experiences of a british Sherman crew during operation Totalize in august 1944.

    Ken Tout was a Sherman gunner and commander in the Norhthampton Yeomanry and the story is based on his own experiences, though some of the crew members of the Shermans are fictionalized.

    Several members of this forum will undoubtedly within the next hour have informed us that this book is pure fiction and utterly untrustworthy ;-)

    Until then, I highly recommend it.

  5. Oh, yes - the camera movement. I´d completely forgotten about that. Guess I must have repressed that memory.

    The camera movement is absolutely horrible, actually enough to put you off the game alone (from motion sickness).

    Ooops. Just realised that I confused Panzer Command Kharkov with Achtung Panzer. My previous comments were aimed at Achtung Panzer, not Panzer Command Kharkov.


  6. Maybe I´m not getting your point, Vulture, but I fail to see what´s gamey about winning a defensive battle by blowing a brigde?

    I´ve actually designed one or two CM1 scenarios where blowing a bridge was crucial to the defenders. In my opinion this is just as valid an objective as securing a flag.

    I think it could only be considered gamey if the blowing of the bridge hadn´t been an intended possibility in the design of the scenario. And if that´s the case I think the scenario designer is to blame - not the player blowing the bridge.

  7. Downloaded the demo and the UI and camera angles were far too confusing. Didn't bother buying it.

    Oh, yes - the camera movement. I´d completely forgotten about that. Guess I must have repressed that memory.

    The camera movement is absolutely horrible, actually enough to put you off the game alone (from motion sickness).

  8. Careful Soldat, Steve will end this thread if you talk about potentially competitive products (quite reasonable as BF are fronting this forum).

    Well, as far as I am concerned, Panzer Command Kharkov is no real threat to BFC: Yes, the graphics are nice and it has some cool features - like tanks throwing a track and leaving it behind - but the cons way outweigh the pros in my opinion: The biggest cons being that it is real time, not WEGO, and the user interface is very confusing.

    I played it for a couple of weeks, then decided I didn´t bother. But that´s just MY opnion.

    Oh, and by the way: count me among those players that consider the eastern front "the real thing". But I can live with Normandy

    - if it´s released soon ;-)

  9. Its not exactly like we're discussing exotic weaponry or that the game's being bought by morons who never heard of WWII. I agree most people won't bother to Google weapons stats - mostly because they already know the weapons stats.

    OK. So now I´m a moron because I don´t have the same knowledge of weapons stats as you, MikeyD?

    How about tank ammo, armor thickness, vehicle speeds and weight, aren´t these just a five second google search away too? No need to bother having them in the game as well, I guess.

    Come to think of it, why bother with graphics at all? We all know what a Sherman and a SPW 251 looks like. And if we don´t, there is always google.

    Well, if your opinions had been prevalent in CM1, I wouldn´t have bought any other CM game than the first CMAK copy I stumbled upon.

    And I certainly wouldn´t have been around this forum now, having preordered CMBN.

  10. I'm making a WeGo video next.

    Great. Getting better all the time: This latest VAAR was very good, especially because you kept the camera much more at ground level and thus gave us (me, at least) a much better feel for what great immersion this game seems to hold. And WEGO is my kind of game.

    One tiny request for the next VAAR, though: Could you please tone down the clean sound of the game? Especially at the end of the VAAR when the fighting got hectic I wasn´t able to hear half of your voice over.

    Looking forward to the next one (even though I hope BFC will make it redundant by releasing the game tomorrow ;-))


  11. Imagine a CM scenario where your orders, intel and force goals doesn't add up to anything near the real picture. You're to take and defend a junction against armored forces approaching only to find that the enemy armor is behind you and that a battalion of hostile engineers and FlaK have just consolidated their positions where you planned to stage your precious towed AT assets. :D

    Well, that could in fact be a very interesting - and probably rather realistic - starting off point for a scenario, don´t you think?

  12. But again if living in some sort of "hardhship" is important why were the Russians so bad at the start. They had centuries of practice living in miserable conditions.

    I think the major problem for the soviet forces at the start of Operation Barbarossa wasn´t related to the quality of the enlisted men but to their leaders.

    I have the impression that the soviet system in many cases caused some sort of paralysis in decision making: Leaders didn´t dare take any initiatives without clearance from above, as even the smallest of mistakes were punished severely. This lead to very slow reacting in the soviet army as all reports had to filter from the bottom up - and then all orders had to move from the top down.

    And of course it didn´t help that Stalin in one of his paranoid fits had purged the majority of the office corps four or five years earlier.

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