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Everything posted by StefMan

  1. Not sure if this can be changed via scripting: Bad weather should affect air attack effectivness but not the strike range.
  2. The game is out in Germany? Where? I preordered with a german retailer but I was told the release date is 28th of April. Almost three more weeks!
  3. Thank you for the information. It just felt sort of unfair to be punished by the US war readiness increase for taking iceland and then loosing that territory after the capitulation of Denmark.
  4. But what about Iceland? I tried it again, but this time I took Iceland first and Denmark in the following turn. After Denmark had surrendered Iceland joined the Allies and my occupying corps was gone. Is this intended or something that may have to be fixed?
  5. I a recent game I "Vichy Franced" Denmark and Iceland by taking Kopenhagen and Reykjavik in the same turn. In the turn summary Iceland still declared independence and joined the allies. Next turn the corps that had taken the capital was gone. In another game, when I was playing allies, Iceland remained neutral after Denmark had surrendered. How does the activation of Iceland work? I also tried op-moving the canadian bomber but couldn't get it to either Iceland nor UK. Is there a range limit for op-moving units?
  6. Just download Winrar (or any other compression utility that supports *.rar files). Once you installed it unpacking should be just as regular.
  7. And thanks to all the playtesters as well. Sorry that I forgot to mention you in the first place. I guess you all have spend more than one sleepless night while working on SC2.
  8. Damn it. 3 more hours to go until my 64k ISDN will have finished the download. It will be 2:00 am by then. Wish I had a decent connection. But still, GREAT TIMING. Just took my last exam today. I shall happily spend a sleepless night. Thank you Hubert. Thank you Battlefront.
  9. Ah, ok then I guess SC2 has offically reached gold status. Great news! Please enlighten me, what does this exactly mean? That the game is finished and everything goes into production now (CDs, Manuals, Cover etc.)?
  10. In Rambos thread:"SC-2 Competition Thread, who's game? Leagues? Tourneys?" there seem to be different expectations regarding multiplayer modes - especially whether a cooperative multiplayer will be included from scratch. Could you please give a statement regarding that question? If there will be a cooperative multiplayer (human vs human vs human ...) how will it handle FOW and order of turns?
  11. I was only refering to the 2-2 coop play John DiFool the 2nd mentioned. As I understand it he would like to play 2 human Allies (for Example 1 human playing Russia and another human playing the other allies) vs 2 human Axis (one human playing Germany, another human playing Italy). I think I have read that this option will not be included in version 1.0. Regular 1 on 1 Multiplayer via Pbem and TCP/IP will be available from the start as far as I know.
  12. Are you sure the cooperative modus will be included in version 1.0 already? I thought I read in a previous thread that the coop multiplayer wouldn't be ready for the initial release. Hope I am wrong. :confused:
  13. ??? I have just place my order with a german retailer. Are you saying that I can't get the game via amazon or other retailers until several months after initial release?
  14. Sorry for flooding the forum with newby questions, but I still haven't figured out how to influence finish war entry. Does it depend only on "dice rolls"? In some games finland joins axis immediatly after after barbarossa and sometimes only after I have attacked leningrad. What are the precise conditions for finland joinig the axis?
  15. Ok, thanks for the advice. So 3 to 4 tech chits for UK should be enough, right (due to the limited number of units GB will put on the map)? And I guess turkey really should be touched if the war isn't already decided. Maybe I can come up with a decent strategy for turkey sometimes later. Another question regarding Irak this time: It certainly is easily enough to take with a couple of units but it's an awfully long way from the english coast to Bagdad. And usually Alexandria / Suez both fall a couple of turns after the end of Vichy France. Taking Irak seems to me like sending the attacking units into a death trap for only a few rounds of increased mpps. I can't really see the benefits of that strategy.
  16. I have just recently started a panzerliga account and would like to post some questions that came up during my first multiplayer games: 1. What would be the most necessary research objects for GB? I have considered buying a couple of tech chits for industrial and jet technology. IT seems to be important since GB will not make al lot of mpps during the game, Jet technology to stand a chance against german airfleets. On the other hand I am wondering if maybe it would make sense to neglect research for the british and invest in units instead. The US und the SU start with some mpps and tech chits to begin with and can afford more research investments. Is there a common strategy in that matter? 2. I have wondered if it makes sense to DOW turkey as an axis or allied player. The benefits should be obvious - access to the Black Sea (axis) / irak, med, balkan (allies). But taking Turkey with limited ressources can be a real pain in the a** due to the terrain. Plus if you don't manage to cut of the turkish cities from mainland russia the allied player will most likely send reinforcements and prevent you from taking turkey. Therefore it seems quite risky to me. Any hints regarding sufficient / necessary conditions and important tactics? Thanks in advance
  17. According to Gamestar (a games magazine) the new release date for SC2 is now march 3rd 2006. However, since I have already posted twice release dates that turned out to be incorrect this will have been my last post regarding any release dates. If anybody should ask about SC2 release in the future I will be the first to reply "When it's done!". That's just been my personal learning experience. And after all I guess it doesn't really matter as long as the final product makes me happy.
  18. @releete: Just one short reply, since I guess you're right in stating that an extensive discussion of this topic rather belongs in the general forum. 1. I am not trying to interfere in the moderators job by calling for censorship of specific posts. This would be indeed acting as a forum cop. 2. Instead I was rather trying to contribute to yogis question why some threads evolved the way they did. 3. It´s perfectly alright to strongly disagree and to express that. It's just sometimes more helpful to take the time for a witty rebuff or an objective reply instead of just saying "that's stupid, get lost".
  19. This is just an untested hypothesis of mine, but I'd bet that flaming and typos correlate quite high in any given forum. When one invests some time to write a post (and to check for typos) he's probably gonna start to think about his reasoning and formulation. And that's a good thing! After all a "bugger off" in a face to face conversation isnt't as bad as if you'd read it in a newspaper. You'll have the chance to reply immediatly, plus the support of mimic, gestic and intonation to allow for a proper interpretation. And it's usually just between 2 people. When you feel attacked by someone it may be all cleared of a few seconds later and no one will know but you two. In a forum it's different. First of all there is ample opportunity for misunderstandings. And stuff that you write is gonna stay for quite a while. And finally it's there for everybody to read. Well, none of this is a grand new insight but basically "netiquette" essentials. I don't want this forum to be all pc. I love it for the bantering and sillyness. Some posts have me laughing out loud at times. But please take your time when you post - to check for typos and for that thin red line that you just may have crossed.
  20. Oh, yeah really? Officially rejected? Ok, you've asked for it tough guy. Now you're talking to a "DOUBLE DIGIT-post troll with an attitude"! :cool: I'am hereby officially (like that word) asking for a big fat intro. Plus, I wanna see Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt dancing in a chorus line, singing "We are the world" during the opponents move. Better give up now before it's to late. There is plenty of more nonsense where this came from.
  21. How about including a pbem manager? At the game options setup I'd like some pbem managing options such as: send game file after turn is finished? specify e-mail adress: save game file? specify folder to store game files: etc. of course I'd like to be able to make these settings for each different game independently ... Instead of asking for release dates I will just heap more work on you for each day SC2 isn't released. And I don't mean to be rude. It's just because of that mad super villain who has me tied to a computer sending mega joules of electricity into my genitals ... :mad:
  22. Well maybe it is just because I am not a "hardcore" wargamer, but somehow I don't understand what the fuss is all about. Grids, Hexes - honestly I dont't care if it is a good game. I loved panzer general and civ "gridwise" and battle isle and sc "hexwise". Aesthetically I like hexes better but I don't see why grids should ruin a great game. I haven't heard any gameplay reasons for hexes either. In a way it seems like you are looking for some "eye candy" of your own.
  23. Ah, just one more thing (if you're not done for today with granting wishes). I really liked the idea mentioned in an older threat to introduce further attributes for HQ units ("Leaders and ratings discussion - Hubert please read"). Maybe increase movement points for units under Guderians command or increase offensive strenght for tanks under Rommels command etc. Would be very difficult to manage in terms of balancing but would also add some "character" to HQs. Any news on that decision? Sorry. I know I am being greedy.
  24. Thanks a lot Hubert! That's why I love this forum (including all of the "special people" round here )!
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