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Posts posted by GSX

  1. Is it realistic, well that depends on the real life situation I suppose.

    I imagine you would have to weigh up running under fire for 10-15 yards against getting your nose behind any small cover and firing back, then moving to cover. SF doesnt replicate this desire to live right now against the desire to get to better cover.

    Hence we see the crawl of death. In RL they should go to ground, find cover, if possible spot the incoming firers, possibly throw some smoke and then get to better cover if practicable, if not, call for help.

    A long way to go before we see any game get that good though.

  2. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Actually, check that. From what I can tell the people opposed to the changes in CM:SF wanted CMAK with CMBO setting. Great, we sell a few copies and go out of business. Hmm... perhaps that is why we didn't go that route? Could be :D Could also be that it would have been so boring, so unchallenging to us that we'd rather have stuck forks in our eyes instead. Without the passion and drive to work we'd just pack up and do something else with our time.



    Although I realise that you love being involved in making wargames right?

    I also realise, unlike some, that you and your family has to eat and without sales of SF this would be more difficult.

    I admit I was disappointed at first by the SF setting. However I took the plunge and bought the game. Sure it is buggy, and some of the Bugs do detract from it, I have no doubt that they will eventually be ironed out.

    However, for me, I feel like I have finished the game. Now this is nothing bad, I have finished many a game in the past. I think that $40 for a months entertainment is fine. SF lacks the depth of CMAK for example, and before anyone tells me, I know why already. But it is this depth that keeps me playing AK when SF has sat on my HD for about 2 weeks and no activity.

    Unless a module came out that included vastly differing forces I dont think I will be buying it. But I will buy a ww2 version, thats for sure, or maybe an Israeli one too.

    You must have the figures that we dont see and I suspect that you have sold SF to a lot more guys than bought BO and I also think that this vast majority has probably never played CM before. I'm not asking you to ignore a lot of these old sweats here, but I do understand that they are not necessarily your priority audience.

    You continue to make interesting games and I will continue to buy them and thats the bottom line for me. You have my money, so invest it into you next project, or hire some more bloody staff, put one of them into updating CMAK to have a proper westfront battlefield and weapons and everyone will be happy.


  3. Huh? And CM:BO was set over a 9-month period. You seem like you're trying awfully hard to be dense, particularly since the game is in a fictional setting and could be used to simulate actions in Iraq or Afghanistan or a fictional country like AdamL's campaign - the reason I suggested contacting him was that you were complaining there was "nothing else to do". His post was clear evidence that the community's imagination is far from exhausted.

    Some people see what they want to see, I guess.

    Even if you look at just the fictional 3-month campaign in Syria, the game only depicts one of the Stryker brigades, and only a handful of actions are depicted in the Task Force Thunder campaign. The sky is the limit, really; I'd recommend snooping around the scenario forum and trying out the offerings of some of your peers, or go to CMMODS.com and try some of the downloads...

    Was I complaining? I didnt think I was. I enjoyed it, hey it was what $40 and I had at least a month out of it. Other games have been £80 dollars and Ive finished them in 2 or 3 days. Going to watch a movie costs what $20-$30 dollars? The movie lasts 3 hours at most. So was CMSF value for money. It sure was.

    As for more scenarios, well wouldn't it be just using the same forces? In a game built around a Stryker force in a fictional campaign? OK, you can have some Bradley Inf and MBTs. OK, on to Iraq, what, the Iraqis have Syrian uniforms and equipment? And more out of left field, how can I suspend disbelief and imagine a Stryker unit in Afghanistan, where Syrian forces and irregulars just happen to be in Helmand?

    Your point about cmbo is valid, it was set over 9 months. However cmak and cmbb together cover 6 years. I'm still playing 2 opponents in both games in my little project to play a battle from every month of the war. been doing that for almost 3 years now and Im still only in Italy on CMAK and Kursk has just ended in CMBB, so there is a way to go until Ive finished them.

    What am I trying to say? Nothing really, just that I personally feel SF has nothing realistic to offer me right now. Maybe a new module will change that? CMBB offered the chance to be everything and play everywhere and maybe in 4 or 5 years SF will have enough modules to emulate it. I am happy to continue playing other games until new ones arrive. But for now my CMSF game resides on my HD along with many other games that I may fire up and play occasionally.

    So whats to worry about? BF has my money and will no doubt plough it into future projects. Thus everyone is a happy Mackerel, unless of course they dont do a Brit module, now then I will probably go a wee bit doollaly.

  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

    Anyways, now that Ive finished it, what should I look forward to? I dont think a Marine module would work as I dont think they have any really different equipment, do they?

    Anyway, thanks for my 4 weeks of fun and looking forward to a ww2 game next? Any ideas if it will be out for Xmas?

    What do you mean by "finished it"? How do you "finish" a completely open-ended game? You finished one of the campaigns, you mean? </font>
  5. Originally posted by KwazyDog:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

    I find this statement amazing. One of the things that has always kept me away from this place is the way a certain few of the in-crowd posters dominate and basically bully either new guys or guys who dont share the same opinions.

    GSX I/we cant be everywhere at once, but if people email me about inappropiate behaviour I look at each and every case. In fact many a time I have stepped in and told the old timers to chill when the new guys ask questions, and its a behaviour I have not personally noticed in some time.

    In this case I was just browsing threads and saw terms such as "Blow me dude", "STFU" and "The rest can circle jerk without me" being thrown around and suggested it was inappropiate according to the forum rules, as I would have no matter who was doing the posting. </font>

  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />But this place is not for me. This is a trash forum now.

    What was that line from the movie Payback? Don't poop where you eat, or somefink like that?

    Well, sorry to see Adam finally tipped himself over the edge. Hope you find a place worthy of your intellectual greatness. I think well struggle on as üntermensch.

    Now, where were we before Adam raised the bar on intllectual discourse? Oh yes, we were talking about a A GAME...

    Steve </font>

  7. Originally posted by KwazyDog:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Adam1:

    Yeah I think I'll leave. I haven't met a virtuous person here in about a year. Bye.

    No worries Adam, your choice. If you decide to return all Im asking is that you address others, or as it turns out pretty much the entire forum community, with a little respect. I dont think that is a big ask. </font>
  8. 2. We are working under immense time pressure. If we find a bug, run it through Charles, he comes back with a fix, we run it through to see if it is fixed, and then we're good to go.
    The world is full of guys who can code PC games. Ever thought of increasing your staff? Does Charles have good life insurance? Or when he goes does CM go with him? Seems a bit daft to have one guy do everything when you can hire some more guys to help out.
  9. Dust notwithstanding, CMAK being a game means that the dust will always do the same. So knowing what dust can and cant do should be taken into account by the player. It only takes a few games to know how it reacts, especially with wind direction etc and so its a level playing field for everyone I think. Although I do think that using the hunt command in the desert or other very dusty battles is a definite wrong way to go. Your armour will hunt, acquire, fire, miss kick up dust and then continue merrily on their way, only to be blasted by an opponent who knows just how to wait for this opportunity.

  10. Depth. Thats the key for me. CMSF is an OK game for me, even with the few glitches. When i tried the demo I hated it, but I admit it has grown on me to the point of getting the game and finishing it.

    But thats the point, I feel like Ive finished it, completed the campaign and played a few scenarios.

    SF is better than any modern combat game I have played on a platoon/company level, no doubt. I dont care about the level of improvement while liking the 1-1 representation. I dont care how much of a leap forward it is over the previous. What I do enjoy is the depth of involvement CMBB and CMAK had and still have.

    Once youve played SF for a few weeks I think theres nothing else to see or do.

    So while not against SF, I still prefer the others for their depth but can understand why SF doesnt give the same and even after various modules, still wont.

    Its all about fun and replay ability for me Im afraid.

  11. Ive never been a QB man, never really enjoyed the unreality of it all.

    However, there should be some system in place to allow those that do like it to play it.

    As for CMSF. I quite enjoyed it. But I have finished it now and that for me is the rub. I dont feel like I have ever finished CMBB or CMAK but I do feel as if I have finished CMSF and there is nothing else left for me to do with it.

    It felt more like playing an FPS through to the end than a CM game. Quite fun, but very easy to play a campaign using US forces against the Pish of the East.

    The Syrians would be no better than the Iraqis, or anyone else for that matter.

    Have Javelin, will travel.........

  12. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    We have a multi-page thread complaining about the file size of PBEM turns. Yet we were told, by the PBEM fans, to include it no matter how big the file size was. That was the product of one of the most long, drawn out, emotional, vicious, ridiculous events on this Forum in its nearly 10 year history.

    Yet no PBEM guy has yet mention that the extra file swap is gone.

    Hmmmmmmmm.... me thinks you guys are a glass half empty crowd :D


    Why are BF blaming the customer for an obviously shoddy and unready game?

    This forum always amazes me, and no doubt will continue to. I'm sorry i'm not bowing down and blindly buying your game, but thats your fault, not mine.


  13. I agree with Red Devil. This game is not the finished article. While there are some great things and ideas in there my perception of it is very poor right now. I think it may be trying to be all things to all gamers. I'm not sure if its meant to be a single player Vs AI, an RTS or a PBEM. It is not polished or perfected. The AI does appear to be very bad. The control system, while changed from previous games just feels like a step backwards and frankly isnt anywhere near as good as similar types of games. It reminds me of a scaled down version of Warhammer. The camera controls are pretty dire, I spent half the time trying to get the camera angles right.

    However, all is not lost, the potential is there, it just has to be realised and tweaked. There are things in it that I personally dont want but there are some things that are good. The 1-1 representation for a start. Maybe I just hoped for too much from it, BTW, the voice sounds are truly a cop-out as they seem to be the very ones that are in CMBO for the US side.

    However, all this is my opinion only.

  14. Well I always said I'd pass judgement once I'd played the demo.

    I have just played the demo......

    The AI, isnt very good.

    For the size of the map the engagement ranges are not realistic.

    The control system is dire, not intuitive at all and seems clunky and a step back, not forwards.

    The Syrians have no chance (Ive only played the demo).

    The graphics, while OK arent anything special when compared to other games of a similar genre (I'm including Warhammer here as this game has the same sort of feel to it). My squad went to cross a wall and ended up walking through it then jumping just after they climbed it. When not zoomed in the graphics are no better than CMx1, my opinion.

    For a brand new spanking, lets forget the old game, move on and stop crying about something thats much better game. Why is the US soldiers speech exactly the same as CMBO, a Ten year old game? In fact the whole sound package is very poor.

    The camera controls are worse that TOW. Its not a factor of getting used to them as I play other games that use the same system, only better, I spent more time orientating the camera than I did fighting the enemy. Its great that you finally got round to using the Mouse, but its clear that the control is way too sensitive. Perhaps the option to tweak it would be good.

    Is it meant to be played H2H or only against the AI in a campaign mode?

    Longevity? Right now I'm not sure it has any. I may buy it, but only in about 2 months when it is in the bargain bin at the local PC store.

    I've tried to think of some positives, but right now, compared to the rest of the RTS games out there I dont think it makes an impact. I also cant see what a Marine Module could possibly bring to it as the graphics would be the same.

    I hate to feel this way about a company that has brought me so many hours of gaming pleasure but I only have the Demo to go on.


  15. Hmm. Ive just read all of this fine thread. Qb picks were always something I avoided in CM, never could get them right and never understood why every fight had to be an ME with Vet forces.

    Then there was the fear of your opponent picking the Big cats, so you had to pick a counter. or he knew his period inside out when I didnt. SMG squads, Finnish Sisi's etc etc etc. I just switched to scenarios and for over 600 games have continued to enjoy myself.

    I think the big mistake here has been to rely on the CM name for what isnt the same product. You should have called it Shock Force. Its just not CM and while enjoyable, I have the feeling that in about 3 weeks time most of the guys posting here will have it lying in their drawers unused and be happily playing CM again.

    Its a fun little game, but its not CM. This is my opinion though but I just don't think it has any longevity. I mean, what would a Marine module bring that a Marine Mod couldn't, after all its just a different uniform.

    I think I actually enjoyed TOW better.......

  16. Originally posted by Bigduke6:

    [QB] Problem is, if the insurgents are smart, they will be hip to things like foreign survey teams going to big flat open places that might take an airplane, and then doing things like making sure there is open space.

    Agreed, its simply survival of the smartest. We kill off the stupid ones but the smart ones will adjust to our tactics, using the stupid ones as decoys. The gullible are the suicide bombers, the smart ones use the gullible. Nothing is safe, we have had suicide Donkeys, suicide cycles, remotely detonated suicide bombers who are activated by mobile phones so that they cant have last minute nerves and run for it. Its all about adapting.

    Heck we have made this leap in technology by the insurgents by our very effectiveness in countering what went before. Its like some kind of Frankenstein's monster!

  17. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    So... runway security was apparently not high up on the priority list? I know those Insurgents can be sneaky little buggers, but that's a pretty serious breach in security. But the again, Blair says everything is just ducky in the south and everybody can go home anyway. Well, not in that C-130 though :(


    I believe it was in Maysan, there arent too many options to re-supply the Brit Battlegroup there as they no longer operate from fixed bases. Instead they operate continually in the field.


    I'm sure that the improvised landing strips are secured beforehand but as in all conflicts both sides re-act and adapt, our turn to react and adapt I think.

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