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Posts posted by GSX

  1. Without information we have speculation. I really dont think that Charles input is done with here, more speculation. The days of my blind faith in BF are long gone. I can only imagine that CMBB and CMC are having real problems chatting to each other about things.

    BF have stated more than once on the SF forum that they arent really interested in CMBB or CMx1 which means to me that they arent really interested in any new game that uses cmbb.

    Ive really no axe to grind here other than observation and speculation, I also doubt we will have a functioning cmc this decade.

    If Im proved wrong, all the better though.

  2. or...buy direct from BFC and ditch Paralytic Inactive
    Surely if this was the only way to go BFC wouldnt have partnered up with Paradox? Are Paradox still on-board for the next versions, i.e. Marines? Is Paradox so bad that BFC will be trying to ditch them? Can BFC ditch them?

    Oh and I dont have a clue what the guy who started this thread is about but maybe he could sort of expand on his problem.

  3. Yes, its all to easy to put Mr Dorosh down (the guy has a name and we Brits hate the surname thingy). Yes he may be at times annoying and short with others, but, he does make excellent points on occasion and has a breadth of knowledge that puts most of us to shame.

    Its all too easy to laugh off some of his insights and I get the feeling that its done for effect rather than substance.

    Slagging of Mr Dorosh seems to be the flavour of the day but no matter your opinion of him he knows more about ww2 western aspects than the majority here.

  4. Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

    What I do have an issue with is the proxy servers used by BF to update its own game. Surely they should offer the BF patch on the BF site and not some of sites it is on?

    I really don't get this complaint, which I've seen before. Why does it matter, what's so damned awful about going to Gamershell or such?

    BFC doesn't have to pay for bandwidth, Gamershell gets you to drop by, you get to download at a good speed from a fairly local server. Why isn't everyone happy? :confused: </font>

  5. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurker765:

    If BFC did not want the responsibility of picking up the pieces then they should not have partnered with Paradox or whoever. You want the benefits of signing with a distribution partner then you take the risk of being responsible for their actions.

    It is BFC's product in the end. They are where the buck stops.

    Well if you want the best service, buy the blessed thing from BFC.

    That way you’d avoid the patch lags and everything else that seems to happen when a 3rd party is involved. </font>

  6. Originally posted by CptWasp:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurker765:

    Since I have no clue what the Paradox version is like -- is it exactly the same as the BFC version?

    Did the Paradox customers have a chance to purchase the full manual or choose not to?

    I had no choice. I preordered the Paradox version at play.com and the page stated "printed manual", and NOT "some part of the manual".

    I'm a Battlefront supporter, read my posts (if you read italian) on the NWI forum! I defended CMSF when a lot of other people were very negative about it.

    Discriminating the Paradox version buyers is unfair: I live in Italy and the only hope to get the game in a decent time and at a reasonable cost is to buy it at play.com.

    If I must ask a printable version of the manual to Paradox I will do so. But it seems to me really unfair. The manual has been updated, so ALL the players have the right to print a revised copy.

    Now I hope to get a response FROM BATTLEFRONT, and not from someone else.

    Thank you.

    (Oh: I will NOT buy the Acrobat suite, money has a worth here) </font>

  7. Hm, its very unlikely that he is a FAC or JTAC as he hasnt done the training. Its not a job they usually give to young Lts. More likely hes just been living in Observation posts and stuff.

    At least hes doing something though and seems to be taking his military bit more seriously than his playing at soldiers brother.

    Then again, he is the spare!

  8. I'm not complaining either, I'm just very curious. To say that downloading a 30 Mb file is a matter of minutes is fine. However, most email servers allow a maximum of 20 Mb.

    So a 22 Mb game turn wont be sent, or received by your average CM player. What I would like to know is that was this realised or was it accidental?

    PBEM for your average player means being able to play a turn and email it to your opponent, an obvious statement, but one that isnt followed by any other statement saying that mail files may be bigger than your ISP allows and you may have to find an alternative method of exchanging files.

    Your answer is basically, think yourself lucky that you dont have a 200Mb file and trust implicitly in BF, sorry if mine isnt.

  9. Anyone know why the file size is so big?

    Im no techno head but I would like to understand why the file size appears to be so huge in comparison to whats on the screen.

    My latest PBEM has 2 Platoons of Inf with 4 vehicles per side. My first move turn (without any acion etc)is over 5Mb.

    Incedentally, what has been the bigest size anyone has had?

  10. Thanks for the advice. Here is my problem.

    The crash happens when I go to save it, as it did before. So I watch the movie, make my moves and then go to save and blammo - thats the screen I get.

    It seems to happen each time after the action starts.

    As for file size issues, my mail server allows me quite large downloads, certainly larger than the file size generated in this one.

    I will send the file to BF again and wait.

  11. Er it may support PBEM, but it doesnt bloody work, never has worked and looking at it right now Im not sure it ever will.

    I bought this game to play WEGO PBEM almost 8 months ago and have yet to play as advertised, if thats not worth a refund I dont know what is.

  12. Granted that if you want to play this on your own against the PC it is much better than it was obviously.

    If you want to play it against another human bean however its still a Lemon.

    It all depends what you want. I notice on the SF webpage it says playable in WEGO PBEM and TCP/IP. Im sorry guys but thats false advertising I think as it clearly isnt. Maybe it should be changed?

    I'm actually thinking about applying for a refund of some sort right now based on this. How long am I supposed to wait to play another person?

  13. I need the WEGO to work as I really do enjoy going up against a human. Once 1.06 came out I re-installed and thought it played so much better. Even the WEGO has been absolutely fine up until this crash. I have XP and the game has never crashed in any version before.

    It may be something other than the game (I hope so anyway)and all may be resolved by a simple re-mapping of previous moves.

    If not, I wont continue with the game until 1.07 appears. This may end up being one of the most promising passed over wargames games in modern times. Hope not though as it does still have that promise, but at some stage its got to deliver or it will simply fade away.

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