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Posts posted by GSX

  1. Originally posted by MeatEtr:

    Hmmm, so you've been with/following BFC since the beginning? And you just now registered with the forum a few days ago and this is your very first post. Interesting!

    Hey btw, anybody remember that song that Henry Rollins did awhile back. I think it was called...



    I too have read the forums here for many years. Always afraid to dip my toe in the forum waters until I finally did a couple of years ago.

    I also agree that the first thing many people do here is instantly flame. This is the main reason I am such an infrequent poster here. I think the Boards have been allowed to be hijacked by certain members of the self proclaimed in-crowd.

  2. MD

    Please accept my apologies for my comments. After re-reading my comments I realise that you were right.

    I guess this board just gets my back up more often than not for the manner that new posters are treated by certain others here. It seems at times like the lower your membership number or the higher your post count actually matters more than what you have to say.

    In fairness your contribution to the Canadian military is more than mine to the UK one.



  3. And so here we are. A year since the announcement and apparently still no closer to the goal.

    If this had come out a year ago I would have bought it, now, I wont. Things move on, the CM world grows smaller with every passing day and I doubt that it will even make a profit now. I wonder what the unit sold quantity has to be to break even?

    Sorry but my friends and me are waiting for SF now. Even this seems so far in the future that the original premise should be moved from 2007 to perhaps 2012.

    I await the demos.

  4. A whole year! Man that's amazing! Still no news is ,no news. I'm beginning to think that by the time CMC comes out, no one will buy it. I'm certainly not interested any more and definitely wont be getting it. If only it had been produced a year ago!!

    Much more looking forward to SF now anyway.

  5. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    heehee....I have another stalker!

    Thank God this one researched me - Henchman refers to a regimental award I hold, and dressed to kill refers to one of my books.


    A worthy enemy!

    i love the way you make yourself out to be something more than your are. regimental awards can be for many things.. holding the Col's dog could get you that award.

    Is it a combat award from Afghanistan? Now that would be impressive. i saw some of your guys out there earlier this year. Nice blokes, none of them seemed to know you though. Diffrent regiment I suppose.

    I'm due to go back there after Xmas, any chance we may end up in the same trench, I will bring my laptop, could be a real chance for a hotseat pbem.

  6. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />How about your reading skills? :D The BFC version will be much different (and presumably realistic) than the Russian version, check out Rune's latest posts in this forum.

    Thanks for the info. I'd forgotten just how lovely it was to converse with you. I'm glad your not a condescending arse who has all day to read every message posted on this forum and berate others for perhaps missing it.

    Oh and for your information, no game will ever be realistic as its not REAL.

    And I wondered why I didnt come here very often. </font>

  7. Originally posted by Sickie:

    Well, 1C is publishing the game themselves in Russia so they can do what they want there. Battlefront and their fanbase suggested a few improvements over the original version, a few of which are being implemented. We do'nt know what they will be but we hope for;

    - realistic engagementranges for the tanks

    - on map mortars

    - tactical smoke

    - enterable buildings

    - the ability for the player to create adhoc defenses like sandbags, foxholes for infantry and guns

    - CAS by the appropriate planes and not by twin-engined level bombers.

    - maybe some changes regarding the use of abondoned enemy equipment

    - maybe some more emphasis on infantry....

    Thanks for that information friend.
  8. How about your reading skills? :D The BFC version will be much different (and presumably realistic) than the Russian version, check out Rune's latest posts in this forum.
    Thanks for the info. I'd forgotten just how lovely it was to converse with you. I'm glad your not a condescending arse who has all day to read every message posted on this forum and berate others for perhaps missing it.

    Oh and for your information, no game will ever be realistic as its not REAL.

    And I wondered why I didnt come here very often.

  9. Looks to me like progress is being made, as usual I dont post here often, being UK mil and being over there a few times and seeing the Stryker in action though, I do have to agree that I've never seen a Desert Cam one. It looks good though, just a suggestion that Syria wouldnt need a Desert Cam anyway.

    From the snippets so far its feeling good and I hope that after you do the expected marine Module, you may think about doing a UK one, although this may be tricky as we dont really have comparible vehicles!

  10. A bit pointless as its not Soviets versus Allies and the Syrians wont field 200 T-55 to 4 M1's, more likely the US would field more armour in a given battle than the Iraqis, er sorry Syrians so if we are calculating points it will have to be done in a whole new way I think.

  11. I love the CM WW2 games, but I would love to have a 1980's NATO Vs Warsaw Pact game before a WW2 title. This is what I hoped SF would be initially and is probably why I was so dissapointed with the choice of Theatre for the first game.

    Just imagine leading your T-72's into the Fulda Gap, I'd pay a lot for that.

  12. I pop in from month to month now. Sadly, no new news has arrived since the day they announced it.

    Hopefully all is going well and I will continue to pop in occassionally in anticipation.

    I think this may have been a case of advertising a game too soon, but reading back the forums I can see why it was done.

    Hopefully the game will be ready before the 2007 premise passes by, as it will then be a historical game.

    I trust the team to deliver a quality product, but then again some snippets would be welcome.


  13. I agree fully with the above post, especially on the Mouse Zoom, this would have been a really great addition and I'm sure it wasnt impossible to do.

    However, my point was that if CMC takes another year to come out how many guys may actually buy it. I mean guys who dont already play it here. So to that effect how will the company make any money on it?

    I for one will definately buy it as I too feel that a Campaign will make CMBB much more interesting for me. It is after all this time still the game I fire up through choice.

  14. Cmbb is the greatest ever version of the CM series in my opinion.

    When I heard that this was coming out I was enthralled. However, it has now been many many months and the only news about it is sparce to say the least. The Website hasnt changed at all as far as I can see.

    I can only imagine that it may have been announced as a sop to all the deregetory CMx2 Shock thing comments and that it was announced before it was even half way ready.

    Looking around the Web, CM in its current formats is experiencing a downturn, in all the various Clubs and Clans there is very little new infusion and a lot of the old boys are going elsewhere for their wargaming, if indeed they are still gaming.

    I still look forward to this new conception, but to be honest, it doesnt really seem that innovative from the Website and I cant see how the Company making it will make any money from it if it drags on so long that only the Hardcore of CM is left to buy it.

    After all, how long can you flog a dying Horse?

  15. Bloody hell, your right, too much Whisky I'm afraid. Thats what I get for living in Whisky Country..............

    When I sober up I hope to give a proper metaphor.

    And it came to pass that GSX was branded a disbelever and cast out of the forum to wander for an eternity seeking some sensible CM chat.

    [ March 18, 2006, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: GSX ]

  16. Sorry about the above, clarification needed. The game of CMSF is a tactical level game of modern war (I am led to believe). The actions in Iraq are more typical of a colonial Police action (believe me I've been there)so, how do we link one to the other?

    US infantry war fighting doctrine does not translate easily into a Police action (and once again, believe me Ive seen it), so maybe its time to move away from Iraq actions and concentrate on real war fighting (which Iraq is definately not - you know).

    Iraq is more akin to Northern Ireland 1972- 1990 ish (let me add, Ive been there).

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