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Posts posted by GSX

  1. Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

    In my opinion the only/best/optimal way to fix most of the problems in CMSF is to hire atleast one more programmer and animator.

    Then fix all the LOD/LOF issues, bring back all the little features that CM veterans love, improve on new gameplay, add more flavor objects, water, units

    I like the hire more guys option. I suspect and have posted before that one man cannot do everything. Bug Fixes, New Modules, new Games etc etc etc. I certainly wouldnt want to be the guy, can be much fun in his life right now.
  2. Originally posted by Panzer76:

    Try the demo. For me, CMSF was amajor letdown with poor TacAI. Only way you can play any missions is by attacking (defending is a walk in the park) and most of them are also easy. IMHO.

    Agree with this. I found it interesting, at times fun and at others very frustrating. However, there is no real depth to it and it all became too easy for me to play. Spot target, unleash the Javelin, kill the enemy etc etc etc.

    Still fun for a wee while though and its cheap enough to buy, play for a month and certainly get value out of it.

  3. Originally posted by Colonel J Lee:

    Combat Mission is the best wargame (CMBO/CMAK/CMBB - especially the latter two) to ever come out, as far as I know. The combination of historical units and situations, the variety of nations represented, the depth of tactics, replayability, and play options (from TCP to PBEM) make this the best all around wargame of all time. Not to mention the ability to create scenarios! Oh, and CMETO, the modification of CMAK which covers CMBO scenarios and the European Theatre of Ops (France, Germany, Belgium, etc), is fantastic. Until CMx1 is topped, I'm sticking with it. smile.gif

    P.S. Like Philippe said though, an updated version of CMBO with King Tigers and M-36 Jacksons would be nice. ;)

    I started playing when CMBB came out and immediately loved it. BB and AK are the two best wargames ever made in my opinion. As a Scenario player first and foremost I have played roughly 700 of them and continue to find new ones all the time.

    Sure the graphics arent state of the Art, but the game play is great. The controls are intuitive and allow me to do everything with the Mouse (cmx2 takes a step back here with its unwieldy controls).

    I too hoped that one day CMAK would have had a Westfront module to include the KT and others such as Cromwells, thats not going to happen now though.

    For me the longevity lies in its depth and focus. Something that CM-2 isnt going to aspire too. If the ww2 version has the same limited forces I think I shall still play it, but like SF not as much as I will still be playing CM-1 games.

    Like the Rock band that makes the definitive album on their first attempt I think BF have made the definitive game here and sadly never again shall we see another like it.

  4. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

    So as to Falco, be wary, when you ban all the dissenters your left with the YES men, and how many careers have gone down the pan when only the things you want to hear get said.



    Calling everyone who finds something positive about the game, naive fanboys isn't exactly constructive criticism.

    You'll find very few people who disagree that there is still lots of room for improvements. </font>

  5. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GSX:

    So as to Falco, be wary, when you ban all the dissenters your left with the YES men, and how many careers have gone down the pan when only the things you want to hear get said.



    Calling everyone who finds something positive about the game, naive fanboys isn't exactly constructive criticism.

    You'll find very few people who disagree that there is still lots of room for improvements. </font>

  6. SF just doesnt cut it in the longevity stakes, which means quite a long wait between new titles. Unless a Module will chance the forces radically then I wont buy it just for a uniform change.

    This is the difference though between the two games. CM-1 equals longevity and SF equals a short attention span. I'm not necessarily against this though as its not my choice what game to make, only what game to buy.

    Theres just no depth to draw me back to it. I stress this is a personal view though, others may desire to fight the same force in the same region for months and years but I have enjoyed my SF game and have gone back to PBEMing the CM games.

  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Sorry for being absent for a bit. Real life pushed off for 3 years + winter around the corner = a lot of home "improvements" needed before the snow flies.

    Oh, and Falco becomes the first person I've banned in months. Congratulations go out to you who has continued to do NOTHING but be a Troll despite several warnings that you'd be banned if you kept it up. There is a HUGE difference between being critical and being a troll, which is why I've banned nobody but you despite many people being critical. In short... you've decided you have nothing to contribute so I'll help you take your wishes to the next level.


    I rather think Falco took his disappointment quite hard. Very understandable.

    BF have only their selves, and their self appointed 'bully club' to blame here for hyping the thing out of all reality.

    The truth is that the game is not the product I thought it would be and I ENJOYED IT. Just to make that clear. I am not knocking the concept or the scope of it, thats the decision of the company. But as a product it is flawed and for a lot of these flaws I can only stand aghast at two things.

    1. The reputation of BF for high quality wargames.

    2. The more than obvious faults of the playtesters that were chosen for the game. I mean a lot of them seem to be the same crowd of fanettes who will argue all night about the fender colour of a Kubelwagen but wouldnt know good gameplay when it bit them in the Arse.

    Anyway thanks BF for the definitive ww2 wargame, for that you gain my undying respect.

    CM-2 and beyond just does not seem to have the same impact. I can explain why LOS effects etc make this so a little bit but SF is still a good enough game that it should be more popular. The strange thing is, the vibe says its not. The replayibility just isnt there for me, or for others who I know have played. And this not just from CM-1 fans either as I dont live in a CM vacuum like some.

    So as to Falco, be wary, when you ban all the dissenters your left with the YES men, and how many careers have gone down the pan when only the things you want to hear get said.



  8. I see Falcos complaints as legitimate if a wee bit too repetitive. But I cant see where you can fault his logic here.

    RPG's should definately not be coming out of the ground. I suppose a lot of sales of this game may have been to CM-1 fans like myself. Now I have said before that I enjoyed SF for what it was, it was fun but even after 1.04 I havent been playing it. In fact I havent touched it since 2 days after 1.04 came out. I just dont find it as interesting and it is still flawed. It just does not grasp my attention span more than a few minutes.

    See target, fire misslie, kill target. Simplistic, maybe, but the game isnt much more than that.

  9. I enjoyed it too but only for very small battles. Otherwise as has been said you miss a lot of whats going on elsewhere and get sucked into a specific location. WEGO is still the best ever compromise in a simulation of more than Platoon strength I think. Especially if you want to enjoy the graphics improvements, otherwise you end up just looking from afar at little blue circles.

  10. I've been around these forums for a while and it all seems that the game revolves around Charles ad his ability to cover everything. I have asked this question before but never got an answer.

    Is it only Charles that can code the game, the modules and everything? Surely on a project so big and so important extra help can be hired to do a Module or such while Charles continues on with the coding of the next game or patches to the current one.

    If it is a one man show, what happens if you ever lose your one man? God forbid he gets ill or something???

    Or do I have the stick totally by the wrong end.

  11. Originally posted by WW2Wargamer:

    If nothing else, before posting the same negative things over and over. PLEASE THINK of the DAMAGE you are DOING to our hobby! IMHO Battlefront always fixed their problems and they always will. So give them some slack. Who will replace them? COH types of games? They are good for the eight hours until completion. I will be playing CMSF for a long time, just like CMBO, CMBB and CMAK. So Wargamers, think about our hobby and the BEST independent wargaming company around.Last but not least, think what we will lose if we lose them.

    BF exist to make money, you know to eat etc. I love the original CM games and quite liked SF.

    They have provided me with a product that I enjoyed and have finished in CMSF, I personally wont be playing it for years as it is not long living or deeply engrossing for me.

    If we lose them, in the end its their fault not ours as its on them to provide us with the product we want to buy. As long as they keep doing that I will keep buying their games.


  12. Hmm, its all a bit subjective. On the one hand there are guys out there who maybe never played CMx1 but bought CMSF. Maybe they didnt like it. As has been stated it was released in Beta, which is not good. But maybe they enjoyed it anyway.

    Then we get the guys that have played the originals and are disappointed with the sequel (often the case - see the Matrix).

    At the end of the day its all about making a living and if BF make enough money to live out of it and make more games then everyone should be happy. I have come to realise that you cant have anything in life and nothing will ever be perfect, sad but true.......

    The review probably fit the game that came out originally to be honest.

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