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Posts posted by GSX

  1. I absoultely agree with you.

    On the other hand it is very painful to be attacked for being a beta tester continuously (by some people), even though I could swear that I never acted as described above myself.

    As for the campaign: I take the liberty to claim that it is not the duty of the beta testers to make sure that the product is 100% working as released. I can tell you, why: Because it is not a job, but a voluntary service to BFC.

    In the long run, there is, of course, no difference. The tester plays regularily and reports as needed.

    But the picture changes in the last days before release. Suddenly, there is the demand to playtest something like the campaign for many, many hours, because of some last minute changes that might have an influence. Personally, I have sunk literally hundreds of hours into the Marines module, but I absolutely refuse to neglect my family and my job just to play the campaign for the tenth time in a matter of hours just because there was a little change to the OOB (that might, indeed, prove fatal in the end). This is the job of the persons who actually EARN MONEY with the thing, in my opinion. And, as far as I recall, these persons actually did that kind of testing.

    So what went wrong? No idea. I play-tested almost all campaign scenarios, some multiple times, but not the campaign itself, because I felt that my job was done by testing the individual scenarios. Does this make me a "bad" beta tester. Personally, I do not think so.

    Something else: I always read about "the beta testers". Please acknowledge that we are just another layer of the onion, and by no means omni-potent. It sometimes happens that we report bugs (that are later also reported on this forum, or elsewhere) and they are simply flagged as "not a bug" because correcting them would involve too much of a change in the engine. So please do not assume that we can "force" BFC into any activity, just by acting "tough".

    Best regards,


    This is an excellent reply and in no way do I think that its the responsibility of a beta tester to take the flack. I blame no beta tester for flaws in the game. I do wonder why some beta testers seem to take great offence at observations about a game though.

    This probably stems from the fact that we hear little from the official BFC guys. I can understand why they dont have the time to post though as they are the ones whose livelihood depends on their product.

    Hopefully the broken campaign can be fixed soon as I was having fun with it.

  2. Im playing The Thin black line in PBEM.

    You get two pretty useless UAZ in this one as the mighty Syrians. Not much use to me on defence I though so I parked one on each side of the map behind a building, both are empty.

    My opponent boldly attacks me, my opening goes well and I kill two LAVs in quick succession. Then his AAvs arrive and one of them motors behind a building before I can get a shot off.

    Now its behind a building and I cant see it, haha, time to deploy the magic UAZ now. I click on the map (were playing iron man here as were not wimpy ghey bohys) and can see the once spotted AAV. SO thinking my lucks in I start to click on all of my combat units to see who can see this beast, hoping it will be a misslie unit of course.

    After going thru all of my combat forces and no one can see it, I clicked on a UAZ behind a building and a hill and hey presto, the AAv is visible. A bit weird thinks I, clicked on the other UAZ and alakazam, hes visible again.

    Next turn my opponent does the same, again the same result.

    So it seems that once one of my combat units spot an enemy vehicle my magic UAZ can then see them thru walls and hills for the rest of the game. I havent seen any infantry yet so am waiting for the same.

    Maybe those Syrians have zee magic eh!

  3. Cover-up:

    A cover-up is an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrong-doing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information.

    So please tell me how this amounts to a cover-up. Note: Ignoring queries (Which annoys the hell of me too by the way) is not a cover-up. A cover-up is an action. Have your posts/threads been deleted?

    I'm not taking issue with your charge of a broken campaign. I happen to agree with you on that. It is the accusation of cover-up thrown around so lightly.

    See, this is where Im mis-quoted. I said perceived as another cover up. I didnt say that BF wanted to cover anything up, they just omitted to mention it.


  4. I've seen a lot of stupid crap posted here, but this statement is definitely in the top ten.

    Oh really, check out some of the websites then. Ask a valid question and your jumped on here, make a valid point and your jumped on here, usual stuff really and Im more than used to it by now.

    I prefer honesty, think it works best. Now webwing answered all of my concerns in quite a civil manner and for that I thank him.

    My point is that with all that has gone on for what, 14 months? The same old tired lines are brought out to defend the bugs and mistakes. Dont get me wrong, I do like CMSF (since 1.08) but Im not going to pretend all is rosey if it aint. So yes, it is perceived as some as yet another cover up, maybe not you but a lot of others share my opinion.

    AT he end of the day its an enjoyable game I spent some money on but cant finish the largest part of it for me. Webwing has assured me that I will be able to soon. You have assured me that this forum is still populated with more than a few defenders of the faith!

  5. Well, yes. That's one of the differences between a campaign and a scenario. Decisions and results in one battle affect subsequent battles.

    Me too. And you will.

    OK, I will wait until my broken game is fixed and then have another go at the Campaign.

    My disappointment also lies with BF here. I dont suppose the vast majority of guys who have bought this game even come near the forums. To them, the campaign is over, they may say, was that it, and move on.

    I would have thought that after the last year BF would come out clean and say 'hey guys, we've encountered a bug in the campaign'. Now of course the word is out that the Campaign is broken and it looks like yet another cover up.

  6. That would be part of the reason for why we need a central "official" repository: many new customers don't know where to find the "existing sites" or how to use them. A central file depot that is part of the official site would be a great starting point for many new fans that would only help in getting them "on the hook" for more mods, more sites, more content.

    Contrary to what some people may want to believe, the world didn't stop spinning when CMx1 came out a few years ago.

    Of course you could link to some of those sites from your main page and to save you some money give them a little donation to help them do what they do so well.

    I think your idea is great, but really should be totally unlimited and free, maybe thats an ideal world view but the impression your giving by your repeated statements that it is free does not factor in human nature, your limiting guys to basically 2 downloads per month and however much you protest otherwise it doesnt feel free at all.

    How about guys accruing points, these points equal megs. So every day if Im registered I get awarded ten MB, I can then either download a couple of scenarios or a Mod, or if I want that campaign I have to wait a few days. Heres the good bit where you can recoup some of your losses, if I want, I can buy more Mb. Say $10 gets you an additional 100MB. That way guys that want a bit of stuff arent limited to 2 downloads and guys who want to pay for more can do as well.

    Your plan seems OK, but if guys are coming to BF they will meet guys with the mods they want already, emails will fly and Mods will be swapped, I imagine a Thread titled Swap Shop will arise.

  7. No. That's not right at all. And pretty bloody offensive to boot.

    At a guess? You were careless with your forces.

    Offensive? To whom?

    Ah careless with your forces allows you to go onto the next battle with no forces then.

    See every time I get back to liking this game, and I do BTW, yet another thing crops up. Little graphics bugs, vehicles in PBEM that stand on end for half the game, Campaigns that are broken. I know that $25 isnt very much money these days, but I was expecting to play through a campaign.

    So yes, Id say that yet again Ive bought a broken product, if you find that pretty bloody offensive then thats your choice. I do realise that its a game, its not meant to be a real life simulation but I spent my money to play a campaign that I cant play.

  8. The short answer is that it would take, approximately, 4 years to _fully_ test the iterations the campaign has been through. That's assuming no intermediate patches to game functionality.

    If you wanna wait that long let me know, and I'll send you an email sometime in late 2012 to let you know you can start playing ;)

    Ah so we return to the old adage that its better to release a broken product than no product at all.

    I have just about reached the stage of the last few missions, I completed Pooh with a US Total Victory. Next mission loads and I have zero forces. I think that this is just too little a force for the allotted task in hand to capture that wadi. Anyone else experience this one. Oh and my marine recon HQ consists of 3 marines and a vehicle crewman, always. Whats the score there?

  9. Has BFC finally gone daft! This is the stupidest idea Ive heard from them to date. Pay for Mods?

    How much are BF going to pay the guys that make the Mods and Scenarios?

    Are you going to pay per download or a flat fee to upload?

    What about hosting all the scenarios for unsupported games like CM-1?

    Unless you make these things yourself there will always be somewhere else to download them anyway.

    I reiterate, your plan is just plain dumb and however much you try and say to the contrary simply smacks of pure money making...

  10. Of course, it wont be necessary to buy the marines to get 1.1. Something to remember.

    Also, PBEM games. I take it any 1.08 games will have to be finished before downloading 1.1.

    Will the 1.1 upgrade be released when the marines module is?

  11. GSX, I would love to sign up, but I'm not exactly sure how I would go about doing that. I followed one of the links in your original post, where I read the following:

    "Registering here does NOT mean you wil be entered into the Tournament. When the Tournament is available you will see a link to it on the left (just like the one to the Crete Tourney that you can see now).

    When you see it, click the link and then register there for the tournament."

    As of today I still haven't seen a link to the tournament.

    Thats because Im still hopefull that we will get more guys. When the registration is open you will see it, where I said.

  12. Thanks friend.

    I found what I think are 3 good scenarios. We have a massive 9 players signed up, so it will be an 8 player tourney.

    Still its a start and as the saying goes, youve got to start somewhere. All games will be mirrored so as to balance them up a bit more.

    Still time to sign up as 16 would be ideal and Im sure there are more than 16 guys playing SF, aren't there?

  13. This would be the same Poor Old Spike that has been banned from here and many other sites around the Web?

    Im curious.

    1. Where did you find all of this stuff.

    2. Do you have his permission to gather his work and spread it around.

    3. Who are you? For someone who has seemingly just appeared, why gather the POS stuff, which leads me to....

    4. Are you him again under yet another alias?

  14. Maybe a good idea here would be to give a free copy of the Marines module to everyone who pre-ordered CMSF? This would be an excellent gesture to all those guys and gals that essentially took part in a huge beta test, spent months of frustration trying to play and generally had a bad time with the broken game.

    Secondly, I notice that BF will be selling the modules exclusively even if you bought a Paradox version. Does this mean that I wont be able to get a really cheap copy of the Marines module in a few months?

    Third, I notice that CMSF is on sale new for £7.95 from Amazon. Maybe you could give CMSF away free with every guy who wants the Marine module but doesn't have the original. I fail to understand why anyone would buy it for $45 from BF when its NEW for about $16.

    BTW nice screenshots there, as always, this game looks good graphically.


  15. So if it fails this time it will be thrown away? Seems strange to say this after a new raft of screenshots and a website have been opened too it????? Which leads to the inevitable:

    How many times has it failed already?

    Why has it failed?

    Also, not trying to take anything away from the concept, which I find brilliant, but the screenshots look like TOAW 3d screens but without the depth of terrain. This is 2008, not 1998, how can I tell what terrain I will be fighting in from a paltry strategic map that I see in a screenshot?

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