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Posts posted by GSX

  1. I'm sorry what with a weapon and ammo, 3 days rations, CBA and various other loads I'm just not prepared to carry a Microwave on my back as well. Sure it will allow me to eat sooner, but surely the weight outwieghs the advantage, that and having to find a UK compliant 3 prong 240 a/c plug to stick it in!

  2. Hi

    I dont come here that often for a few reasons, some are obvious (the stupid Peng thing).

    I was just wondering at what stage we are at now with CMSF? I notice there is still no website and that news is scarce on the project apart from the inane usual speculations.

    So does anyone from BFC have any news at all on the game? Definitive update appreciated, thanks.

  3. If there were any kind of shooting war, they would inevitably end up as scrap metal. By their very nature they have to be in a place to shoot an ac and that place isnt going to be in a cave.

    Remember in effects based warfare, you dont have to kill them all, just the ones in your ingress zone and that invariably means only a few with many HARM/ALARM fired in their direction. Even if they shut down, the ALARM climbs to 40000 feet and descends on its shute, tracking all the time.

  4. Why are we so fixated on individuals, and why are we so fixated on the ME?

    If we withdrew tomorrow from everywhere. What would be the consequence?

    Would the West Fall?

    I think we forget that its not who controls the Oil at source that matters, but who can buy it.

    After all we didnt give a toss when Iraq attacked Iran (oil involved). But we did when Iraq attacked Kuwait (less oil involved).

    I really do think that our representatives, should represent us and not their own financial interests.

  5. Its good to respect cultural diffrences and its good to have a framework to build upon. In my experience I find it best to treat anyone how you would like to be treated, sounds obvious, but youd be surprised. Old people have a special status that we dont tend to use in the West. Eye contact is paramount, learning a few phrases is a necessity. Respect is an absolute. Look the guy in the eye and smile, dont show any weakness whatsoever. Be direct and firm in your requests and above all - if you have an interpreter, dont speak to the him, speak to the guy your speaking too.

    You should see the US pamphlet for the UK! If that was anything to go by I wouldnt put my faith in the Iraqi pamphlet.

    Finally, believe it or not, the majority of the population want the same things for their family as you do, have the same feelings, wants and needs, remember that and you wont go wrong.

    Just my tuppence worth.........

  6. Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

    Well actually I think the reason for closing the skeptics thread because it nad become more about Scotland than Syria.

    As one of the people responsible for that I'd like first, to apologies to the rest of you, and secondly state that I don't have a problem with it being closed for that reason.

    By and large if I open a topic that interests me and find that it's about something completely different I tend to get ticked off.

    Claiming it was closed because of a fear of critcism of Stryker is bordering on the paranoid I am afraid.

    Great captions and cut and paste though, If I didn't have a life, I'd do things like that too.


    Aaargh, Im agreeing with you again. Im 30% responsible as well.

    Funny original post here though.

  7. WP is good for creating instant smoke. Its also good for target marking, from say a 60mm Mortar. Im sure any Insurgent wouldnt be bothering about 1 round of WP, they would be looking for the 500lb HE Bomb that was heading in their direction from the F-18 that was using the WP as a marker.

    That said, if its being used in a built up area and civilians are around I wouldnt use it as it does cause a lot of damage.

    The guys on the ground should use their common sense with it, but thats easy to say when your sitting at home and not in the heat of the action.

    I would have thought the press and any Anti-Americans (God I hate that phrase, if your not with me you must be Anti-American)would have consentrated on the use of Napalm, er firebombs! I'm sure they were banned a while back too!

  8. Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

    I find that last remark of Steves deeply racist, Most Kilts aren't funny colours, they are muted and tasteful.

    As a Scot I can't really complain about the rest as it's pretty accurate.


    Well peter and I actually can agree here, and of course there is nothing like the freedom of the Kilt in a Highland summer........ ;)
  9. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    We're still shooting for the end of Winter 2006, but it will likely be Spring 2006.

    The game *is* very far along, just not in the way you guys think of it. Think of it like a new car. Years of engineering go into the thing, along with lots of test bits and pieces that are on work benches being fine tuned. The car only takes prototype form very late in the process, with full production capable in a relatively short time after that. Therefore, probably 70% of the car design timeline would be about the same as you are seeing here... a discussion of small parts of the car in (roughly) the order they are designed and implemented, with only a limited amount of information available about the "big picture".

    And yeah, if you look at the screenshots we have released the ground texture was taken right out of CMAK smile.gif


    Thank you Steve, thats all I wanted to know.
  10. Maybe follow the best advice here and just STFU until they have something to tell you and stop making moronic demands. If this game is really that important to you maybe you need to step away from the keyboard before its too late...
    1. I never thought I'd asked you?

    2. There is absolutely no need to be a KNOB about it, thanks for your negative input - NOT.

  11. Well I didnt think my question was a rant. I didnt realise the game was so far away from completion either.

    One last question then.

    As far as BFC knows, what is the planned release date (month and year will do) for CMSF. Knowing this I can then come back here a bit closer to the time.

    Oh and thanks for the answer as well BFC.

    [ November 15, 2005, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: GSX ]

  12. Instead of the incessant drip feed, please just let us know what you are doing BFC.

    Im not particularly bothered if your going RTS, future war, small unit acion etc.

    Why the secrecy?

    Just tell me what you want SF to be. Please.....

    Theres no point in this continuing drip by drip information.

    Just tell me what SF is about and what it will do, you must know by now, you have said continually that you have been working on it for years.

    I would appreciate an honest answer here.

  13. I have some experience as a FAC. For the game I would like to see a FAC as we have an Arty spotter in CM1 now. He would define the target, but, in a built up area I would like to see a percentage chance of the ac actually hitting the building/target that has been defined. Not all FAC/CAS is laser designated, a lot is done by just talking and describing, i.e. you would say, 'look at the biggest building, I want you to hit the third building from that on the left'. Ground and air perception arent the same, and sometimes it goes all wrong. And if the air just isnt sure, they wont drop. Thats UK though, not US. Also, if the drop is wrong and it lands on friendlies, its the FACs fault......

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