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Everything posted by Ardem

  1. I don't mind suprises but that t-62 rush right where you suppose to go firm idiotic. the scenario creator for this one should got back to design school, you don't have instant pops right in front of you. I had half my recon platoon in that low area to cover my left flank if they came from obj diane, cause there was a decent amount of space, for an assualt from that direction. It was a great map up to that point. Seriously I expect better from a default map then that.
  2. how many saves and replay of maps should be included here hahah. I am playing through without replays. Its going to look a lot worse then above. <smile>
  3. I'm still not sure, what was the FOV of Tiger binocular sight. It's listed as 24-25deg usually. The monocular was listed usually as 25-26deg (little more). One source gives it as 28deg - same as in Panther's, and I can believe it as it would be probably same optics in two variants - for Panther and Tiger, both with 2.5-5x mag and 28/14deg FOV. Or was Tiger's TZF9c totally different construction from TZF12a ? In any case, the 2.5x FOV would be exactly 2 times larger than 5x FOV, and the 5x FOV is usually given as 14deg for TZF9c... Can anyone shed some light on these details and please provide sources for your answers.
  4. I am not sure if you completed this greenish tint early war grass mod, but if you have I would love to use it. I am making a few scenarios for 41 but need to be in a green terrain. All Combined. For a fantasy campaign. please let me know if youever completed these.
  5. Yossarian is a dead give away to armenian (or cacuasus back ground) All Armenians have 'ian' at the end of there name. So I am sure it would of come from around this area. For instance my wifes madien name is Samouelian Anyway I would disagree with your idea of an australian icon. We would have several Ned Kelly was a bushranger and gained his fame by holding up stage coaches and robbing people. He has the same fame as say the american's billy the kid or Jesse James. If you looking for a humantiarian that all australians know it would be Simpson. Simpson and his donkey was a stretcher bear in the first world war at Gallipoli, he carried wounded men down the hill under all sorts of fire. until one day only his donkey came back with a wounded person on it and he didn't. [ January 10, 2007, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: Ardem ]
  6. Platoon Size engagements??? This comes down to how the forces are broken up by the designer if the map forces on the strategic level are in smallest design a company level you would only see platoon level engagements if you force been widdled down and if that is the case it be rare both forces will be platoon level. I have played company level actions on a 2x2 map and you really only will be focusing on the defendable and attacking areas. Also the maps are broken into 4 quadrants, so if you got a platoon you may only be defending one flag point. So there is no chasing troops around the country side looking for a fight. The flag still becomes the reference point in who holds the square at the end.
  7. WoW not bad Hunter it is more then I expected.
  8. I have Nafzigers German Infantry Divions TOE. Has every Inf TOE for WW2 there is a panzer and artillery one and a waffen ss one. All no longer printed but if you look around you should be able to find one. Nothing come closers then this.
  9. " caused 5 causalities and out of those 5 two of the men were killed" Now here is something I don't know, how do you know he killed two and wounded 3. I only see down the bottom 6 in the casualty list.
  10. How about a Tiger platoon verus a sherman regiment like on Hill 112, with wittmann in charge do you think the auto resolve will even come close to that, I hoep it just doesn't take into account numbers but quality and terrain.
  11. I think you don't understand the vietnamense very well thinking is they invaded the North it was over, if anything it may have created another Korea situation with the chinese getting involved, also the people of vietnam would of just been doing what is happening in iraq now. You cannot supress a country, you can destroy it military or install a government. But unless you prepared to kill ever man, woman and child in that country you or any foriegn power will lose. So any modern warfare now is about trying to supress small units that always have the suprise advantage. Unless you want to do China v America, now that would be an interesting scenario.
  12. JasonC "The people peddling their silly solutions simply haven't played a CM campaign." Your not the supreme hero of tactics in CM, neither am I but I don't make I am either. I have a fair few campaigns under my belt and I have watched fists dwindle away, then counter attacked when they are at there weakess. I have seen fists succeeed. But to make a statement fist are the only thing that will happen in CMC is presumptuous and arrogant. Also my simple solutions as you call them have been tried and tested, I cannot set an example otherwise it would lift fog of war in CMMC, but limited units can tie down superior ones and Large Arty can make a mess of armoured formations. [ July 18, 2006, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Ardem ]
  13. It be interesting who would win in a auto resolve of a Tiger on a open hill top veruses Company of Shermans, I bet the allies would of loved to have Auto resolve IRL. hahhaha
  14. See your using the PAK wrong if you getting mortar fire on them, you should be expecting to lose the map. Keyhole your pak so it out of sight from mortars, there will be enough tanks that they will come across your keyhole eventually, have a truck stand by, kill a tank or two and bug out. Repeat the same process 8 (PAK) and back off to the next map. Hopefully you have taken out 5 tanks to the loss of maybe one or two guns. Use HMGs in cover to slow the infantry, use FO on the infantry to keep them supressed. Two or three maps zones like this and you should have enough of a defensive zone to defend a good spot with enough forces. Also use other forces to sweep his flanks and hinder his supply. I can't see how this is so hard to strategicly see. Now if you take two fists, then its a different story, but two fists is not like stacking all your troops in one pile. This aint like CM where you bug out you lose, sometimes it is more advantageous to hit and run. If your PAK can take out two tanks to its own loss, then as far as I am concern it is a good trade.
  15. I don't mind the stacking sense, I find the majority of stackers cannot wield there force in a CM game with teh effectiveness of half the size, why. just like Real life you don't have the time to plot a regimental move in CM when you have a 2 week dealine for the CMC campaign person threatening to auto resolve if you don't finish it. So what happens you use the heavy resources in your units and make the rest of them wait behind the front line or follow up. The smaller enemy uses it resources well get more opportunity to kill units and bug out before it gets to heated, eventaully the fist is slowly chewed up due to mismanagement more so then actually idealogy behind it. plus attack on the flanks of a fist allow those side shots you can't get in games at the moment with quick battles. I say please someone bring on a fist towards me, watch me nip at you heels until I rip your achilles out.
  16. Well if you create a massive fist and put just enough forces to impede its progress, a few forces to pincer the rear, orders to units may not be recieved, meaning the the fist may not turn around fast enough before it has lost its own supplies. Running out of supplies and fuel can turn a fist into a withering hand, next thing you know your won the game cause the fist got suckered into a closing gap. Flank security will just be as important as real warfare. Also a wide PAK front, can delay a force long enough for your own penetrations to be effective. Those that try a across the map formation may find they struggle as well. I really do think it comes down to terrain and seizing opportunities that present itself, not one strategy suits all. Arty: might be a 2x2 map, but your forces start in the area it has been assigned it so it may only be a 1km x 1 km area and 2 300mm rocket batteries (on plan) could ruin your day, the more tropos out there the greater the percentage of hits. Keyholing your Pak could take tanks in piece meal rather taking on a frontally assault. Also a person with a much larger force will tend to waste their units more willingly then those with smaller assests, meaning over a period of battles that force will take more losses as the commanders lesser ability to control all the units on a CM Map at once. Having played a few variety of different campaigns, I tend to disagree with JasonC assessment. I seen to many fist campaign players lose to over reaching and over confidence only to be struggling towards the end of the battle. [ July 09, 2006, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Ardem ]
  17. I suppose but you would have to take morale into it for campaign type battles otherwise the AI will throw away all its troops on a well set up defence by the human player.
  18. I have no sanity you know that Hunter LOL. TCP/IP regular game on a bi-weekly basis CMC in between then SC2 every second month. I think I could polish it off in 3 years ahahha
  19. Now if Strategic Command 2 and CMC and CM all linked together, now that would be a game and half. I would want to hear about that posting. I think game companies especially stragegic companies should make all there games link together. Or atleast ports to send information from one game to the next. Now that would be a game company worth supporting.
  20. I think how hard would it be to add an extra line of code to improve the AI. If I have a global morale less then 50% I should not attack, that would help some of the situation.
  21. Some of my research from my crimea stuff came from the help of Nils, as he is making his own crimea campaign seperate from CM altogether. But my angling is very different to Nils, which is more about Sevastopol and not the entry to crimea, and the defence on the russian counter attack.
  22. Hey Hunter Two new questions that I been mulling over as I am working on the maps for my Crimea Campaign Reinforcements, have always been on a time scale in the CM map, which is ok. But the strategic map, reinforcements are normally given when things are reaching a critical level. For example if the russians are attempting a breakthrough in a particular line and your simulating it, reinforcement are sent to that sector once the attack has obtained success, which is normally determined on reaching an objective point. Similar to the defence reinforcements are rushed to the scene if the last gateway to berlin is opened up and fire brigade units are sent. So the question is can reinforcements be triggered off objectives not just a time value. ----------- Fortifications, I am curious how these will be dealt with, Firstly is there a way to lock fortifcations in the map building process and be locked in. So historical trench setups are included. Or is there at the very mininum each sector having a fortification level that the defender is given as certain amount of fortification points. The reason being this is not fortifications that are made in game but have been developed over months.
  23. I seen a beta version of it very recently and it definately not vapourware, so don't be too concerned, I am sure once they sort out a couple of the bugs that have appeared it will be on the way. Only my opinion and from the look of it, the CMC part looked complete. So be patient and hopefully Hunter will come back soon and say all bugs sorted and will be shipped in ????
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