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Everything posted by Kobal2

  1. Oh. I'll rephrase then : it's just his act. You know, pass for a doofus and all that. Pyskologikal warfare, as it were. Try and make his ennemy believe he lacks wit, tactics, and/or fecking eyes. Only problem is, of course, everybody but him knows he lacks wits, tactics and/or a pair of eyes. But he insists on proving it. Don't ask me why. He's spent our last 8 turns shelling sand. Maybe he believes it makes him "different". It certainly does, in a "subgenius different" way. You seem to forget our Bard-sized general. He prod mighty buttock.
  2. Oh feck, he's back. God ain't on our side... Errr, long time no see, mister ! Happy to have you back with us and all that. Now go spank Lars please, be a good sport.
  3. @Gen.J_sun : have you noticed the lack of any Bren tripod whatsoever in the game(s), too ? /me whistles innocently
  4. Yes, I too believe Borg Spotting has a lot to do with that. IRL, just because one squad of inf. could see that keyholed German tank didn't mean you knew anything about it. You just saw Russian tank carcasses about, knew there was something fishy about it, were extra carefull... But even when you are carefull, even if you *know* it's there, walking into an ambush will get you killed...
  5. For his wife's sake I hope he didn't whip out the machete. Although one could argue that decapitation is way better than a long life by Nidan1's side, obviously. EDIT : Can't. I'm busy being called a neo-nazi over there, and I'm not multi-task. Me ! Neo-nazi ! A guy who dodged a THREE DAYS military obligation ! And you expect me to take something intellectual *there* ? T'would be like losing virginity all over again : much expectations, gross desillusion. [ June 17, 2004, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: Kobal2 ]
  6. You know, toomfooleries set aside, that could be a pretty good philosophical question : is the music you compose influenced by the language you think in ? Had that marvellous genius Beethoven been born Irish, would his music have been the same (I'm convinced this whole sentence is messed up, syntax wise.) ? I've always felt art was transcending borders myself, that beauty was somehow innate inside the artist's mind, but debating such notion would be a nice intellectual game. Of course, once again, expressing matters of intellectual nature in the den of amadans that is the Peng is the sure sign of a misguided mind, you small scale whiskey jar.
  7. Is there any other kind? Oh yes. There's also the suicidingly-sad-yet-enduring-their-bitter-life ones, like Goethe. That may have something to do with said bottle. Although I'm told delirium is quite frightening, most of the times but hey, if it's *that* bad, why are LSD hippies always smiling ?
  8. 'People say German is a harsh and unmusical language, and French is a beautiful language. German is the language of Goethe and Beethoven! Have you ever heard an angry Frenchman? It's like listening to a cat being flushed down a toilet! Ah, yes, the heart rending, gut wrenching beauty of Beethoven's poems... And an angry German sounds like a 10 foot bloodtick on cocaine. Especially that fellow with the silly little mustache. Watching his speeches is like watching a combat-drugged monkey threatening corporal punishment on his banana if it persists in not opening itself. You'd really believe German was made for yelling. A yelling German is quite intimidating, I'll grant them that.
  9. Newsflash Another turn, another minefield, still not a trace of the ennemy apart from those shells raining 100m from anything. Mines are the coward's weapon. Sign the petition to ban mines. Think of the children.
  10. How dare you, whose nation's greatest military leader was only tall enough to serve as coffee table on a submarine, insult the great Russian language? Not only is it the most descriptive language in the world, with the highest number of adjectives, but it is also the most versatile language to swear in, ty trimandobljadskii-pizdoprojobistyi'-gnidopodobnyi'-v-zhopu-ebushii'sja-hue-pidaro-gandon! Saloperie de nom de Dieu de bordel de putain de merde d'enculé de sa race de cons qui puent la patate qui pue. Ty kurva. As Lambert Wilson puts it, cursing in French feels like wiping your arse with silk.
  11. butterflies btw, has to be the most harmless creature on the face of this planet..even a furry rabbit looks like a bloodthirsty werewolf when compared to a butterfly And by this, of course, you show your inculture. Only a beotian would think of butterflies as harmless, lovable creatures. Need I remind you the little sods are to blame for all them tornadoes and stuff, by flapping their cursed wings in Japan or sumtink ? But you're right about German language though. Only language where "I love you" sounds like "let's invade Austria". But then again, in Russian "I love you" sounds like an underwater fart. And "jag älskar dig" ? What backward, neanderthal hick language is that ? Sounds like a doctor telling you you've got two weeks to live.
  12. Don't know the specific scenario, but when you have no cover, smoke is your best buddy
  13. Where there's smoke there's fire... Yep, I'm told this philosophy was quite popular in Salem. Proverb grog.
  14. I just realized that I cannot stand Kobal2 (sp not . Much like a bowl of snot he just sits there, annoying the hell out of anyone who accidentally happens to spot him...filling everyone with a strange combination of disgust and confusion. I'm sorry, you were saying you keep your snot in bowls ? And they say we French are unhygienic.
  15. I'm not losing. It's all in your sick mind, I tell you. I chase him here, he chase me there. I'm sieging him. I cut his head off in the rocks, in the sand and in the bushes. He can't win, because my Germans surround him from the North, West, East and South. It's all in his sick mind.
  16. I swear Lars believes CM is just chess with tanks on top. It's the only explanation I can find in his favour for placing so many bloody mines. I'm expecting him to announce "Bishop takes PanzerIV, H6" next turn. Blockheaded, coward, terrorist minelaying mercenary ! I'd hurl in your general direction, if your soldiers had the simple guts to show themselves ! Sandcrawling spineless maggot ! Stand up and fight ! I'll welcome you with bullets and shoes, God willing !
  17. Waiting till they're point blank to shoot is good, but you can send arty before that. If the area around your defense point is wide open space, you can either shell'em if they try to leg it across the open space, or blow away the few covers. If there's loads of attack routes, put up a few listening posts (lone half squads, tank hunters, snipers...) to vaguely know where his troops are, and shell away. Even if you don't do massive casualties, you'll slow him down by forcing his guys to crawl away from the shelling/find another route, and blow his morale. If you more or less know (or believe you know )where your opponent is going to advance, one thing you can do is have your FOs get a LOS on that route, and target arty there. Every time the countdown reaches 1 minute, retarget arty, close enough to have the countdown set back 1 or 2 minutes only. This way, you'll have an arty strike ready to fall any minute, at the first ennemy sighting, even if your arty unit takes 8 minutes to be allowed by Battalion/Corps/Army staff. If the arty falling down on your guys is the ennemy's...not much you can do about it , besides buying trenches for your defense (arty doesn't do much to entrenched inf.) if you can. You can also try and spread out your forces more, so that not *all* your army can be blown by one good arty strike. Maintaining a reserve force to be launched wherever it's needed the most/where the ennemy has broken the line of defense works too.
  18. AT rifles may also be shown as antitank teams, I believe.
  19. Yeah ! We want the Green Beret, and the swimmer guy, and the Spy to poison the ennemy without being noticed ! (sorry, couldn't resist)
  20. Doesn't the pattern of shells have something to do with the wind ? From what I've seen, the shelling always came more or less parallel to my starting side, I never noticed a specific pattern - but it very well may be that I only played scenarios where I started north or south.
  21. (as a totally irrelevant side note, I recently learnt the meaning of the english idiom "riding shotgun". I found it highly amusing, since in France, that seat is called "la place du mort" (literally : dead man's seat))
  22. The scenario that depicted Winters' attack on the arty guns on D-Day was somewhat like that too.
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