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Everything posted by WindyCity

  1. You have got to be one of the biggest condescending forum members of all time. I am sorry if this debate has inconvenienced you . I truly did believed that no other Nationalities ever adopted the marking of barrels to note their kill totals. Again, sorry you felt the need to join a debate that in turn only disgusted you at my lack of total WWII knowledge. PS: thanks anyway for the info, I stand corrected [ October 06, 2006, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: WindyCity ]
  2. Ok, Did some research last night , the only reference I could find to “Kill Rings” is in … Panzers A Revolution In Warfare, 1939-1945 ..by Roger Edwards Seems that the habit of marking your barrel was picked up by Armor crews after seeing them on AA barrels, Seems that the marking a kill on ones barrel has no official endorsement, but was widely used by 88 crews, and first was seen in North Africa.
  3. Truth be told, Most RTS forums are just as responsible as developers for RTS being looked on as four letter word. [ October 05, 2006, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: WindyCity ]
  4. You keep posting on how I am the wrong side, (what ever that means). But in return have a complete lack of any evidence kill-ring were used by “OTHER” nationalities other then Germany. You are basing your whole debate on a single photo link that I have yet gotten to work. I am telling you, I have never seen any other nationalities use kill rings . Truth be told the Germans rarely used them. One photo is by no means significant proof that “OTHER” nationalities indeed used them. Is it possible a stray tank did so for grins/photo , yes of course that is a possibility I will give you that. You personally have contributed ZERO evidence supporting your theory. But please try to be at least a little realistic, and end the out right personal attacks.
  5. Sabot did indeed served He is not 14
  6. That's not fair. These types of remarks are made by people from all over the US, not just southerners. </font>
  7. Thanks a ton Mikey for the work you put in to your mods. Awesome work agian
  8. WTF kind of reply is that, "are you from one of the countrys we conquered". Let me guess where your from ........."The South" But what does that have to do with your mod pedaling. You know there are a TON of CM fans reading this forum, but still you trash CM at every chance, and run for cover behind your twitchy crowd as soon as your called on it. Just because BF let you get away with your pluging your mod does not give it validation. Panzers has nothing even remotely resembling anything realistic, But on the other hand if you really what to start a CM V’s Panzers realism debate I would like to invite you up to one of the CM fourms away from all the twitchy monkeys.
  9. Thanks treamyn for jumping right in a putting this one to rest, hell who knows where it might have lead with out your intervention., perhaps as far as the authorities knocking at your door :eek:
  10. Ok, just so I got this straight. Its perfectly acceptable to just vomit out your opinions at every opportunity in regards to anything negative CM. But in return I should keep my pro CM realistic view of the cookie cutter crap the game industry piles on to the store shelf’s in hopes by some stroke of luck someone in the community like yourself will pick the hunk of sh!t up where they left off ( around the Alfa build) . I don’t care less for Panzers (tried the demo) much less your mods, so just keep your mod pedaling to your so called Panzer community . And in return I will keep my trap shut on how stupid I think resource building on Omaha beach is. Deal
  11. traemyn, playing with toy soldiers in his mom's backyard :eek:
  12. WTF do you know about a quality war gaming, aren’t you the clown that has spent your free time modding Panzers.
  13. HELP ! I thought I remember seeing someplace here on the forums some time back (years) on the procedure to get the map editor to place RR tracks under land bridges. I did a search and have turned up nothing , any help is appreciated.
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