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Everything posted by WindyCity

  1. I just uploaded the update for fall and summer. I also have been using Ed Kinney feild mods for sometime now. But you hit on something I was thinking also on the all ping doodads its a good idea. Anyway I thank you for your tips and info but I need to ask one more thing, what zip programe would you recommend so in the future I can make it a little easier for the 56k. Thanks agian
  2. I just gave it a look as fall textures, your right it does look pretty good with out the doodads. The fall textures i was (am) working on have a little more earth color.
  3. Thanks junk2drive for the tips, never crossed my mind to compress the files more. I am working on spring and fall with the look of resently plowed earth. Agian thanks
  4. Hi, I have been playing CM from pretty much day one and have re-texture BO.BB.AK to the point they real have no resemblance of what came out of the box. all due to the great mods at web page www.cmmods.com/ and I can't thank the makers of these mods enough. Well anyway I tried my hand at one myself. By no means is this mod (Summer Grain) a huge undertaking but I figured I would start small and get the hang of the textures in CM. At CM MODS it will be under A_SARGE take alook and give it a try. All comments are welcome.
  5. Ok sorry did not take your word for it. "2005 and not a day later " is by no means a EXACT release date. Not that I really care on the date BO/BB/AK will keep my wargaming needs satisfied by all means. You need to read the post before you TROLL I stated I had no idea that the interview was confirmed thats all. Wow guy go easy on the caffeine. :eek:
  6. Who is to say the author of that article is not just pulling the whole thing out of thin air.
  7. Ok now try it under the strees of trying to avoid getting lead poisoning, but also remember if a round or a fragment of a a exploding shell hits your book bag its going off like a stick of dynamite on your back.
  8. Raven Shield ,online play is oustanding. Also play IL-2 Forgotten battles online and SP. Tried Call of Duty for a time but the run and gun tatics are so bad, I like the way clans of Call of Duty think thier playing a realistic game as they run around spraying MG fire in every direction. hehe NOT!! FF being on does not = realistic game play dorks.
  9. I have been working with the map editor for a time and have made a couple small map that worked out just fine (around 500X500m). But I have started work on a huge map and the biggist I can get the editor to go is 6000X4000m. Is there anyway to go to 6000x6000.
  10. Germany could never have been able to mantain/supply that size of a front period in 40 or 52 for that matter . Anyway as much as America was needed in helping the Brits out, we did not bail them out. Germany would have had a rifle,pitchfork,frying pan pointed at them from every bush if they invaded England , the Brits could and were holding there own.
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