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John DiFool the 2nd

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Everything posted by John DiFool the 2nd

  1. They're in there (helos that is). The victory conditions probably will need tweaking admittedly.
  2. You rang? The problem with 1 chit of course is that at low percentages the standard deviation is all over the map (literally). Stories, such as the one someone posted this week, of people not getting a single hit all game long, in something which has had the chit since day 1, are statistically more common than you think. I'd sure like someone to try a single 25% chit system-at an expensive cost (c. 500 MPPs). Thus instead of the lottery, where any chits you toss in the pot are almost an afterthought in a way, tech now becomes a definite investment, and a tradeoff of quality vs. quantity. So, Germany, you have level 3 tanks going into June '41: too bad you can only buy 3 of them. This is what the late Kuni did in his Barbarossa scenario (his were even more expensive at 1,000 a shot).
  3. By the end of 1940, 10 Essex class CVs and the original 4 Iowa-class BBs had been ordered, and several of the South Dakotas were already being built (and the North Carolinas were already on shakedowns). I could probably find some analogous figures for the army (and army air corps). FDR may have promised to maintain the country's isolationist stance, but he certainly didn't do so in reality.
  4. Yep...there's about a 1.5% chance that a 5% chit won't pay off in 80 turns (about 5 years game time).
  5. His ego does. Like I said some people won't ever grow up. But why did Kuni get bounced too? Post #25 seemed very tongue in cheek to me.
  6. It's amazingly sad to see people who can't seem to learn from experience...
  7. I've thought about this before, but Hubert has always come down on the side of playability, and I'm not sure it would work without stacking ships into convoys/task forces (as otherwise you might need at least 2 escorts per convoy to allow for a reasonable chance to protect it from attacks from any direction). With a sufficient sized map it might work, where it would take c. 5-6 turns for the convoy to cross the ocean-otherwise the window of opportunity for the u-boats to intercept it would be very slim. Hmm...is it possible to script things so that a "convoy" unit can be built in one country (replacing say AA or Special Forces) and shipped to another country (as a transport), unloaded, and a MPP bonus applied to the recipient upon disembarking?
  8. At this point I may want to issue the clarion call for the 6 player slugfest I've discussed before (pending the new patch of course and any subsequent adjustments on Nupe's end & the Repository of course).
  9. Since I was the one who originally inquired, I'd be there. The WWII maps and the strategies typically used have kind of burned me out a bit.
  10. Actually most French players would in fact rush their Maginot units back to Paris if the Belgian front is breached-they do no good just sitting there drinking their wine. Of course if the rail line is cut... The Caspian Sea shouldn't have a port-easy fix.
  11. Wasn't someone working on an ahistorical 6 country scenario where everyone starts out with their home country but no units?
  12. Both. In the case of the Germans even during a successful Barbarossa there will be huge holes in his line. I've already said my piece about the Russians. The Japanese need almost all of their corps in China (if going for a big push there of course) and simply don't have enough to garrison many islands (P vs. AI).
  13. Yes it does, at least it should in all recent scenarios I've played (option to do so is in the editor).
  14. As I said upthread I did that because I wanted to get a feel for game balance in a human vs. human game, both in terms of combat and economics (admittedly knowing of course that to a large extent that would be an iffy task at best). The relative lack of any Russian resistance at all (economically mainly) was a pertinent outcome of that; in 1942 he simply didn't have the hordes of new units that I would expect, and, given the expanded map/resources for the other players, the relative lack of Russian mines/oil and Ural industrial centers was glaring. And in the future I don't know if I will be aggressive in China, as it's literally thousands of MPPs spent (mainly in terms of new garrisoning ground units) to capture 18-36 MPP/turn worth of towns.
  15. Historically, they surrendered (switched sides rather) soon after the Allies got a beachhead on the boot. Rome only fell more than a year later IIRC.
  16. Just finished (effectively) a game vs. a flat (+0 +0) AI. Yes, I was very aggressive in China-so much so that a competent US player would have owned my fleet (but the AI "forgot" where Kido Butai (5 CVs strong) was in the Battle of the Marshalls Islands, and they lost most of their fleet because my CVs were only attacked a couple of times). Other than the stuff I mentioned upthread, the US never did anything in the European Theatre (was that a waiting for the patch issue Al?), and the British Overlord was pathetic (esp. considering I was invading him at the same time with 5 CV's, 15 air units, dozens of land units about to land, etc.). Russia seems to be lacking a lot of the Urals industry/mines and southern oil they had, and I never saw any Siberian reinforcements-even at +2/+2 they would have been a cakewalk. Why are German subs half the cost of those of the other majors? As a u-boat buff that was a pleasant surprise (and 7 +5 experience tech 3 subs running around taking 100 MPPs a turn from a helpless Britain was fun in a way, don't get me wrong). I'd also seriously think about a tech revamp-say 400 MPP chits (1 max) for a 25% shot at a level. You'd be virtually guaranteed to get what you want in 6 months (or, bump the max chit level back up to 5), but you'd have to focus research more carefully.
  17. Amen to that (as I've said before ad nauseum). And put the progress percentages on the tech page too (0-100), so I can see how close I am. My latest game with Al's mod had the Germans with 2 chits in Naval Warfare (I was building up the Plan Z fleet) for over two years, and not one hit. The chit lottery has got to go! No R & D company in the world, past or present, would live with (or even survive) such a random system.
  18. I didn't on this run because I wanted to get a feel for what would confront me in a human vs. human match (the math of combat mostly). Aaaannnd I just got an Axis Decisive Victory by taking Moscow (and I assume Tehran contributed to that). I think that is a little early for the Allies to throw in the towel.
  19. Post #53, tho Al reposted it. Question about Iraqis-they already had the pro-Axis coup happen, and I took Egypt, and now my entire force down there is in Jordan...and the readiness % (70% Axis) hasn't budged. I would have sworn that all of Hubert's vanilla scenarios had a trigger down there to cause them to swing all the way to Axis if that happened. Nevermind, just as I typed this they triggered all the way-tho the 6 chits I had on them might have helped of course. And I keep getting messages about French partisans doing damage, but all cities and resources remain untouched.
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